Releases: OpenAPITools/openapi-generator
v4.0.0 release
4.0.0 is the first major release since the project's public debate in May 2018. Once again we appreciate all the contributions from the community to make this happen. This release comes with breaking changes with fallbacks and without fallbacks. Please refer to the following lists for more information:
For a full list of changes, please refer to the "Pull requests" tab.
New Generators 🆕 :
- csharp-netcore
- fsharp-giraffe-server
- graphql-nodejs-express-server
- typescript-rxjs
Here are some highlights:
📕 = Breaking changes without fallback
📒 = Breaking changes with fallback
- [core] add support for model as query params #2489
- Correct issue with OAuth scopes not propogated correctly #1982
- Better handling of inline composed schemas in InlineModelResolver #2112
- Update swagger-parser-version to #2775
- [docs] Document new templating engine, adding ability to reference templates #2773
- [all] Adds strict spec option #2783
- [general] Remove swagger-codegen "lang" mappings #2785 📒
- [templating] Load TemplatingEngineAdapter via Service Provider #2755
- Improve InlineModelResolver: MapSchema support #1800
- Better support for composed schema (allOf) #1842
- Better handling of OAuth security schema #1838
- Refactor InlineModelResolver #1788
- Deprecated initialCaps #1821
- Delete unused method #1744 📕
- Remove self-reference import #1758
- Better handling of allOf (composition) #1757
- Various fixes for free-form objects #1751
- [OAS 3.0] Fix composed oneOf type #1750
- Add support for multiple inheritance #1664
- Fix alias to free form object & map #1638
- Remove isNotContainer (mustache tag)#1629 📒
- Introduced GeneratorProperties as a thread-safe clone of System Properties #1598
- Delete
option #1592 📕 - Better OpenAPI spec v3 support: allOf, anyOf, oneOf #1360
- [GRADLE] upgrade to 2.14.1 in java/scala/androit client to fix Vulnerability #2416
- [C] C generator refactored #2463 📕
- Add warning about .net 2.0 framework reached EOL #2804
- [C#][.NET Core] fix map instantiation in models extending Dictionary #2776
- Remove emitDefaultValue option from C# generators #2559 📒
- [aspnetcore] Support async tasks and some code cleanups #2629
- [Aspnetcore] add nullable support to parameters and properties #2529
- [Csharp] add nullable support to API client #2528
- Rename generator: csharp-refactor => csharp-netcore #2348
- [aspnetcore] more configurable and generate abstract class library #2282
- [aspnetcore] migrate the docker image for the aspnetcore generator #2281
- C# refactor improvements: .NET Standard and .NET Core #2187
- Fix C# discriminator's mapping name #1942
- Use CompareNetObject for object comparison in C# client (refactor) #1765
- [C++][Qt5] Fix generation of optional file when model name prefix is selected #2341
- [C++][Qt5] Add enum support for client and server #2339
- [C++][Qt5 Server] Add support for free form object in requests #2288
- [C++] Use super class methods for Model and Api Filenames #2787
- [C++][Pistache] Allow socket address reuse option #2780
- [C++][Qt5 Server] Process server port #2782
- [C++][RESTSDK] support enums #2749
- [C++][RestSDK] Windows vcpkg vs2017 support #2751
- [C++][Pistache]Add server port processing #2743
- [C++][QT5] Emit worker also in response signal #1829
- [C++][Pistache] Fix missing const keyword in array and maps #1828
- [cpp-qt5] client response headers and validation of properties for client and server #1508
- [Clojure] Fix tests: stop dashizing props names #1310
- [Clojure] Add model generation and conforming #122 📕
- [Dart] Fix authentication for HTTP basic, API keys #2419
- [Dart] query arguments of requests are now url encoded #2250
- dart2: Do not add non-nullable fields to JSON string of models #2777
- [Elixir] update to 1.6 version #2741
- [Elixir] Deserialize responses based on status code #2355
- [Elixir] Update Tesla dependency to version 1.0 #2326
- [elm] Update ISO 8601 library (fixes missing time zone designator) #2545
- [elm] Import types in operations #2488
- [Elm] Bugfix .encode in modelTypeDiscriminator #2807
- [Elm] Fix repetitive enum prefixes #2784
- [elm] Enable setting Http request trackers #1609
- [elm] Allow setting base path for each request #1538
- Add support for UUIDs #1516 📕
- Update Elm for elm/http 2.0.0 #1510 📕
- Introduce optional weight function for commands and other improvements #1618
- Upgrade the erlang-server dependency from cowboy1.x to cowboy2.x #1364 📕
- [Golang][client] Make it possible to generate go.mod and go.sum files #2813
- [go] fix multipart for non-file inputs #2792
- [go] support decoding plain string responses #2414
- [Go] Fix up json check regexp and support vendor-specific mime types #2322
- New Generator: GraphQL Server #1603
- [haskell-servant] Fix parsing of special characters #2676
- [haskell-servant] Add some missing types to the generated modules #2675
- [haskell-http-client] add cli option
#2406 - [haskell-http-client] add support for import-mappings #2381
- haskell-http-client: update katip version bound #2305
- [haskell-http-client] Allow logger selection via cabal flags. Emit Consumes / for requestBody when not specified #2258
- Update StaticHtmlGenerator to allow snake_case property names #2612
- [html] Use ModelUtils to avoid NullPointerException #1948
- [JAVA][KOTLIN] fix var Naming for all uppercase with Numbers #2794
- Mark Java (jersey1) client as deprecated #2767
- [JAX-RS] Fix JSON polymorphism #2602
- Fix JaxRS-Jersey template for files upload #2570
- [Java][Feign] Support OAuth without 'expires_in' data #2563
- Update Java Vertx client dependency #2507
- [Java - OkHttp] Fix for the added interceptor and tests #2420
- [GRADLE] upgrade to 2.14.1 in java/scala/androit client to fix Vulnerability #2416
- Update Java client (okhttp-gson) dependencies #2368
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Fix incorrect use of OkHttp interceptors #2356
- rest-template: allow array parameters in path using collectionFormat #2177
- okhttp-gson: allow array parameters in path using collectionFormat #2137
- Add nullable array support in Java Spring generator #2660
- [Java] Generate OAuth related files only if OAuth security schema is used #1907
- [Java] Update okhttp version to the latest #1897
- Improve Java model with instantiated lists #1683
- Add nullable support to JAXRS-CXF parameters #1679
- Add mavenCentral to build.gradle #1674
- [Documentation] Add instructions to build the javascript client module #2806
- [JavaScript] fix index.js, ApiClient.js and test files generated to incorrect location (invokerPackage) #2511
- [JS][Flow] Fix body serialization when body is falsy #2499
- Add build script and remove babel #2439
- Add "servers" support to operation, path in the JS client #2060
- Add Bearer authentication support to JS client #2020
- Add multiple servers support to JS API client #1974
- Use JS ES6 as the default #1825 📒
- [Kotlin] add apiSuffix configuration #2690
- [Kotlin SpringBoot Server] alternative: fix optional parameter not correctly declared in service #2539
- [kotlin-spring] use spring resource for file handling #2455
- [Kotlin] Add ability to use modelNamePrefix/modelNameSuffix #2349
- [kotlin-spring] Allow DateTime to be remapped to others (LocalDateTIme) #1740
- Perl: Better Support for hash in deserialization #2713
- Use 4-space instead of tab in Perl templates #1830
- Add "nullable" support to Perl operation's parameters #1690
- Add multiple inheritance support to Perl client #1681
- [Slim] Fix AbstractAuthenticator constructor TypeError #2641
- [Symfony] Replace deprecated Controller with new one #2146
- [PHP-Symfony] Use Symfony Validator service #2143
- Add "servers" support to the operation, path in PHP API client #2072
- Add
tag to controllers to make them public #2059 - Enable serialization of non-null negative values (array, false, etc) #2032
- Add Bearer authentication to PHP API client #2013
- Add multiple servers support to PHP client #1964
- [PHP] Bump minimum required version to PHP7.1 #1491 📕
- [Slim] Abstract API controllers #1483 📕
- [Slim] Migration to PHP7 #1263 📕
- [PHP-Lumen] Lumen 5.6 support #212 📕
- Add process utils class to add index to properties #1796
- [Python] add the multipart files after sanitization in api_client #2122
- [Python Connexion Servers] BUGFIX: handle . in package names #2508
- Added proxy headers option for urllib3 #2467
- Adding retries option to override default value 3 of urllib3 #2460
- Adds exceptions module to python clients #2393
- [Python] add cookie support for authentication in the client #2367
- Add python-blueplanet server generator #2184
- [Python] Add "servers" support in path, o...
v4.0.0-beta3 release
- Update TestNG Version #2582
- Change default inline object name #2569
- Deprecate initialCaps and replace with camelize #2546 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Fix out-of-memory issue with nested objects with arrays with maxItems set #2536
- Add rule to maven-enforcer-plugin to prevent usage of SNAPSHOT versions #2509
- Better handling of operationId with slashes #2469 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Update documentation mustache templates for proper linting #2458
- Option to overwrite only changed files #2451
- Implement yamlsample config help output #2443
- Implemented yaml parsing for config file #2434
- Add packageName configuration to maven plug-in #2429
- [Maven plug-in] fix failure to read schema from the classpath #2409
- [MAVEN PLUGIN] fix javadoc, fix sonarlint issues in module openapi-generator-cli #2399
- PR for ability to easily debug newly created codegen classes #2388
- Fixing various issues reported by Sonar (part 2) #2295
- Update swagger-parser to '' #2262
- Fix NPE when array item is undefined #2247
- Better info message about using generateAliasAsModel #2246
- Fix various issues reported by SonarCloud reports #2229
- Refactor and use some Java 7 features #2225
- Fix missing nullable #2189
- Gradle - make GenerateTask properties optional #2185
- [core] fix referenced enum case #2175
- [core] consider schema in headers when computing unused schemas #2138
- [core] Fix NullPointer when schema is not set in header #2133
- Add servers support to the path and operation #2048
- Add methods to name interfaces (allOf, anyOf, oneOf) #2046
- Fix isFreeFormObject check for allOf, oneOf, anyOf #2044
- Making completion work with openapi-generator-cli or openapi-generator #2027
- [GRADLE] upgrade to 2.14.1 in java/scala/androit client to fix vulnerabilities #2416
- Remove emitDefaultValue option from C# generators #2559 Breaking change (with fallback)
- [C#][ASP.NET] fix "EmitDefaultValue" default value with false #2558
- [Aspnetcore] add nullable support to parameters and properties #2529
- [Csharp] add nullable support to API client #2528
- [aspnetcore] Feature/cleanup (contributor rebase) #2506
- [Java][C#][JS] remove localVariablePrefix #2423 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Updates the toInstantiationType method in the csharp generator, Adds spec additionalProperties + nullable examples #2405
- [C#][netcore] Fix package name in the localVar types #2378
- Rename generator: csharp-refactor => csharp-netcore #2348
- [aspnetcore] more configurable and generate abstract class library #2282
- [aspnetcore] migrate the docker image for the aspnetcore generator #2281
- C# refactor improvements: .NET Standard and .NET Core #2187
- [C++][Qt5] Fix generation of optional file when model name prefix is selected #2341
- [C++] [Qt5] Add enum support for client and server #2339
- [C++] [Qt5 Server] server allow api handler override of generated code #2308
- [C++] [Qt5 Server] Add support for free form object in requests #2288
- [C++][Qt5] Fix import for models with underscore #2168
- [Elixir] Deserialize responses based on status code #2355
- [Elixir] Update Tesla dependency to version 1.0 #2326
- [elm] Update ISO 8601 library (fixes missing time zone designator) #2545
- [elm] Import types in operations #2488
- [Dart] Fix authentication for HTTP basic, API keys #2419
- [Dart] query arguments of requests are now url encoded #2250
- [go] support decoding plain string responses #2414
- [Go] Fix up json check regexp and support vendor-specific mime types #2322
- Apply
for the Dockerfile ofgo-gin-server
- [haskell-http-client] add cli option
#2406 - [haskell-http-client] fix bug in test for Maybe A.Value #2382
- [haskell-http-client] add support for import-mappings #2381
- [haskell-http-client] use a decreasing size for Gen (Maybe a), to prevent infinite recursion #2343
- haskell-http-client: fix indentation in .cabal file #2306
- haskell-http-client: update katip version bound #2305
- [haskell-http-client] Allow logger selection via cabal flags. Emit Consumes / for requestBody when not specified #2258
- [Java][Feign] Support OAuth without 'expires_in' data #2563
- Minor improvements to Java API clients (feign, okhttp, retrofit, retrofit2) #2521
- Fix JavaDoc errors in ApiClient for resttemplate #2515
- Update Java Vertx client dependency #2507
- [Java] Instantiate HttpBearerToken authentications if so declared #2485
- [Java] Jersey2 - Always render setBearerToken no matter if OAuth2 is in use #2479
- [Java] Fix Javadoc issue in the client #2435
- [Java][C#][JS] remove localVariablePrefix #2423 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [Java - OkHttp] Fix for the added interceptor and tests #2420
- [GRADLE] upgrade to 2.14.1 in java/scala/androit client to fix Vulnerability #2416
- Update Java client (okhttp-gson) dependencies #2368
- Add more tests to the Java client #2365
- [Java] Update Javadocs for HttpBearerAuth #2364
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Fix incorrect use of OkHttp interceptors #2356
- [JAVA] Use specified data type in enum's fromValue instead of string #2347
- [java-server-msf4j] fix and upgrade #2303
- [Spring] fix datatype for non-multipart file request body #2271
- Java RESTEASY : fix defaultValue annotation double quoted in API operation #2268
- Java Spring : fix defaultValue annotation double quoted in api operation #2267
- [Java][JaxRs] bean validation annotation (e.g. NotNull) is applied to body param of api interface #2239
- rest-template: allow array parameters in path using collectionFormat #2177
- okhttp-gson: allow array parameters in path using collectionFormat #2137
- [Java] Bean Validation for decimalmin/max incorrect when exclusive set #2115
- [Java] Getter/Setter naming convention not followed in generated models #2095 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Remove localVarPrefix from Java client #2045 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [Java] adds snapshotVersion CLI option and uses API version as artifactVersion by default #2033
- Update CXF and Jackson to latest version #2017
- [JS] fix NPE for null string and improve Travis config file #2553
- [JavaScript] fix index.js, ApiClient.js and test files generated to incorrect location (invokerPackage) #2511
- [JS][Flow] Fix body serialization when body is falsy #2499
- Add build script and remove babel #2439
- [JS][Flow] various improvements #2298
- [JavaScript] Add petstore integration test to JS ES6 client (OAS3) #2245
- [JavaScript] fix JS default ot ES6 #2084
- Add "servers" support to operation, path in the JS client #2060
- Add Bearer authentication support to JS client #2020
- [Kotlin SpringBoot Server] alternative: fix optional parameter not correctly declared in service #2539
- [KOTLIN] fix variable name not correctly sanitized #2537
- Fix Kotlin default value #2513
- [Kotlin client] fix warning when else all covered #2470
- [kotlin-spring] use spring resource for file handling #2455
- [Kotlin] Add optional parameters to the method of api #2432
- Kotlin model name camelize #2430
- [BUG][Kotlin Client] API using case other than camelCase not generated properly #2391
- [KOTLIN Client] Update to latest kotlin version #2375 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [Kotlin] Add ability to use modelNamePrefix/modelNameSuffix #2349
- [Kotlin Server Ktor] upgrade to stable version (1.1.3) #2333
- [kotlin][client] bytearray conversion #2166
- Remove global options from PHP generators #2403
- [PHP] fix bad links in Model docs #2316
- [Symfony] Replace deprecated Controller with new one #2146
- [PHP-Symfony] Validate input objects #2144
- [PHP-Symfony] Use Symfony Validator service #2143
- [PHP] remove deprecated options #2083
- [PHP-Symfony] Catch serializer exception #2074
- [PHP-Symfony] Don't try to detect response format if method return nothing #2073
- Add "servers" support to the operation, path in PHP API client #2072
- Add
tag to controllers to make them public #2059 - [PHP-Symfony] Fix JMSSerializerBundle version #2057
- Enable serialization of non-null negative values (array, false, etc) #2032
- [PHP] Replace File.seperator with slashes in PHP projects #2007
- Added proxy headers option for urllib3 #2467
- Adding retries option to override default value 3 of urllib3 #2460
- Adds exceptions module to python clients #2393
- [python-flask] Do not skip unit tests when underlying type defines json #2390
- [Python][Flask] pythonic params #2374
- [Python] add cookie support for authentication in the client #2367
- Fix regex in Python server model code #2314
- Removal of number being default to example in python client #2228
- [Python] remove default value from being fallback to example #2213
- Add python-blueplanet server generator #2184
- [Python] Add "servers" support in path, operation #2052
- [python-flask] [python-aiohttp] [bug] Fixed handling of dotted module names #2041
- [Python] handle nullable parameters with None added to allowed_values #2034
- [python] [bug] Fixed handling of dotted module names #2016
- [python] [bug]Use actual value of generateSourceCodeOnly #2015
- Add better example code for R object #2492
- [R] url-encode path parameters #2397
- [R] skip error when directory already exists in the test script #2379
- [R sample] fix CircleCI error of outdated sample #2313
- [R] Fix NPE issue due to default value using example value #2231
- R client refactoring #2215 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [R] Fix query parameters in the API client #2214
v4.0.0-beta2 release
- Document 'x-enum-descriptions' and 'x-enum-varnames' #2010
- [Website] Add CNAME, Google Analytics ID #1958
- Add migration note about change in basePath #1957
- [core] cleanup: remove OpenAPI parameter from CodegenConfig methods #1953
- [Swagger-Parser] Update to version #1924
- Update Maven plugin README with new options #1917
- Better NPE handling for undefined request body #1896
- Clean up file output handling #1895
- [gradle] Add 4 boolean properties supported by codegenConfigurator #1881
- Add additional properties to Java CodegenModel #1854
- Fix missing RequestBody.required of inline request body #1847
- Add options to maven plugin #1845
- Update isModel flag when setting codegen parameter flags #1844
- Better support for composed schema (allOf) #1842
- Fix inline resolver in handling forward slash #1839
- Better handling of OAuth security schema #1838
- Better error message when parameter ref not defined #1837
- Delete langs command #1836
- Add primitive types support to ExampleGenerator #1835
- Add test cases for ExampleGenerator #1802
- [gradle-plugin] Array model change #1789
- Refactor InlineModelResolver #1788
- Improve test codes of InlineModelResolver #1787
- Minor fixes: remove unnecessary override #1906
- [C++][Client][C++ Rest SDK] Fix path parameters with format #1987
- [C++] [Qt5] Update Readme for qt5 server #1912
- [C++] [Qt5] Fix typo in Qt5 Server template #1859
- [C++][QT5] Emit worker also in response signal #1829
- [C++][Pistache] Fix missing const keyword in array and maps #1828
- [C++][QT5] plain object compilation fix #1826
- Fix C# discriminator's mapping name #1942
- Fix response headers in CSharp #1935
- [C#][Refactor] Fix nullable required property in the constructor #1819
- Fix various typos in the templates (Ruby, C#) #1803
- [DART2]: fix Map<String, nativeType> fromJson #1936
- [DART] fix: set fields to null if json value is null #1798
- Rename graphql-server to graphql-nodejs-express-server #1822 (breaking changes with fallback)
HTML (documentation)
- [html] Use ModelUtils to avoid NullPointerException #1948
- Update CXF and Jackson to latest version #2017
- [core] Handle referenced enum case correctly #2001
- Fix customized source folder in Java client #1978
- [java-jaxrs] Add Javadoc to enum (x-enum-descriptions) #1951
- Update Java default value in pom.xml #1949
- SCM and license parameters are now also for resteasy clients available #1934
- [Java] Generate OAuth related files only if OAuth security schema is used #1907
- [Java] Update okhttp version to the latest #1897
- [java-client][okhttp-gson] no oauth2 usage when hasOAuthMethods is false #1872
- Fix a problem that points to a folder that doesn't exist #1863
- [JAVA][JAX-RS] don't forget to support @JsonValue for enum #1833
- Deprecated initialCaps #1821
- Fix security issue with dependencies #1820
- Add Bearer authentication support to JS client #2020
- Add multiple servers support to JS API client #1974
- Use JS ES6 as the default #1825 (breaking changes with fallback)
- [JavaScript][es6][promise] better error response #1814 (Breaking change without fallback)
- [JavaScript] Added plugins variable for the javascript/ES6 client #1797
- Use 4-space instead of tab in Perl templates #1830
- Add Bearer authentication to PHP API client #2013
- [Slim] Update Readme #1995
- Add multiple servers support to PHP client #1964
- [PHP][php-ze-ph] Support for PHP 7.1+, Zend Expressive 3.2 and PathHander 0.4 #1902 (breaking changes without fallback)
- Add process utils class to add index to properties #1796
- Add Bearer authentication support to Python client #1999
- Add multiple servers support to Python client #1969
- [Python][AIOHTTP] Fix missing #1933
- [R] various bug fixes and enhancements #1965
- Fix Ruby invalid enum generation for numeric enums #1945
- Minor fixes: remove unnecessary override #1906
- Fix various typos in the templates (Ruby, C#) #1803
- Add bearer authentication support to typescript-angular package #1986
- [BUG][typescript-node] Generated package causes compilation errors #1911
- Add new generator: typescript-rxjs #1884
- [TS][Angular] fixing wrong model file suffix when identical with model suffix #1876
- [TypeScript-Node] support setting the content-type header per-call #1868
- [TS][Axios] Remove redundant right parenthesis #1864
- Minor Angular type improvements #1843
v4.0.0-beta release
4.0.0-beta is a pre-release before the official release of 4.0.0 in Jan/Feb 2019. It contains breaking changes (with or without fallback) and refactoring in the core modules to keep the project maintainable while enhancing it to support new features in OpenAPI v3 spec (e.g. nullable, oneOf, etc).
📕 = Breaking changes without fallback
📒 = Breaking changes with fallback
- Delete unused method #1744 📕
- Fix top-level group parameter #1779
- Add test case for InlineModelResolver: inline array response #1778
- Add test case for InlineModelResolver: inline array request body #1777
- Add test case for InlineModelResolver: inline array schema #1772
- Add test case for InlineModelResolver #1771
- Resolve inline models before preprocess #1761
- Add online generator tests #1759
- Remove self-reference import #1758
- Better handling of allOf (composition) #1757
- Minor fixes for InlineModelResolver #1756
- Maven plugins dependencies version update #1754
- Various fixes for free-form objects #1751
- [OAS 3.0] Fix composed oneOf type #1750
- Swagger parser update: #1721
- Fix enum and map of enum issue (regression) #1706
- [core] support for 'x-enum-varnames' for enums in arrays #1703
- Add support for multiple inheritance #1664
- Fix alias to free form object & map #1638
- Replace a deprecated method (java.lang.Class.newInstance) #1635
- Remove isNotContainer (mustache tag)#1629 📒
- Fix NPE in ModelUtils.isFreeFormObject() #1625
- [core] Fix NPE for endpoints without responses #1617
- Introduced GeneratorProperties as a thread-safe clone of System Properties #1598
- Improve checkout script on NPMJS wrapper #1595
- Delete
option #1592 📕 - Add tests to online generator #1591
- Replace
tags with<code>
to make new javadoc work #1585 - Better OpenAPI spec v3 support: allOf, anyOf, oneOf #1360
- Remove deprecated methods in default codegen #1031
- [cli] Don't log to STDOUT if debug flags are set #474
- [C] various bug fixes and enhancements #1497
- Use CompareNetObject for object comparison in C# client (refactor) #1765
- Fix C# client (refactor) warnings #173
- [csharp-refactor] Minor csharp refactor changes #1723
- Various fixes, enhancements to
client #1711 - [csharp] fix bug with useDateTimeOffset due to incorrect type name #1544
- [C#] Fix non-nullable enums on operation parameters not compiling #1543
- [cpp rest-sdk] Add status code to response handler #1541
- [cpp-qt5] client response headers and validation of properties for client and server #1508
- [cpp-qt5] Sanitize names in case number is present #1409
- [cpp-qt5] improvements for server and client #1284 📕
- [Clojure] Fix tests: stop dashizing props names #1310
- [Clojure] Add model generation and conforming #122 📕
- [Dart][Jaguar] various improvements #1596
- [elm] Enable setting Http request trackers #1609
- [elm] Allow setting base path for each request #1538
- Add support for UUIDs #1516 📕
- Update Elm for elm/http 2.0.0 #1510 📕
- Add instructions for erlang-server #1643
- Introduce optional weight function for commands and other improvements #1618
- Upgrade the erlang-server dependency from cowboy1.x to cowboy2.x #1364 📕
- GraphQL Server #1603
- Upgrade haskell-servant generator to latest LTS #1469
- [Java] Update dependencies to address vulnerabilities #1735
- Skip default value for container in Spring generators #1725
- Improve Java model with instantiated lists #1683
- Add nullable support to JAXRS-CXF parameters #1679
- Add mavenCentral to build.gradle #1674
- Fix the bug header bean validation is not performed #1661
- Fix serializableModel option for Java jaxrs-cxf #1656
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Fix bug when performing OAuth token retry #1576
- [JAVA][Server] Fixed issue #1525: Fix model class field initializations (Regression since 3.3.1) #1549
- Fix type inference error #1773
- Fix UUID support #1746
- [kotlin-spring] Allow DateTime to be remapped to others (LocalDateTIme) #1740
- Fix missing closing parenthesis #1739
- Add "nullable" support to Perl operation's parameters #1690
- Add multiple inheritance support to Perl client #1681
- [Slim] Add PHP CodeSniffer config template Breaking change (with fallback) #1764 📒
- [PHP] bugfix: Array and Map inner schema definition can be missing #1586
- [PHP] Bump minimum required version to PHP7.1 #1491 📕
- [Slim] Abstract API controllers #1483 📕
- [Slim] Migration to PHP7 #1263 📕
- [PHP-Lumen] Lumen 5.6 support #212 📕
- [python/asyncio] use ssl argument instead of ssl_context (deprecated) #1724
- Fix escaped regex values in Python client (#1517) #1539
- Set Python's pool_threads default value to 1 #1403 📒
- Improve model class of ruby-client #1670
- [Rust] Support formParams and fix list-params #1678
- Generic JSON body support in rust-server #1523
- Allow package version to be passed on CLI (Rust fix) #1286
- Better context errors #1198 📕
- [Swift 4] Use Info.version for podspec version #1760
- [Swift 4] Add
method #1727 - [swift4] Use RequestBuilder directly for RxSwift and PromiseKit #1718
- Mark swift3 generator as deprecated #1675
- [Swift] Updates for Swift 4.2 #1443
- Add nullable support to typescript-axios #1743
- Fix discriminator name not following variable naming convention #1742
- [Typescript-Angular] add nullable support #1730
- [TS][Angular] Fix TS version detection #1616
- [typescript-angular] Angular 7 compatibility of dependencies and package generator #1613
- [TS][Angular] Avoid strictNullChecks errors for apiKeys #1611
- [Typescript][Fetch] Fix bugs with new typescript-fetch generator #1545
- [Typescript][Fetch] client refactoring #569 📕
Release 3.3.4
The bi-weekly patch release comes with the 100th generator to the project: C client generator (Thanks @PowerOfCreation and @zhemant for their contributions). This is also the last patch release before the upcoming major release v4.0.0.
Here are the highlights of the changes from the awesome community:
- Update NPM installation instruction #1556
- [Maven Plugin] Add option to skip maven execution if the source is older than output #1502
- Improve error message when the spec is not found #1495
- Better warning message and default value #1492
- Add utility methods for free-form objects (isFreeFormObject) #1338
- Skip model generation if it's a top-level map or array #1296
- Add C client generator #516
- Fix NPE in the C# Nancy generator #1478
- Better handling of string type with different format #1558
- [elixir] Fixes
for header parameters #1537 - [elixir] Decode list with primitives #1536
- [elixir] Typespec: Fixes issue with formatted primitives as parameters #1534
- [elixir] Typespec - allow null on optional struct-attributes #1514
- Fix the function name starting with numbers #1513
- [Elixir] fix ":body" handling #1504
- [elm] Add support for nested Lists & Dicts #1528
- Fix header parameters display in the documentation #1579
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Add option to employ builders for API requests #1341
- [Spring] Add an option to return success code #1197
- Update JS client dependency #1578
- Fix boolean value handling in HTTP request body #1515
- Fix array of enum class in JavaScript client #1484
- [Kotlin] support
in collection type #1564
- [PHP client] Fix template for php #1540
- [PHP-Symfony] Fix wrong PHP Symfony typehint #1453
- Fix openapi_types generation error in Python Flask's models #1256
- Fix regexp in ruby-client #1521
- Fix NPE for Scala Gatling generator #1479
- Bump Zone.js to remove warnings when using angular >=6 #1522
Release 3.3.3
A bi-weekly patch release covering enhancements and bug fixes for 14 different languages. A refactored C# client (csharp-refactor
) has also been added so let us know if you've any feedback or question by opening an issue. A complete list of changes can be found in the pull request page. Below are the highlights of the changes included in this release:
- Test all generators with fake petstore spec 2.0, 3.0 #1439
- Fix run-in-docker by disabling useSystemClassLoader #1418
- Fix NPE when the paramName is null #1416
- Add tip about running online openapi-generator via Docker #1415
- [Docker] Change entrypoint to #1413
- Add top level x-group-parameters support #1405
- Improve ensure-up-to-date script #1362
- Update Gradle plugin's Readme.adoc with note about use of system properties #1356
- Feature: Run OpenApi-Generator maven plug-in from within Eclipse #1332
- [Android] Fix compilation errors when there's no model defined #1438
- Fix Java exception when using Apex client generator #1395
- Add file post-processing to C++ client, server generators #1440
- [cpp-qt5] Sanitize Model and API filenames #1411
- [cpp -qt5] Fixes double prefixing during model import #1398
- [cpp-pistache]Add support for map #1359
- [cpp rest-sdk]Fix precision #1293
- Fix issue with C# generator when the model name is "File" #1428
- Fix incorrect pattern in ASP.NET Core generator #1371
- [C#] Fix issue #1088 with generation of enum classes referenced from other objects #1089
- C# template refactor #737
- Fix defaultValue for String schema in Dart #1342
- [JAVA] generating Map with jaxrs-reasteasy does not import the hashmap #1426
- Java Spring POJO: fix javadoc comment #1384
- Fixes an issue where code generator for Java produces not compileable code #1357
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Add new ApiClient constructors for access token retry #1319
- Remove duplicated imports #1414
- Add file post-processing to PHP generators #1402
- Fix return_type parameter examples in ruby-client #1399
- Fix regex generated in Ruby client #1393
- Fix issue with Ruby client where strings from example properties are not wrapped with quotes #987
- [rust-server] Re-instate ApiRequestParser #1388
- Bug fix: Array and Map inner schema definition can be missing. #1363
- [rust-server] Enables the use of text/html responses as plaintext #1329
- Updates the Swift4 templates to address the warnings produced by the Swift 4.2 compiler #1407
- [Swift4] bug fix for date encoding Issues #1442
- Fix name sanitation when using kebab case file naming #1314
Release 3.3.2
v3.3.2 patch release includes Angular 7.x support, Erlang (PropEr) client generator and more. For a full list of changes, please refer to the list. Below please find some highights of the changes.
- Test JDK10 in Shippable, fix javadoc issue #1335
- Fix Maven repo URL (security warnings) for openapi-generator-cli #1333
- [CLI] Fix help command #1279
- Fix Gradle download link #1254
- Better handling of boolean options in the Maven plugin #1252
- [General] fix InlineModelResolver's logic and use openapi-generator's InlineModelResolver, so that nested "required" works correctly #1200
- [cpp rest-sdk] Improve method signatures to use const when the value won't change #1295
- [cpp-restsdk] Add ref support inside fromProperty #1235
- [csharp] Added constructor without parameter for C# template #1234
- removed unused import to fix build #1326
- [elm] Add flag to prefix custom type variants #1288
- [elm] Add support for
(map/hash/dictionary) #1262
- [Erlang][Server] Add two options: packageName and openAPISpecName #1303
- [Erlang] add PropEr (property-based testing tool) support #1102
- [html] fix bug in default infoUrl #1301
- [Golang][client] fix response decode error handling #1291
- Update CXF and Jackson to latest version #1343
- Update Spring core version #1265
- Fix jackson-databind (Java) security issue #1259
- [Java][jaxrs-resteasy] add @Valid when bean validation is enabled #1237
- Don't generate unused ApiException class for java/webclient #1165
- Add support for using Spring HATEOAS to add links in the Spring generator #1130
- [Java][Spring] Add bean validation for email data type #1115
- Add file post-processing support for Java generators #1052
- [JavaScript] Fix duplicated superclass constructor calls #1270
- [Lua] Remove outdated comment #1268
- Add group parameter support to PHP client #1337
- Fix W605 warning and reenable flake8 #1334
- Add "servers" support to Ruby API client #1280
- [Rust] Client library choice between hyper and reqwest #1258
- Update Scala (akka) dependencies #1294
Release 3.3.1
v3.3.1 comes with 30+ PRs for bug fixes, enhancements and more. Please to this page for a full list of PRs included in this release. Thanks again for the contributions from the awesome community.
Users using Java 9 or Java 10 can now also build the project directly (mvn clean install
) without using Docker.
- Add an option to enable file post-processing #1241
- [General][CI] fix gradle build error on java9+ #1240
- [cli] config-help writes doc-compat output #1239
- Fix export_generator shell script on Linux #1223
- Add JDK 9 support #1188
- Update maven plugin version #1184
- Improve "allOf" support #1169
- Update (broken) Vagrant configuration #1156
- Add files post processing to C# generators #1238
- [C#] Fixed issue #1126 with invalid generation of C# children models in allOf clauses #1127
- [C++][Restbed] Fix default value for Restbed #1186
- Fix enum value without escaping HTML special characters #1193
- Verify updatePetWithForm in Go client #1212
- [Go] Fix for form parameters (x-www-form-urlencoded) #1187
- Improve Go code format without gofmt #1173
- Add x-go-custom-tag to go-server generator #1146
- [Spring] Fix character conversion error #1195
- [Spring] Update spring-cloud generator to use openfeign #1191
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Fix bug when specifying grant-type (flow) for OAuth token retry #1183
- [Spring] Fix false in the Maven plugin #1179
- Allow specifying/overriding the parent in the pom file for Java and Spring #1132
- Refactor default and example values in Java generators #1045
- Rename perl environment variable for post-processing file #1172
- Bug fix: python/asyncio no-ssl-verify affects verification of server certs #1211
- [Flask] Upgrade to flask connexion 2.0.0rc3 #1192
- Better format for Ruby tests #1166
- Fix enum value without escaping HTML special characters #1193
v3.3.0 - a minor release with 4 new generators
Thanks for all the awesome contributions by the community, we've released the minor version v3.3.0 with 4 new generators: Dart Jaguar client, Go Gin server, MySQL schema, TypeScript Axios client, and many enhancements to various generators. This release contains breaking changes with fallbacks so please refer to the pull request list for more information.
❗️= Breaking change (with fallback)
- Fix top-level enum class checking #1120
- Update openapi-generator-cli dependency #1116
- Fix alias to map response #1067
- [All] Add leading slash in path if missing #1034
- [gradle plugin] Support Gradle 4.10 #1011
- Add a CLI option to control logging level #1000
- Ignore modules/openapi-generator-gradle-plugin/bin/ #983
- Trim trailing '/' from basePathWithoutHost #967
- [docs] publish documentation for the generators #932
- Refactor StringUtils functions #859
- Set swagger-parser to version 2.0.4 #787
- [Ada] Operation security scopes are ignored when generating the server #1044
- Update the Asp.Net core server generator to support Core 2.1 #1008 ❗️
- [C++] [cpp-rest-sdk] Avoid use of an empty key value #991
- [C++] [cpp-rest-sdk] Check for null values #990
- [C++ Pistache server] Support basic query handling #943
- [C++ Qt5 server] Improvements for Qt5 server #942
- [C++][Restbed] Fix default values for Restbed Server generator #761
- Rename Dart env variable for post processing file #1101
- Fix model generator for snake case open api definition on dart-jaguar #1076
- Minor improvement to Dart generators #1042
- Minor fixes (dependency update, etc) for Jaguar Dart client #1016
- Fix generation of jaguar api with auth #1009
- [Dart2] bug fix: maps could not be deserialized #1007
- [Dart2] improved error reporting #1006
- New Generator: Dart (Jaguar) client generator #998
- [Dart2] Fix petstore tests #954
- Set Dart2 as default, better format Dart code with dartfmt #949 ❗️
- [Dart 2] Add support for Dart 2 #754
- [elm] Fix Byte encoder/decoder names #1151
- [elm] Major refactoring; add discriminator support #1104 ❗️
- Better handling of different types in Elm generator #1100
- Rename environment variable for Elm to post-process file #1094
- Add logic to handle uuid in Elm generator (0.19) #1075
- Use elm-format to format Elm API client #959
- [elm] Add support for Elm 0.19 #937 ❗️
- [Go][go-gin-server] Fix path parameter naming #1141
- Rename environment variable for Go to post-process file #1091
- [Go][client] fix go import issue #1083
- [Go][server] Add a generator for the gin framework #1048
- Better process handling in Go postProcessFile #950
- Add postProcessFile, implement in Go generators to run gofmt #929 ❗️
- Add post processing to files generated by Haskell generators #968
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Add support for OAuth access token retry #1058
- [JaxRS-Spec] Fixes in generated pom #1035
- [Java][Retrofit2] The part name is not added to the annotation #1029
- [Java][Jersey] add @Valid when bean validation is enabled #1019
- [Java][Feign] Add option to set Feign version #1005
- [Java][Feign] Add support for Feign 10 #988
- [Java][Spring] Fix reactive + delegatePattern option #978
- Better code format for Java (okhttp-gson) client #971
- [Java][Webclient ]Avoid double encoding on query params #924
- [Java][Spring] Use better return types for the reactive option #913 ❗️
- [Java][Spring] Service Virtualization Feature enhancement #196
- [KOTLIN][SPRING] Bug fix for optional / default types #1107
- Kotlin Spring server codegen improvements #1070
- Bug fix: Kotlin generator doesn't support inheritance #1026
- [KOTLIN][SPRING] Minor bug fixes to generator #1001
- Add perltidy to format Perl code #970
- Fix error when giving an array as parameter to an endpoint body request #1037
- [PHP] Drop support for PHP5.5 on php-client #993
- [PHP]Generated lumen code can contain dots in routes #985
- [PHP] Add interface/abstract/trait helpers #906
- [Slim] Add PHPLint tool to check syntax #898❗️
- [PHP] Upgrade php-cs-fixer to 2.12, enables PHP >= 7.2 support #769 ❗️
- [PHP] Fix deserialize ApiException as a Model #757
- Add nullable support to Python client #1073
- Add post processing to files generated by Python generators #1072
- Fix Python Flask connexion support #1066
- Fix circular import issue in Python Flask #946
- [PYTHON] Api doc python with multiple authentications #928
- Add file post processing to Ruby generators #1062
- Add nullable support to Ruby client #1059
- Add pry-byebug to make it easier to debug the Ruby client during development #979
- Generate a Gemfile.lock for the Ruby client #966
- Update Ruby Petstore client's Gemfile #948
- [rust-server] Restore support for nullable #936
- Rename Scala post processing env variable to SCALA_POST_PROCESS_FILE #1143
- [Scala-Akka] Generate default values for optional model fields #1119
- Add option to enable scalafmt for code formatting #1032
- Add file post-processing to Swift 3.x, 4.x generators #1069
- [Swift4] Use CodeableHelper's dateformatter in encode() if configured #984
- [Swift] add default value to Swift 3.x, 4.x podspec #921
- [Swift4] Fix default value for enums (#652) #656
Release 3.2.3
v3.2.3 release comes with a new generator "Kotlin Spring Boot server generator"(kotlin-spring
) and more feature support for OpenAPI specification v3 such as callback and nullable.
- [all] add "x-enum-varnames" extension to control enum varname #917
- [docker] Fixes hub dockerfile for online project Docker Issue: Bug #914
- Add a test script to detect stack overflow error #904
- Use JsonIgnoreProperties to fix Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError) #903
- [CI] use regex to check if TRAVIS_BRANCH is a working branch #899
- [build] create jar without version in openapi-generator-online #876
- Add nullable support #873, #889, #930
- Add callback model #861
- Refactor StringUtils functions #859
- [CLI] Improvements for meta and list command #799
- [cpp-pistache] removed model namespace when unused for operations #775
- [qt5 server] various improvements #725
- Remove EOF from Elm mustache template for better code format #879
- Add XML attr support in Go client #867
- [KOTLIN] Spring Boot Server Generator #820
- [Java][JAXRS] improve generated readme #920
- Update swagger annotation version in Java clients #915
- [Java] Retrofit2 Play! Framework 2.6.x support #901
- [Java][Webclient] Init authentication on ApiClient instantiation #887
- [Java][Webclient] Add constructor to allow custom WebClient to be passed into ApiClient #882
- [Slim] Add PHP CodeSniffer to check coding style #897
- Add support for Api key in cookie for Symfony #884
- fix: python-asyncio/aiohttp with disabled ssl verification #891
- [TS][Angular] fix typo in #871