To use CFConfig, you can install it into CommandBox easily like so.
CommandBox> install commandbox-cfconfig
Now that you've got the tool installed you can dig into the command help to see where to go from there. Here's a quick overview of some of the commands. Run the built-in command help for more info on each one.
These commands will work on any CF engine and if you run them from the root of CommandBox server they will "just work" as it will "find" the server for you. To run these commands against another type of server, you'd need to specify a folder path for the "from" or "to" parameters that pointed to the server home directories.
CommandBox> cfconfig show requestTimeout
CommandBox> cfconfig set requestTimeout=0,0,10,0
CommandBox> cfconfig show
CommandBox> cfconfig cfmapping save virtual=/foo physical=C:/bar
CommandBox> cfconfig cfmapping list
CommandBox> cfconfig cfmapping delete /foo
CommandBox> cfconfig datasource save name=myDSN dbdriver=mysql host=localhost port=3306 database=myDB username=brad password=foobar
CommandBox> cfconfig datasource list
CommandBox> cfconfig datasource delete myDSN
CommandBox> cfconfig export .CFConfig.json
CommandBox> cfconfig import .CFConfig.json
CommandBox> cfconfig transfer from=oneServer to=anotherServer
CommandBox> cfconfig diff from=oneServer to=anotherServer
CommandBox> cfconfig diff to=anotherServerName
CommandBox> cfconfig diff to=anotherServerName --fromOnly
CommandBox> cfconfig diff to=anotherServerName --toOnly
CommandBox> cfconfig diff to=anotherServerName --valuesDiffer