Thank you all.
More info:
Anubis is a simple minimalist theme for Hugo blog engine.
- Dark mode (automatic / by switcher)
- Pagination
- Multiple taxonomies: tags, categories, authors
- Multiple sections: posts, notes, etc with customization
- Archive
- Table of Contents
- Open Graph and Twitter Cards support
- Mobile support
- Social icons
- Google Analytics
- Umami Analytics
- Comment systems: Disqus, ISSO,, GraphComment, Giscus
- RSS feeds
- Related posts (Read Next section)
- Deploy via Netlify (config included in example site)
- Hiding posts from the RSS feed
- Hidden posts (available only by link)
- Translations (en, ru, fr, pl)
- Custom CSS/JS
- Multilingual mode
- Robots.txt
- Favorite posts
- Pagination on post single page
- Optional "Read more" link
- webmentions
You need to install an extended version of Hugo to run this theme.
Initiate a hugo
module system from your project's root directory
hugo mod init<your_user>/<your_project>
Add the following to your config.toml
or config.yaml
theme = [""]
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
$ git submodule add themes/anubis
For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.
After installing the theme successfully it requires a just a few more steps to get your site running.
If you have toml config (which is by default), you should rename it to config.yaml or adapt this config for toml syntax.
Example of config.yaml:
languageCode: "en-us"
baseUrl: ""
title: "Anubis"
theme: "anubis"
paginate: 10
disqusShortname: "yourdiscussshortname"
googleAnalytics: "G-12345"
enableRobotsTXT: true
- identifier: archive
name: Archive
title: Archive
url: /posts/
weight: 0
author: "John Doe"
email: [email protected] # used for microformats
avatar: "/images/me.png" # used for microformats
description: ""
# Uncomment if you need this
# images:
# - images/og-featured.png # relative path to "static" directory
# customCSS:
# - css/my.css # relative path to "assets" directory (don't use main.css filename)
# customJS:
# - js/main.js # relative path to "assets" directory
dateFormat: "2006-01-02"
paginationSinglePost: true
style: light-without-switcher
mainSections: [ "posts" ] # which sections should be on index/main page
sectionsWithFullContentOnListPage: [ "notes" ] # for which sections content should be displayed on list pages
readMore: false # show read more button
readNextPosts: 5 # show 5 related posts, 0 by default
disableSummary: false
toc: true # display Table of Contents
tocWordCount: 300 # ...when a post is longer than 300 words
copyCodeButton: true # true by default
rssAsSocialIcon: true
mathjax: false #
# support
utterancesRepo: "" # mandatory
utterancesTheme: "" # optional
utterancesIssue: "" # optional
utterancesLabel: "" # optional
# isso support
enabled: true # mandatory
data: "" # mandatory
jsLocation: "" # mandatory
css: true # optional
lang: "de" # optional
replyToSelf: true # mandatory
requireAuthor: true # mandatory
requireEmail: true # mandatory
id: "thread-id" # optional
avatar: true # optional
avatar-bg: "#f0f0f0" # optional
feed: false # optional
enabled: true # mandatory
dnt: true # optional
id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" # mandatory
datacache: false # optional
url: "" # mandatory
graphcommentId: ""
# giscus support
GiscusRepo: "" # mandatory
GiscusRepoId: "" # mandatory
GiscusCategory: "Announcements" # mandatory
GiscusCategoryId: "" # mandatory
GiscusLazyLoad: false # optional
login: hugo-theme-anubis
pingback: true
- id: github
name: gohugoio
# - id: hugo
# url: ""
# icon: "hugo"
unsafe: true # enable raw HTML in Markdown
In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server.
$ hugo server
Now enter localhost:1313
in the address bar of your browser.
Customize via style
param in params
section of config.
- light theme, without switcher (by default)dark-without-switcher
- dark theme, without switcherauto-without-switcher
- theme based on user system settings, without switcherlight
- light theme by default, can be switched by user to dark theme and back. Theme settings are saved for userdark
- dark theme by default, can be switched by user to light theme and back. Theme settings are saved for userauto
- theme based on user system settings by default, can be switched by user to dark/light theme. Theme settings are saved for user (by default in example sites)
If toc
param in params
section of the config file is set to true
Table of Contents is generated for every post that is at least tocWordCount
words long (0
by default, also belongs to the params
section of the config).
This behavior can be overridden on per-post basis
by setting toc
to either true
or false
in the front matter of a post.
To add icon from predefined list, add to
- id of social network
- name for placeholder (usually it's your nickname or login)
Predefined list:
- github
- mastodon (need full url)
- patreon
- snapchat
- soundcloud
- spotify
- telegram
- twitch
- vk
- youtube
- id: github
name: gohugoio
Config like this generate github icon with "" url.
To add predefined icon with custom url, add to
- id of social network
- full url to your network
- id: github
url: ""
Config like this generate github icon with "" url.
To add custom icon, add to
- id of social network/site
- full url to your network/site
Also you need to create directory static/fa-icons
and add svg icon of your network/site with name equals to id
from config.
- id: google
url: "'m+lucky"
Icon should be "static/fa-icons/google.svg"
If you want font awesome icons, download "Font Awesome For Desktop" and open svg directory.
Only works for production environment.
Check config/example usage in exampleSiteMultilingual directory and documentation on Hugo site.
RSS is available by site url + /index.xml. Also available for specific language, section, taxonomy.
parameter enables rss social icon with link to site current language RSS.
Based on environment.
For production — allow all, for other — disallow all.
Add favorite: true
to post front matter. It adds a "★" icon nearby post's title.
Based on readNextPosts
config parameter. Check this article for configuration details.
Add disable_feed: true
to post front matter.
Add hidden: true
to post front matter. Post also is not available in RSS feed.
Enabled by paginationSinglePost
param in params
section of config.
To provide webmention support you can either specify your username with login: webmentionusername
or specify a link to your custom webmention endpoint with url:
If you use you can also enable pingback with pingback: true
Add disableComments: true
to post front matter.
Example: {{< video src="/media/movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" preload="auto" caption="Some caption" alt="Some alt" >}}
If you find a bug or have an idea for a feature, feel free to write an issue or make a PR.
See issues.
© Dmitry Kolosov 2020