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458 lines (349 loc) · 13.3 KB

File metadata and controls

458 lines (349 loc) · 13.3 KB


The auth file stores information that is used to authenticate with the service or make authorized requests. This includes credential information, schemes for creating authenticated/authorized request payloads and user sessions to retrieve OAuth2 tokens.

The auth file is referenced in the mandatory info file. The preferred filename is credentials.json.

Quick Reference

    "creds": {
        "client0": {
            "type": "oauth2_client",
            "description": "OAuth Client",
            "client_id": "aabbccddeeff123456789",
            "client_secret": "abcdef12345678998765431fedcba",
            "redirect_uri": "https://localhost:1234/test/",
            "authorization_endpoint": "",
            "token_endpoint": "",
            "grants": [
            "scopes": [
            "flags": []
    "schemes": {
        "scheme0": {
            "type": "header",
            "key_id": "authorization",
            "payload": "token {0}",
            "params": {
                "0": {
                    "id": "access_token",
                    "from": [
    "required_always": {},
    "required_auth": {
        "req0": [
    "users": {
        "user0": {
            "account_id": "user",
            "user_id": "userXYZ",
            "owned_resources": {},
            "allowed_resources": {},
            "sessions": {
                "gbrowser": {
                    "type": "browser",
                    "exec_path": "/usr/bin/chromium",
                    "local_port": "1234"
            "credentials": [


Parameter Type Optional
[creds] Object No
[schemes] Object No
[users] Object Yes
required_always Object Yes
required_auth Object Yes

creds schemes users

Credentials for the service defined as credentials objects. Keys are used as identifiers for referencing the specific credential object.

Schemes for authenticated/authorized requests defined as scheme objects. Keys are used as identifiers for referencing the specific scheme object.

This attribute can be used to define the minimum required schemes to make requests.

Contains groups of schemes, where each group consists of a list of scheme IDs. At least one scheme per group should be included in a request. The first scheme ID in each group is internally used as the default scheme.


    "required_unauth": {
        "group0": [
        "group1": [

To make an unauthenticated/unauthorized requests, one scheme from group0 and one scheme from group1 should be included in the request. For group0 the only option is using scheme header0. For group1, we can choose between the schemes query0 and cookie0. By default, the tool chooses the first scheme listed for each group, i.e. the request will include the schemes header0 and query0.

This attribute can be used to define the minimum required schemes to make authenticated/authorized requests.

Contains groups of schemes, where each group consists of a list of scheme IDs. At least one scheme per group should be included in a request. The first scheme ID in each group is internally used as the default scheme.


    "required_auth": {
        "group0": [
        "group1": [

To make an unauthenticated/unauthorized requests, one scheme from group0 and one scheme from group1 should be included in the request. For group0 the only option is using scheme header0. For group1, we can choose between the schemes query0 and cookie0. By default, the tool chooses the first scheme listed for each group, i.e. the request will include the schemes header0 and query0.

creds Object

Parameter Type Optional
type String No
description String Yes
type-specific Any -

Type of credentials. This type determines which additional type-specific parameters are expected to be included in this object by the tool. Type-specific parameters for each type are linked below.

The following types are currently supported:

  • [oauth2_client](#oauth2-client-type): Credentials for an OAuth2 client and information about authorization/token endpoints.
  • [token](#token-type): (Access) Tokens
  • [api_key](#api-key-type): API Keys/Tokens
  • [basic](#basic-type): Credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication (i.e. username/password)

Only the oauth2_client currently matters because these credentials are converted to OAuth2TokenGenerators.

Human-readable description of the credentials.

oauth2_client Type

Parameter Type Optional
client_id String No
client_secret String No
auth_endpoint String No
token_endpoint String No
redirect_uri String No
grants Array[String] No
scopes Array[String] Yes

ID of the configured client.

Secret for the configured client.

The OAuth2 authorization endpoint of the service.

The OAuth2 token endpoint of the service.

Redirect URI configured for this client. Currently only one redirect URI can be specified here.

Grants supported by the client. The tool can understand the OAuth2 grant types code, token and refresh_token.

Scopes supported by the client. If not present, the tool assumes that the client supports all scopes listed in the info file. If no scopes were specified there, checks that require a list of claimed scopes may be skipped by the tool.

token Type

Parameter Type Optional
access_token String No
expires_at Number Yes
scopes Array[String] Yes

Access token value.

UNIX time of the expiration date of the token.

Scopes assigned to the access token. If not present, the tool assumes that the access tokens is valid for all scopes.

api_key Type

Parameter Type Optional
key String No
client_id String Yes

API key value.

ID of the client for which the API key was generated.

basic Type

Parameter Type Optional
username String No
password String No

Username of the user.

Password of the user.

users Object

Parameter Type Optional
account_id String No
user_id String No
userinfo_endpoint Array Yes
owned_resources Object Yes
allowed_resources Object Yes
[sessions] Object Yes
credentials Array Yes


Login name of the account at the service, e.g., [email protected]. CURRENTLY UNUSED

Internal user ID at the service, e.g., master-hacker-1234. CURRENTLY UNUSED

Contains an endpoint definition for testing the authorized communication with the API. This can be used to check if the service has denied access to the client (because of rate/access limits or security protections).

The order of arguments is [<server URL>, <endpoint path>, <endpoint operation>].

Resources that are tied to the users account.

Resources that the user is allowed to access but does not own. CURRENTLY UNUSED

Sessions for authenticated users that can be used to establish user agents for OAuth2 authorization and token requests. They are defined as session objects. Keys are used as identifiers for referencing the specific session object.

Credentials that should be used for authorizing the user. CURRENTLY UNUSED

schemes Object

Parameter Type Optional
type String No
key_id String No
payload String No
params Object No

Type of the scheme that also determines the location of the created payload in the request.

The following types are supported by the tool:

  • header: Creates a HTTP header payload
  • query: Creates a query parameter key-value pair
  • cookie: Creates a HTTP cookie key-value pair
  • basic: Creates a HTTP Basic Authentication payload

The string used for the key of the created key-value pair for the types query and cookie. If the type is header, this value is used as the header name. If the type is basic, this value is ignored as its assumed to use the Authorization header.

Pattern of the payload to create the value of the key-value pair for query and cookie, or the header payload for type header, respectively. For type basic, the payload is inserted into the Base64-encoded part of the header payload.

The mattern may contain parameters for dynamic auth data that is inserted at runtime, e.g. an access token value. Parameters are referenced as IDs enclosed by curly braces ({}). The credentials used for this dynamic auth data must be referenced in the params attribute.

Defines the source of the auth data for parameters used in the pattern defined by the payload attribute. Keys in the params object are parameter IDs. Each value is a parameter object that contains the following attributes.

Parameter Type Optional
id String No
from Array[String] No

The from attribute is a list of credentials IDs that can be used as a source for the auth value. The value of id is the name of the key in the credentials object that is used to access the auth value.

Example (header):

    "type": "header",
    "key_id": "authorization",
    "payload": "token {0}",
    "params": {
        "0": {
            "id": "access_token",
            "from": [

Assuming the access token for credentials token0 is 12341234abab, this scheme will result in the following header payload:

authorization: token 12341234abab

Example (basic):

    "type": "basic",
    "key_id": "authorization",
    "payload": "{0}",
    "params": {
        "0": {
            "id": "access_token",
            "from": [

Assuming the access token for credentials token0 is 12341234abab, this scheme will result in the following header payload:

authorization: Basic MTIzNDEyMzRhYmFi

session Object

Parameter Type Optional
type String No
test_url String Yes
type-specific Any -

Type of the session that also determines how the session is established.

URL to a protected resource that only the owner of the session should be able to access. After establishing the session, the tool will send a request to the URL. If the response status is not a 2XX status code, the session is not considered valid.

The following types are currently supported:

  • [weblogin](#weblogin-type): Login via POST request to a login endpoint to create a new session
  • [cookie](#cookie-type): Use an established user session from cookies
  • [browser](#browser-type): (Recommended) Use an established user session in a browser

weblogin Type

Parameter Type Optional
url String No
params Object No

Login endpoint URL.

Key-value pairs of parameters sent in the HTTP body to the URL.

cookie Type

Parameter Type Optional
params Object No

Key-value pairs of cookies copied from the established session.

browser Type

Parameter Type Optional
exec_path String No
local_port String No

Path to the browser executable. Firefox or Chrome should both work, other browsers are untested.

Port used for the tool's internal HTTP server. The port should be available when starting the tool.