launches a basic GEMM with single precision inputs and outputs
demonstrates CUTLASS Utilities for allocating and initializing tensors
debugging utilities for printing register and shared memory contents
utility for visualizing all layout functions in CUTLASS
example demonstrating an iterator over tiles in memory
example demonstrating CUTLASS's batched strided GEMM operation
example demonstrating CUTLASS's Split-K parallel reduction kernel
example demonstrating mixed precision GEMM using Volta Tensor Cores
example demonstrating integer GEMM using Turing Tensor Cores
example demonstrating integer implicit GEMM convolution (forward propagation) using Turing Tensor Cores
example demonstrating planar complex GEMM kernels
example demonstrating planar complex kernels with batch-specific problem sizes
example demonstrating GEMM fused with bias and relu
example demonstrating two GEMMs or convolutions fused in one kernel
example demonstrating FP32 GEMM with implicit TF32 conversion
example demonstrating usage of Sparse Tensor cores
example demonstrating forward convolution on tensors of layout NHWC
example demonstrating convolution fused with per channel bias and relu
example demonstrating Affine-2 GEMM
Canonical GEMM using tensor cores
Canonical GEMM using SIMT
example demonstrating Quaternion GEMM computations
example demonstrating Quaternion convolution
example demonstrating how to reduce one of the operands of the GEMM along the k-dimension when computing GEMM
example demonstrating batch of GEMM operations with distinct problem sizes
example demonstrating fusing activation's per channel scale+bias+relu into the fgrad mainloop
example demonstrating fusing activation's per channel scale+bias+relu into the wgrad mainloop
example demonstrating emulation of a fast accurate SGEMM with TF32 operations
example demonstrating emulation of a fast accurate FP32 convolution with TF32 operation
example demonstrating emulation of a fast accurate CGEMM with TF32 operation
example demonstrating how to compute conv2d gradient with respect to weight (wgrad) together with split-K
example demonstrating Symmetric Rank-K update
example demonstrating Triangular Matrix-Matrix multiplication
example demonstrating Symmetric Matrix-Matrix multiplication with FP32 emulation
example demonstrating how to compute 2d transposed convolution, also known as deconvolution, using CUTLASS conv2d Dgrad kernels
example demonstrating GEMM fused with Softmax in mixed precision using Ampere Tensor Cores
example demonstrating fuses gather before GEMM and scatter after GEMM into the same GEMM kernel
example demonstrating fuses gemm->layernorm->gemm into one kernel.
example demonstrating a batch of SYR2K operations with distinct problem sizes
example demonstrating batched GEMM operations with output results permuted as reshaped tensors
example demonstrating CUTLASS with Python interface
example demonstrating attention example with non-fixed sequence length input
example demonstrating how to run group convolution kernels using functions and data structures provided by CUTLASS using tensor cores
example demonstrating a Block-Ell sparse gemm
example demonstrating fused multihead attention (fixed & variable) using shared memory
example demonstrating how to fuse two GEMMs sharing the same left input matrix into one kernel
example demonstrating depthwise 2d convolution kernels using functions and data structures provided by CUTLASS using SIMT instruction
example contrasting the Stream-K parallel decomposition for GEMM threadblocks versus the "classic data-parallel" and "Split-K" decompositions.
Simple tensorop GEMM example using CUTLASS 3.0 APIs targeting NVIDIA Hopper architecture
Hopper GEMM example leveraging collective operation builders to showcase the builder API and the various kernel scheduled supported in CUTLASS 3.0 such as warp specialized persistent mainloops.
Hopper GEMM example to create a GEMM kernel with custom a collective mainloop and a custom vectorized epilogue.
Hopper GETT example illustrating the ease with which GETTs can be run due to CUTLASS 3.0's unified micro-kernels and CuTe's hierarchical layouts.
Hopper example that fuses gather before GEMM and scatter after GEMM into the same kernel
Hopper example demonstrating the fusion of tensor permutation operations with a GEMM kernel
Hopper example of instantiating and running an FP8 GEMM kernel
Hopper GEMM example with different A and B data types using CUTLASS 3.x APIs for DL kernels with fused dequantization.
Hopper Ptr-Array Batched GEMM example using CUTLASS 3.x API.
Hopper Grouped GEMM using CUTLASS 3.x API.
Ada GEMM kernel targetting Ada FP8 tensor cores via the CUTLASS 2.x API.
CuTe and CUTLASS 3.x based Ampere convolution fprop kernel capable of operating on both affine and gather/scatter tensors, showing how kernel authors can re-use CUTLASS 3.x collectives in their custom kernels.
Hopper GEMM kernel with Top-K and softmax epilogue fusion.
Simple dense GEMM example targeting the NVIDIA Blackwell SM100 Tensor Core MMA using CUTLASS 3.x APIs.
Blackwell SM100 GEMM example demonstrating compatible mainloop+epilogue builder schedules and epilogue visitor tree (EVT) construction
Block-scaled dense GEMM example targeting the NVIDIA Blackwell SM100 Tensor Core MMA using CUTLASS 3.x APIs.
Blackwell SM100 GEMM kernel with preferred cluster feature.
Blackwell SM100 GEMM kernel using the Stream-K scheduler
Blackwell SM100 grouped GEMM kernel
Simple convolution(fprop/dgrad/wgrad) example targeting NVIDIA Blackwell SM100 Tensor Core MMA using CUTLASS 3.x APIs.
Blackwell SM100 FMHA kernel
Blackwell SM100 FastFP32 (using BF16 to emulate SGEMM) kernel
Examples that do not rely on CUTLASS and directly showcase the features of CuTe are located in cutlass/examples/cute.
Additionally, CuTe's core layout and layout algebra have their own test cases within cutlass/test/unit/cute/core/ that users might find useful as examples of CuTe.
Examples leveraging CUTLASS's Python interface are located in cutlass/examples/python.