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Sorry! I just received an email saying I was taking a little too long and I’m falling behind. I’m only going to be writing notes on things that I didn’t know beforehand.
Table of Contents
- Style
- 15.1 Introduction to Style
- 15.2 Working with focus styles
- 15.3 Quiz: Write your own focus styles
- 15.4 Input Modality
- 15.5 Styling with Aria
- 15.6 Quiz: Quiz: Styling with ARIA
- 15.7 Responsive design for multi-devices
- 15.8 Responsive design for multi-devices part 2
- 15.9 Mobile Screen Readers
- 15.10 Mobile Screen Readers iOS
- 15.11 Mobile Screen Readers Android
- 15.12 Quiz: Using Mobile Screen Readers
- 15.13 Seque to Color & Contrast
- 15.14 Meeting Contrast Requirements
- 15.15 Quiz: Contrast Audit
- 15.16 Don’t convey info with color alone
- 15.17 High Contrast Mode
- 15.18 Lesson 6 Outro
- 15.19 Course Outro
body text: It requires a minimum of 4.5:1 color ratio. Large text: requires a minimum of at least 3:1 color ratio.
on a white background, the color of the text (if grey) shouldn’t be any lighter to 666666
For those that need enhanced contrast, body text should be at least 7:1 and large texts should be at least 4.5:1
color alone should not be the sole factor in conveying content or distinguishing visual elements.