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A plugin that implements internationalization (i18n) using the native capabilities of each platform. It is inspired by nativescript-i18n


To install the plugin, run the following command in the root directory of your project.

npm install @nativescript/localize

Use @nativescript/localize

This section describes how to use the @nativescript/localize plugin in several flavors that NativeScript supports.

Localization in NativeScript Core

  1. Create a folder named i18n in the app folder, with the following structure:
  | i18n
      | en.json           <-- english language
      | es.default.json   <-- spanish language (default)

es.default.json example:

    "" : "Comida Rica!",
        "name": "Paula"
  1. In the main.ts file, register the localize function with the setResources method of the Application class, as follows.
import { Application } from "@nativescript/core";
import { localize } from '@nativescript/localize';

Application.setResources({ L: localize });

Then, use the L property in the markup.

    <Label text="{{ 'Hello world !' | L }}" />
    <Label text="{{ 'I am ' + L('') }}" />

To localize in code-behind, just call the localize method directly.

import { localize } from '@nativescript/localize';

console.log(localize('Hello world !'));


⚠️ If you notice translations work on your main XML page, but don't work on a page you navigate to, then add this little hack to the 'page loaded' function of that new page:

const page = args.object;
page.bindingContext = new Observable();

Localization in Angular

  1. Create a folder i18n in the src folder, with the following structure:
  | i18n
      | en.json           <-- english language
      | fr.default.json   <-- french language (default)
      | es.js

You need to set the default langage and make sure it contains the application name to avoid any errors.

  1. Register the localizing module(NativeScriptLocalizeModule) in the app.module.ts file
import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
import { NativeScriptLocalizeModule } from '@nativescript/localize/angular';
import { NativeScriptModule } from '@nativescript/angular';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

	declarations: [AppComponent],
	bootstrap: [AppComponent],
	imports: [NativeScriptModule, NativeScriptLocalizeModule],
	schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
export class AppModule {}
  1. Then, in an HTML file, use the localizer as follows:
<Label text="{{ 'Hello world !' | L }}"/>
<Label text="{{ 'I am %s' | L:'user name' }}"/>

Localization in Vue

  1. Create a folder named i18n in the app folder, with the following structure:
  | i18n
      | en.json           <-- english language
      | es.default.json   <-- spanish language (default)

es.default.json example:

    "" : "Comida Rica!",
        "name": "Paula"
  1. To localize in Vue3, import the localize method and call it in markup.
import { localize } from '@nativescript/localize';
	<Label :text="localize('')" class="font-bold text-lg bg-black" />

<StackLayout class="px-4">
	<Label :text="localize('')" textWrap="true" />

Localization in Svelte

  1. Create a folder named i18n in the app folder, with the following structure:
  | i18n
      | en.json           <-- english language
      | es.default.json   <-- spanish language (default)

es.default.json example:

    "" : "Comida Rica!",
        "name": "Paula"
  1. To localize in Svelte, import the localize method and then call it in markup.
import { localize } from '@nativescript/localize';
	<label text={ localize('') } class="font-bold text-lg bg-black" />

<stackLayout class="px-4">
	<label text={ 'Nombre: ' + localize('')}/>

Setting the default language

To set the default language, add a .default extension to the name of the default language file.


Make sure it contains the application name to avoid any errors.

Android uses the locale file corresponding to the device's language. For example, if the device's language is set to Spanish, the es.json will be used.

Localizing the application name

To localize the application name, use the key.

	"": "My app"

File format

Each file is imported using require, so use the file format of your choice:


	"": "My app",
	"": {
		"NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "This will be added to InfoPlist.strings"
	"user": {
		"name": "",
		"email": ""
	"array": ["split the translation into ", "multiples lines"],
	"sprintf": "format me %s",
	"sprintf with numbered placeholders": "format me %2$s one more time %1$s"


export const i18n = {
	'': 'My app',

Localizing iOS properties

To localize an iOS property, prefix it with The example below shows how to localize the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription property.

	"": "This will be added to InfoPlist.strings"

Changing the language dynamically at runtime

To change the language dynamically at runtime, use the overrideLocale method.


import { overrideLocale } from '@nativescript/localize';
const localeOverriddenSuccessfully = overrideLocale('en-GB'); // or "nl-NL", etc (or even just the part before the hyphen)


For Android, first, call the androidLaunchEventLocalizationHandler method in the launchEvent handler, in the main.ts file.

import { Application } from '@nativescript/core';
import { androidLaunchEventLocalizationHandler } from '@nativescript/localize';

Application.on(Application.launchEvent, (args) => {
	if ( {

Then, in your settings page where the user chooses the language, call the overrideLocale method:

import { overrideLocale } from '@nativescript/localize';
const localeOverriddenSuccessfully = overrideLocale('en-GB'); // or "nl-NL", etc (or even just the part before the hyphen)

Important: On both platforms, after calling overrideLocale method, you must ask the user to restart the app.

For Example:

import { Application, Utils } from '@nativescript/core';
import { overrideLocale } from '@nativescript/localize';

	title: 'Switch Language',
	message: 'The application needs to be restarted to change language',
	okButtonText: 'Quit!',
}).then(() => {
	if (isAndroid) {;
	} else {

Important: In case you are using Android app bundle to release your android app, add the following to App_Resources/Android/app.gradle to make sure all lanugages are bundled in the split apks

android {

  // there maybe other code here //

  bundle {
    language {
      enableSplit = false

Tip: you can get the default language on user's phone via the language property of the Device class.

import { Device } from '@nativescript/core';

console.log("user's language is", Device.language.split('-')[0]);

Tip: The overrideLocale method stores the language in a special key in app-settings, you can access it like this

import { ApplicationSettings } from '@nativescript/core';

console.log(ApplicationSettings.getString('__app__language__')); // only available after the first time you use overrideLocale(langName);


Angular localization pipe and the modal context

The angular localization pipe does not work when in a modal context. As a workaround, you can trigger a change detection from within your component constructor:

  private readonly params: ModalDialogParams,
  private readonly changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
) {
  setTimeout(() => this.changeDetectorRef.detectChanges(), 0);

Issues with WebView on Android N+

On Android N+, the first creation of a WebView resets the application locale to the device default. Therefore, you have to set the desired locale back. This is a native bug and the workaround is

 <WebView url="" @loaded="webViewLoaded"/>
import { overrideLocale, androidLaunchEventLocalizationHandler } from '@nativescript/localize';
import { ApplicationSettings } from '@nativescript/core';
const locale = ApplicationSettings.getString('__app__language__');

function webViewLoaded() {


The plugin provides the following functions.


localizeString: string = localize(key, ...args)

Retrieves the translation for the specified key from a .json file in the i18n directory.


isLocaleOverwritten: boolean = overrideLocale(locale)

Overrides the current locale with the specified locale parameter.




A lot of thanks goes out to Ludovic Fabrèges (@lfabreges) for developing and maintaining this plugin in the past. When he had to abandon it due to shifted priorities, he was kind enough to move the repo to me. Eddy then joined NativeScript's Technical Steering Committee and to vastly improve plugin maintenance it was scoped and moved here


Apache License Version 2.0