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152 lines (101 loc) · 5.24 KB


Template for a project with React, TypeScript, SSR, and HMR. The template implies the use of CSS Modules and Stylus.

Quick start:

To copy the template in an empty local folder without creating of a repo or in an existing repo use the following:

npx degit Kallenju/template-for-react-ts-ssr-hmr

The ./dist/ folder is the root of the site. It is created by Webpack and contains the result of the build process. To start the development servers, run the following command:

npm install

npm run dev

Structure of the template

Structure of the root folder (./)

  • __tests__
  • bin
  • config
  • dist
  • src

Structure of the dist folder (./dist)

  • client
    • fonts
    • images
    • styles
  • server
  • shared
    • Header
    • Layout

Structure of the source folder (./src)

  • assets
    • styles
      • body
      • html
      • root
  • client
  • server
  • shared
    • Header
    • Layout
  • static
    • images
    • fonts
    • styles
  • types
  • views

How it works

Server-Side Rendering

./src contains App.tsx, which is the entry point of the React app. It imports components from ./src/shared and global styles from ./assets/styles/. App.tsx is in turn imported by server (server.tsx) and client (index.tsx) files in ./src/server/ and ./src/client/, respectively.

The app.get() method in server code (./src/server/server.tsx) specifies a callback function that will render to string React component from App.tsx and past it in a template (./src/views/index.tsx), whenever there is an HTTP GET request with a path (/) relative to the site root.

The server code use modern React method renderToPipeableStream to render React components to a stream. It is similar to renderToString, but it returns a Node.js Readable stream instead of a string. This is useful for sending the rendered HTML to the client in chunks.

The client code hydrate obtained React root. The hydrate method is used to render React components on the client side. It is similar to render, but it will attach event listeners to the existing markup instead of replacing it.

In the App.tsx component, React.Suspense component and React.lazy method can be used to load components asynchronously. The React.Suspense component is used to display a fallback component while waiting for the asynchronous component to load. The React.lazy function is used to load components asynchronously.

Hot Module Replacement

Hot Module Replacement is one of the most useful features offered by webpack. It allows all kinds of modules or files to be updated at runtime without the need for a full refresh. This includes CSS and JS files, as well as static assets that are part of the dependency graph. When a file is changed, the module is replaced, and the application code is re-executed. During such module replacement a component's state is preserved.

Typescript checking

After each re-building webpack plugin fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin checks the typescript code for errors.

Static files

All files in ./src/static/ are copied to the ./dist/client folder without changes. For example, the ./src/static/images folder will be copied to ./dist/client/images. All files in ./src/static are accessible through the virtual prefix /static. For example, the ./src/static/images/raster/favicon/favicon.png file will be available at the address http://localhost:3000/static/images/raster/favicon/favicon.png === /static/images/raster/favicon/favicon.png.

Image optimization

Images in ./src/static/images are optimized by Webpack. For images with jpeg or jpg or png extentions, the image-minimizer-webpack-plugin and sharp generate a WebP version of the images.


The browserslist is used by babel and postcss to compile code for the specified browsers. The list of browsers is specified in the package.json file.


It is possible to write snapshot tests (using jest and react-test-renderer) and tests for React components (using the react-testing-library library).

The template contains a simple tests for the Header component. The test is located in the ./src/__tests__/Header.test.tsx file.


The dotenv package is used to load environment variables from a .env file into process.env. The .env files is located in the root folder of the project.

What is used in the template?

Server-Side Rendering

  • Express server
  • Nodemon
  • Dotenv

Hot Module Replacement

  • Express server
  • react-refresh-webpack-plugin
  • React Fast Refresh
  • Webpack modules and plugins (webpack-dev-middleware, webpack-hot-middleware)
  • Webpack plugins (webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin)
  • Dotenv

Code compilation

  • Webpack loader (babel-loader)
  • Webpack plugin (fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin)
  • browserslist
  • Dotenv


  • Stylus
  • postcss
  • Webpack loaders (mini-css-extract-plugin, css-loader, postcss-loader, style-loader)
  • browserslist
  • Dotenv

Image Optimization

  • Webpack plugin (image-minimizer-webpack-plugin)
  • Sharp

Prettier && Linter

  • Prettier
  • ESLint


  • Jest
  • React Test Renderer
  • React Testing Library
  • Dotenv