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README for Developers of OMMX


This project uses Taskfile to manage development tasks. See for installation. You can get a list of available tasks by running task -l in the root directory of the project like below:

$ task -l
task: Available tasks for this project:
* api_reference:build:                       Build the API Reference of Python SDK
* api_reference:default:                     Build and Open the API Reference of Python SDK      (aliases: api_reference)
* api_reference:open:                        Open the API Reference of Python SDK
* api_reference:pip_compile:                 Compile pyproject.toml into requirements.txt for Read the Docs
* book_en:build:                             Build the book in docs/en
* book_en:default:                           Build and open the book in docs/en      (aliases: book_en)
* book_en:open:                              Open the book in docs/en
* book_en:watch:                             Watch the book in docs/en
* book_ja:build:                             Build the book in docs/ja
* book_ja:default:                           Build and open the book in docs/ja      (aliases: book_ja)
* book_ja:open:                              Open the book in docs/ja
* book_ja:watch:                             Watch the book in docs/ja
* proto:default:                             Generate code from Protobuf definitions      (aliases: proto)
* proto:python:                              Generate Python code from Protobuf definitions
* proto:rust:                                Generate Rust code from Protobuf definitions
* python:default:                            Sync and Run tests for all Python projects      (aliases: python)
* python:doc:                                Build and Open API reference documentation
* python:format:                             Format Python code
* python:ommx-openjij-adapter:test:          Run tests for OMMX OpenJij Adapter
* python:ommx-pyscipopt-adapter:test:        Run tests for OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter
* python:ommx-python-mip-adapter:test:       Run tests for OMMX Python-MIP Adapter
* python:ommx:pyright:                       Type check OMMX Python SDK
* python:ommx:pytest:                        Run pytest for OMMX Python SDK
* python:ommx:test:                          Run tests for OMMX Python SDK
* python:set-version:                        Set the version for all Python projects
* python:stubgen:                            Generate stubs files for Rust extension
* python:sync:                               Setup Python development environment, Rebuild Python SDK
* python:test:                               Run tests for all Python projects
* rust:check:                                Run check for Rust SDK
* rust:clippy:                               Run clippy for Rust SDK
* rust:doc:                                  Generate and Open documentation for Rust SDK
* rust:test:                                 Run tests for Rust SDK


When you run task command, it will automatically detect the Taskfile.yml from current directory or parent directories. If you run task command on proto/ directory, proto/Taskfile.yml is used, i.e. commands only defined there are available. Each sub-directory Taskfile.yml are included in the parent Taskfile.yml, e.g. task python in proto/ is exposed as task proto:python in the root directory.

Code Map

  • OMMX Message schema is defined in *.proto files under this directory.
  • Managed by buf, see its configuration in buf.yaml.

Setup development environment

Generate Rust and Python codes from *.proto

task proto
Directory Description
rust/ommx/ ommx OMMX Rust SDK
rust/protogen/ Not for release Rust code generator from *.proto
rust/dataset/ Not for release CLI tool for creating and uploading OMMX Artifact for dataset, e.g. MIPLIB2017

Setup development environment

Install rustup:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

cargo will setup everything when it is called.

Run tests

task rust:test

Note that this only tests the Rust SDK, not the Rust codes in Python SDK.


The version of Rust SDK is semantic versioning. Note that the version of Rust SDK is independent from the schema version ommx.v1 and that of Python SDK.

task rust:set-version -- 2.0.0

Note that this requires cargo-edit.

Release Rust SDK

The Rust SDK is released to from the GitHub Actions workflow. What you have to do is just to push a tag in a format rust-x.y.z. Be sure that actual version is determined by Cargo.toml not by the tag name.

There are two mechanism to keep the version of main branch is kept latest:

  • When Rust SDK is released, the patch version is automatically bumped up via a Pull Request.
  • When a pull request contains breaking change, cargo-semver-check on GitHub Action will fail. So, this pull request should be merged with bumping up the version.
Name PyPI
OMMX Python SDK ommx
OMMX Python-MIP Adapter ommx-python-mip-adapter
OMMX PySCIPOpt Adapter ommx-pyscipopt-adapter
OMMX OpenJij Adapter ommx-openjij-adapter

Python packages are managed by uv workspace

Setup development environment

First, install uv and Rust toolchain as above, then run:

task python:sync

This command lets uv create a venv and install the required packages including the OMMX Python SDK and adapters.

Run tests

task python:test


The OMMX Python SDK and adapters are versioned together with semantic versioning. Note that the version of Python SDK is independent from the schema version ommx.v1 and that of Rust SDK.

To update the version of Python SDK to x.y.z, run:

task python:set-version -- x.y.z

This will bump up the all versions of Python SDK and adapters and its dependencies.

Release Python SDK and adapters

The Python SDK and adapters are released to PyPI from the GitHub Actions workflow. What you have to do is just to push a tag in a format python-x.y.z. Be sure that actual version is determined by pyproject.toml not by the tag name.

  • The patch version is automatically bumped up via a Pull Request when Python SDK is released.
  • Different from Rust SDK, there is no automatic semver check for Python SDK. So, you have to manually update the version number.
Directory Description GitHub Pages Read the Docs
docs/en/ English version of Jupyter Book Book/en RTD
docs/ja/ Japanese version of Jupyter Book Book/ja RTD
docs/api_reference/ API Reference of Python SDK and adapters API Reference RTD

Build and open the book

task book_en
task book_ja

Build and open the API Reference

task api_reference