Everything boiled down to a bullet list.
Before auction:
- Sponsors and community members can donate items to the auction.
- Key auction sponsor to cover food/drink costs.
- $5 per person registration to cover room cost.
- Create google doc spreadsheet & donation submission form
- Communicate w/ donors & sponsors.
- Collect auction items in staff room.
- Split donations into ~30 items for auction and rest for raffle (if item is >=$250, must be auctioned.)
- Each auction item gets a description card w/ item #
- Key raffle items get unnumbered cards
- Sponsors w/ expo booth get card for booth
- Print thank you cards w/ custom logo, arts&crafts, etc.
- Print out list of #'d auction items for checkout
- Print out list of raffle items for MC to talk about during introduction preamble.
Auction Room setup (flip left and right as best fitting)
- Make it look pretty
- Stage in center with podium
- 2 or more hand microphones w/ PA system by stage
- Large TV (or 2 or projection) by stage
- Laptop connected to TV/projection (connect to sound only if required for special events)
- Table labeled "auction" items on right side of stage, display items w/ cards
- Table labeled "raffle" items on left side, display items w/ cards
- Table on far left for selling raffle tickets and winning checkout
- Table with packaging materials past checkout
- High coffee tables by door entrance with numbered bidder paddles.
- Table outside room for accepting tickets, or charging $5 at door (space allowing). NOTE:Only PSF accountants accept money
Volunteer roles
- PSF accountants 3+ - only ones who can take money, at door, raffle tickets, and winning bids. Only PSF staff work the door.
- MC 1 - Manages setting up the room, cleanup, volunteers, runs the auction, reads introduction, and selects auction item order.
- Auctioneers 4+ - Read the item description card. Auction the item. Write the winning bid on the card. Hand card to runner.
- Runners 4+ - Take the item being auctioned and walk it around the room. Take the winner to the auctioneer for the card, and then to checkout.
- Helper 1+ - Help fill out raffle slips, enter the raffle slip info into the spreadsheet, draw raffle winners, help with item packaging.
- everyone? - Help w/ room setup and cleanup.
- Raffle tickets are $1 each (no discounts for many)
- Raffle slips (carbonless copy) are used with # tickets purchased on it. Each slip has a unique ID.
- Raffle slips are paid for and stamped by PSF checkout.
- Additional tickets can be added, must be added to CC book, and stamped again.
- A person can only win ONCE no matter how many tickets are purchased.
- Raffle slip ID's will be drawn throughout the auction, with ID's called out and typed on laptop to be displayed on TV/projection.
- raffle.py for drawing winners.
- Raffle is first come first server, pick what you want from remaining items available.
- PSF staff manage the door, accepting tickets or charging $5 entrance fee.
- MC gives the introduction explaining how it works.
- MC picks item order (w/ help from others)
- Auctioneer takes item and card. Calls for runner to take the item. Reads the card.
- Auctioneer actions item, standard 3 call, and writes winning bid on back of card.
- Runner goes to the winner, brings them to the auctioneer for the item card, and then to checkout to pay.
- PSF accountant checks the person out, and denotes in the record the item # on the card in the record.
- MC intersperses raffle winner announcements (10 at a time) managing for everything to go!
After auction:
- PSF accountants supply item #, winning bid, bidder info
- winners get hand written thank you cards
- delta (bid-value) reported to accountants