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AMReX Shallow Water Equations Mini-App

Based on the NCAR SWM mini-app found here.


  • A compiler for C, C++, and Fortran
    • Just about any compilers should work but I have been using gcc/g++/gfortran for testing so far.
  • make
  • AMReX
  • yt (Only needed if you want to run the postprocessing script



    • The make file requires this environment variable to be set. It should point to the directory where you pulled AMReX. I set mine in my shell startup script. You can also set it at the top of this file: GNUmakefile.
  • make

    • If AMREX_HOME is set correctly then make should just work. This will produce and executable with a name similar to, main2d.gnu.ex . The exact name will vary depending on compile time options (compiler, MPI usage, openMP usage, Debugging options, etc.)


  • Note that you need to supply inputs file on command line when running the executable. For example:
    • ./main2d.gnu.ex inputs


  • Solution Verification

    • One time setup for building AMReX provided tool to diff plotfiles (fcompare). Full instructions on how to build AMReX postprocessing tools here.
      • cd $AMREX_HOME/Tools/Plotfile/
      • make
        • This should produce an executable:
          • $AMREX_HOME/Tools/Plotfile/fcompare.gnu.ex
        • Note the exact name will vary depending on the compiler you used. The above example is when gcc was used.
    • Now you can diff two plot files using the fcompare tool:
      • $AMREX_HOME/Tools/Plotfile/fcompare.gnu.ex plotfile1 plotfile2
  • python

    • Currently just generates images of plots the x velocity (u), y velocity (v), and pressure (p) for first and last time step. TODO - add check against the output from the other versions of the mini-app.

Convenience Script

    • The environment variable SWM_AMREX_ROOT must be set to use this script. It should point to this directory. This script will:
      • Build.
      • Create a subdirectory called SWM_AMREX_ROOT/run_dir if it does not already exist.
      • Run in that subdirectory.
      • Verify the solution matches a reference solution.