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Releases: JuliaPlots/AbstractPlotting.jl
Releases · JuliaPlots/AbstractPlotting.jl
AbstractPlotting v0.15.19
Merged pull requests:
- Add docs for to_triangles and to_vertices (#638) (@simonbyrne)
- remove links to outdated gallery for now and add discourse link (#639) (@jkrumbiegel)
AbstractPlotting v0.15.18
Merged pull requests:
- change to poly again for contourf (#622) (@jkrumbiegel)
- fix issue with selecting a camera and drawing Axis3D to LScene (#636) (@ffreyer)
- add PlotMethodError, suggest alternatives (#637) (@simonbyrne)
AbstractPlotting v0.15.17
Merged pull requests:
- remove unnecessary backticks from docs (#629) (@simonbyrne)
- code block for docs (#630) (@simonbyrne)
- Improve error message for missing method (#632) (@simonbyrne)
- add axislegend (#635) (@jkrumbiegel)
AbstractPlotting v0.15.15
Merged pull requests:
- colorbar poly categorical / image continuous against white lines (#631) (@jkrumbiegel)
AbstractPlotting v0.15.14
Merged pull requests:
- fix ssao rendering issue in LScene and update lighting docs (#624) (@ffreyer)
- create more didactic recipe example (#625) (@jkrumbiegel)
- Ffreyer docs (#626) (@SimonDanisch)
AbstractPlotting v0.15.12
Merged pull requests:
- Document colgap! and rowgap! (#616) (@Kolaru)
- Fix admonitions (#618) (@sostock)
- jk/minor ticks (#620) (@jkrumbiegel)
- z order tweaking for cairomakie z-order capability (#621) (@jkrumbiegel)
AbstractPlotting v0.15.11
Merged pull requests:
- update layoutables docs (#614) (@jkrumbiegel)
- jk/categorical colormap and contourf (#617) (@jkrumbiegel)
AbstractPlotting v0.15.10
Merged pull requests:
- Make button color updates take effect immediately (#581) (@yha)
- add density recipe (#602) (@jkrumbiegel)
- add table of contents (#604) (@jkrumbiegel)
- jk/ticks function (#605) (@jkrumbiegel)
- option for a legend from an axis with label-attributed plots (#606) (@jkrumbiegel)
- jk/up gridlayoutbase (#608) (@jkrumbiegel)
- allow passing a file path as a font (#611) (@jkrumbiegel)
- reference noto sans by filename in tutorial now that it's possible (#612) (@jkrumbiegel)
- jk/layoutables constructors (#613) (@jkrumbiegel)