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File metadata and controls

103 lines (85 loc) · 6.26 KB

Pybarsys settings


The settings of pybarsys (and related Django settings like for email or static files) are stored in a .env file. A template of this file is provided to you as .env.example - you can just copy it, rename it to .env, and modify or add settings.

A valid .env file should look similar to this:

# Comment
NAME="Pete Multicity"
NAME_TWO=Jessica Monorail

Note that all lines, except comments, have the structure PARAMETER_NAME=VALUE_YOU_WANT without any spaces next to the =. Strings can be enclosed with apostrophes, but it is important that you do NOT add a comment into a line that's also supposed to be a definition (as django-environ will parse everything to the right as part of the string...):

## BAD:
NAME="Pete Multicity" # commenting here will be an issue

## GOOD:
# Commenting in an extra line is fine
NAME_TWO="Jessica Monorail"

# Apostrophes for strings are not necessary with django-environ - maybe it's even better this way because you're less likely to mistakenly add a comment to a line like this?
NAME_THREE=Sri Unquoted Mueller

Database and email URLs

The configuration of the database connection and email server must be supplied as URLs. Some examples can be found in the django-environ documentation.

It is important that special characters in these URLs are encoded. If e.g. the username for the database connections is user and the password is hunter2!"§$%&/()=?, the encoded form of the password can be found like this:

>>> import urllib.parse
>>> urllib.parse.quote('hunter2!"§$%&/()=?')

The DATABASE_URL could then possibly be defined like this:


The same goes for EMAIL_URL.

Required settings

These settings MUST be set in your .env file.

Parameter name Example Description Other examples
DATABASE_URL sqlite:///db.sqlite3 Database settings - see here mysql://user:%[email protected]:3306/dbname
EMAIL_URL smtp+tls://user:hunter2%40%3Axyz%3F%21@localhost:587 Email server settings - see here consolemail://
LANGUAGE_CODE en-us Language setting, used e.g. for the currency. Must have dash in the middle. The email template language needs to be set separately. de-de, nl-nl, en-gb
TIME_ZONE Europe/Berlin Time zone, see here Europe/Amsterdam, America/New_York
SECRET_KEY &_cx6qdzz^1w%per*z6emn$*&937j-^0@q93g+t9fk7hy%8p(% Secret key, see here. If your secret key starts with a $ you need to escape it with a backslash \$, otherwise Django-environ will interpret it as an environment variable. -

Optional settings

These settings can optionally be set in your .env file.


Parameter name Default Description Other examples
DEBUG off Whether debug mode is on (set to off for production!) on
SHOW_DEBUG_TOOLBAR off Whether to show debug toolbar if debug mode is on on
ALLOWED_HOSTS * By which host name the Django instance can be accessed localhost,server-23
STATIC_ROOT static/ Folder where ./ collectstatic collects static files -
STATIC_URL /static/ URL of static files -
SESSION_COOKIE_NAME pybarsys Name of cookie pybarsys-custom
EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS - Custom FROM address for mails [email protected]

Pybarsys customization


Parameter name Default Description Other examples
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_DIR email (en) Email template folder to use (subfolder in barsys/templates) email_german, email_dutch
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_INVOICE_SUBJECT Invoice from Barsys bar Subject of an invoice mail -
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_PURCHASE_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT Purchase notification from Barsys bar Subject of a purchase notification mail to dependants -
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_PAYMENT_REMINDER_SUBJECT Payment reminder from Barsys bar Subject of a payment reminder mail -
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_CONTACT_EMAIL [email protected] Bar contact email address -
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_NAME_OF_BAR Barsys bar Name of bar in mails Orange Bar
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_BANK_ACCOUNT_RECIPIENT Barsys bar Bank account details -
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NUMBER 55542 Bank account details -
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_BANK_ACCOUNT_BANK Royal Bank of Moldova Bank account details -
PYBARSYS_EMAIL_BANK_ACCOUNT_PAYMENT_REFERENCE Bar debts Payment reference in bank transfers. Name of invoice recipient is always appended. Cookies


Parameter name Default Description Other examples
PYBARSYS_MISC_NUM_USER_PURCHASE_HISTORY 15 Number of purchases to show on user history page 2
PYBARSYS_MISC_SUM_COST_USER_PURCHASE_HISTORY on Whether to show total cost of unbilled purchases on user history page off
PYBARSYS_MISC_BALANCE_BELOW_TRANSFER_MONEY 0 User should transfer money if balance is below this value 20
PYBARSYS_MISC_NUM_MAIN_LAST_PURCHASES 5 Number of purchases to show on main page -
PYBARSYS_MISC_NUM_MAIN_USERS_IN_STATSDISPLAY 5 Number of users to show in a StatsDisplay on main page -
PYBARSYS_MISC_SHUFFLE_STATSDISPLAY_ORDER off Whether to randomize order of StatsDisplays and show a random one first (irrespective of show_by_default setting) on
PYBARSYS_MISC_BALANCE_BELOW_AUTOLOCK -100 Automatically lock account when balance is below this threshold before and after creating invoices 0