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Parameterized Suite

This library enables you to define parameters for a test suite.

It provides a new Runner ParameterizedSuite for JUnit 4 that combines the features of Suite and Parameterized. The new Runner can be used as a drop-in replacement for Suite.


  • Define parameters for a test suite by providing a method annotated with @Parameters - just as in Parameterized.
  • The test suite's child classes (annotated with @SuiteClasses) will be executed for every parameter.
    • The execution strategy is: "All test cases per parameter", i.e. for every parameter all test cases are executed in a row, then the test cases are executed for the next parameter and so on.
  • During test execution the current parameter is stored in a singleton ParameterContext, so that the test cases can access it from there.
  • Bonus feature: Annotations like @Before, @After,@ClassRule & @Rule are also available for test suites now!
    • In standard JUnit 4 test suites have not been instantiated (as opposed to normal test cases). That's why the annotations mentioned above were not available.
    • ParameterizedSuite gives you full access to these annotations.

Use cases

  • In Selenium, run your automated test with all the browsers you want to support! Just make your test cases accept parameters of type WebDriver and create these instances in your parameterized test suite.
    • Nice side effect: You can reuse your browser instance between the test cases! Loaded website and cookies will remain active when the parameter object is passed around.
    • And how to setup and teardown the browser? Here you have two options:
      • Just let your first test case complete the setup of the Browser (e.g. load URL, login?) and let your last test case tear down everything (logout, quit WebDriver?). This is very easy, but makes your test cases dependent on each other and more fragile.
      • Alternatively you can use @ClassRule or @Rule annotations. ParameterizedSuite enables you to use these features of JUnit also on suite-level! For the beginning treat your WebDriver like an @ExternalResource (on Suite level!) and let your test suite take care of these things.


This is how a parameterized test suite looks like:

@SuiteClasses({OneTest.class, TwoTest.class})
public class MyParameterizedTestSuite {
    @Parameters(name = "Parameters are {0} and {1}")
    public static Object[] params() {
        return new Object[][] {{'A',1}, {'B',2}, {'C',3}};

     * Always provide a target for the defined parameters - even if you only want to access them in the suite's child classes.
     * Instead of fields you can also use a constructor with parameters.
    public char myCharParameter;
    public int myIntParameter;

Your test case reads the current parameter from the ParameterContext:

public class MyParameterizedTestCase {
    @Parameters(name = "Parameters are {0} and {1}") // Always define a name here! (See "known issues" section)
    public static Iterable<Object[]> params() {
        if (ParameterContext.isParameterSet()) {
            return Collections.singletonList(ParameterContext.getParameter(Object[].class));
        } else {
            // if the test case is not executed as part of a ParameterizedSuite, you can define fallback parameters

    private char myCharParameter;
    private int myIntParameter;
    public MyParameterizedTestCase(char c, int i) {
        this.myCharParameter = c;
        this.myIntParameter = i;

    public void testWithParameters() {
        // ...


You can find a fully working example in the tests of this project: ExampleParameterizedSuite.
Multiple parameterized suites (and non-parameterized) can also be combined by another test suite as TopLevelNoParametersSuite demonstrates. They won't interfere with each other.

Dependency setup

Add the following dependency declaration of parameterized-suite together with JUnit 4.




dependencies {
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12',

Known issues

Define a name for the @Parameters method in your test cases

Define a name like the following: @Parameters(name = "Parameter set #{index} - {0};{1}").
This makes your test cases not only more readable, but it also prevents you from an Eclipse bug!
When the same test with the same name is executed twice, the results will only be attributed to the last node of that test in the test execution hierarchy tree - leaving the other nodes of the same test stale. By defining a unique name you can circumvent this bug. Therefore I suggest to include a String representation of your current parameters (e.g. {0};{1} for two parameters).

Background info

Before I made this library publicly available, I blogged about Implementing a parameterized test suite in JUnit.


This library is licensed under EPL - version 1.
The package com.github.peterwippermann.junit4.parameterizedsuite.util also contains source from JUnit 4. See details in the package info and the license file.
