1 | 1 | {
2 | 2 | "TerraCustom": {
| 3 | + // Tips: |
| 4 | + // use vanilla translations: {$GameUI.Enabled} Disabled, CLI.Yes, etc |
| 5 | + // use {0} etc to interpolate values |
| 6 | + // Not used. Unless we need different order than Reset + noun + Settings? |
| 7 | + // //"ResetChallengeOptions": "{$TerraCustom.Reset} {$TerraCustom.ChallengeOptions} {$TerraCustom.Settings}", |
| 8 | + // //"ResetChests": "{$TerraCustom.Reset} {$TerraCustom.Chests} {$TerraCustom.Settings}", |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | + // Common |
3 | 11 | "Reset": "Reinicializar",
| 12 | + // "Both": "Both", |
| 13 | + // // "Settings": "{$LegacyMenu.14}", |
| 14 | + |
| 15 | + // Choose world size Menu |
| 16 | + // "KeepPreviousCustomSize": "Keep Previous Custom Size", |
| 17 | + // "LoadAutosavedConfig": "Load Autosaved Config", |
4 | 18 |
| 19 | + // Main Menu |
| 20 | + // "ResetAll": "Reset All", |
| 21 | + // "ReloadtModLoaderMods": "Reload tModLoader mods", |
| 22 | + // "Terrain": "Terrain", |
| 23 | + // "Ores": "Ores", |
| 24 | + // "OreAmount": "Ore Amount", |
| 25 | + // "GraphicStyles": "Graphic Styles", |
| 26 | + // "Backgrounds": "Backgrounds", |
| 27 | + // "Miscellaneous": "Miscellaneous", |
5 | 28 | "ChallengeOptions": "Opciones de desafío",
| 29 | + // "MicroBiomes": "Micro Biomes", |
| 30 | + // "Traps": "Traps", |
| 31 | + // "VariousSpawns": "Various Spawns", |
| 32 | + // "DownedBossesFoundNPCs": "Downed Bosses/Found NPCs", |
6 | 33 | "Chests": "Cofre",
| 34 | + // "SaveLoadSettings": "Save/Load Settings", |
| 35 | + // "Debug": "Debug", |
| 36 | + // "AreYouSureResetAllSettings": "Are you sure you will reset all the settings?", |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | + // Terrain Menu |
| 39 | + // "Use100ForDefaultBehaviorNote": "set to 100% for default behavior", |
| 40 | + // "SurfaceHeightVariance": "Surface Height Variance", |
| 41 | + // "SurfaceUpperLimit": "Surface Upper Limit", |
| 42 | + // "SurfaceLowerLimit": "Surface Lower Limit", |
| 43 | + // "BypassSpawnAreaFlatness": "Bypass Spawn Area Flatness", |
| 44 | + // "BeachSize": "Beach Size", |
| 45 | + // "DungeonSize": "Dungeon Size", |
| 46 | + // "DesertScale": "Underground Desert Size", |
| 47 | + // "Shallow": "Shallow", |
| 48 | + // "Normal": "Normal", |
| 49 | + // "Deep": "Deep", |
| 50 | + // "JungleScale": "Jungle Scale", |
| 51 | + // "UnderworldHouseMult": "Underworld Houses", |
| 52 | + // "IceBiomeDepth": "Ice Biome Depth", |
| 53 | + // "IceBiomeWidth": "Ice Biome Width", |
| 54 | + // "TempleSize": "Temple Size", |
| 55 | + // "SurfaceTunnels": "Surface Tunnels", |
| 56 | + // "Lakes": "Lakes", |
| 57 | + // "LakeScale": "Lake Size", |
| 58 | + // "GiantTreeMult": "Giant Trees", |
| 59 | + // "NoMultiWire": "No Non-Temple Different Wires", |
| 60 | + // "NoGravitate": "Dont Extend Sand Downwards", |
| 61 | + // "DoubleDungeon": "Additional Dungeon on Jungle Side", |
| 62 | + // "SwapShroomJungle": "Swap Jungle and Mushroom Biomes", |
| 63 | + // "Sand": "Sand", |
| 64 | + // "Clay": "Clay", |
| 65 | + // "Silt": "Silt", |
| 66 | + // "Webs": "Webs", |
| 67 | + // "SurfaceCaves": "Surface Caves", |
| 68 | + // "UndergroundCaves": "Regular Caves", |
| 69 | + // "WorldWidth": "World Width", |
| 70 | + // "WorldHeight": "World Height", |
| 71 | + |
| 72 | + // Ores Menu |
| 73 | + // "AlsoCheckOreAmountNote": "Also check 'Ore Amount' option to get both hardmode ores", |
| 74 | + |
| 75 | + // OreAmount Menu |
| 76 | + // "Setting100ForDefaultAmountOfOresNote": "setting 100% will generate default amount of ores", |
| 77 | + // "OptionToGenerateAlternateHardmodeOres": "Option to generate alternate hardmode ores in the beginning", |
| 78 | + // "GenerateNone": "Generate none", |
| 79 | + // "GenerateLittle": "Generate a little", |
| 80 | + // "GenerateMedium": "Generate medium amount", |
| 81 | + // "GenerateLot": "Generate a lot", |
| 82 | + // "SameAmountAsSmashingXAltars": "(Same amount as smashing {0} altars)", |
| 83 | + // "PreSmashAltarsGeneratesOpposite": "PreSmash Altars generates opposite set of ores", |
| 84 | + // "PreSmashAltarsGeneratesBothSetsOfOres": "PreSmash Altars generates both sets of ores", |
| 85 | + // "PreSmashAltarsPreventRandomPatchSpawn": "PreSmash Altars prevent random Corruption/Crimson/Hallow patch spawn", |
| 86 | + |
| 87 | + // GraphicStyles Menu --- TODO: Rewrite these menus so I can localize them |
| 88 | + // "MoonStyle": "Moon Style", |
| 89 | + // "Tree Style Far Left": "Tree Style Far Left", |
| 90 | + // "Tree Style Left": "Tree Style Left", |
| 91 | + // "Tree Style Right": "Tree Style Right", |
| 92 | + // "Tree Style Far Right": "Tree Style Far Right", |
| 93 | + // "Dungeon Color": "Dungeon Color", |
| 94 | + // "Moss Color Left": "Moss Color Left", |
| 95 | + // "Moss Color Middle": "Moss Color Middle", |
| 96 | + // "Moss Color Right": "Moss Color Right", |
| 97 | + // "Jungle Shrines": "Jungle Shrines", |
| 98 | + // "Iridescent Bricks": "Iridescent Bricks", |
| 99 | + // "Mudstone Blocks": "Mudstone Blocks", |
| 100 | + // "Rich Mahogany": "Rich Mahogany", |
| 101 | + // "Tin Brick": "Tin Brick", |
| 102 | + // "Gold Brick": "Gold Brick", |
| 103 | + // "Mix": "Mix", |
| 104 | + |
| 105 | + // Backgrounds Menu |
| 106 | + // "SurfaceBackgrounds": "Surface Backgrounds", |
| 107 | + // "UndergroundBackgrounds": "Underground Backgrounds", |
| 108 | + |
| 109 | + // SurfaceBackgrounds Menu |
| 110 | + // "ForestBackground": "Forest Background", |
| 111 | + // "CorruptBackground": "Corrupt Background", |
| 112 | + // "JungleBackground": "Jungle Background", |
| 113 | + // "SnowBackground": "Snow Background", |
| 114 | + // "HallowBackground": "Hallow Background", |
| 115 | + // "CrimsonBackground": "Crimson Background", |
| 116 | + // "DesertBackground": "Desert Background", |
| 117 | + // "OceanBackground": "Ocean Background", |
| 118 | + |
| 119 | + // UnderBackgrounds Menu |
| 120 | + // "IceBackground": "Ice Background", |
| 121 | + // "HellBackground": "Hell Background", |
| 122 | + // "JungleBackground": "Jungle Background", |
| 123 | + // "CaveBackgroundFarLeft": "Cave Background Far Left", |
| 124 | + // "CaveBackgroundLeft": "Cave Background Left", |
| 125 | + // "CaveBackgroundMiddle": "Cave Background Middle", |
| 126 | + // "CaveBackgroundRight": "Cave Background Right", |
| 127 | + // "CaveBackgroundFarRight": "Cave Background Far Right", |
| 128 | + |
| 129 | + // Miscellaneous Menu |
| 130 | + // "CorruptionCrimson": "Corruption/Crimson", |
| 131 | + // "ForceCorruptionCrimsonAvoidJungleSide": "Force Corruption/Crimson Avoid Jungle Side", |
| 132 | + // "ForceCorruptionCrimsonSeparateSides": "Force Corruption/Crimson Separate Sides", |
| 133 | + // "CorruptionBiomes": "Corruption Biomes", |
| 134 | + // "CrimsonBiomes": "Crimson Biomes", |
| 135 | + // "DungeonSide": "Dungeon Side", |
| 136 | + // "Hardmode": "Hardmode", |
| 137 | + // "SpawnHardmodeStripesIfHardmode": "Spawn Hardmode stripes(if Hardmode is Yes)", |
| 138 | + // "Pyramids": "Pyramids", |
| 139 | + // "GiantTrees": "Giant Trees", |
| 140 | + // "ForceEnchantedSwordShrineReal": "Force Enchanted Sword Shrine Real", |
| 141 | + |
| 142 | + // Challenge Option Menu |
| 143 | + // "NoTree": "No tree", |
| 144 | + // "NoDungeon": "No dungeon", |
| 145 | + // "NoTemple": "No temple", |
| 146 | + // "NoSpiderCave": "No spider cave", |
| 147 | + // "NoHive": "No hive", |
| 148 | + // "NoSnow": "No snow", |
| 149 | + // "NoJungle": "No jungle", |
| 150 | + // "NoAnthill": "No anthill", |
| 151 | + // "NoBeaches": "No beaches", |
| 152 | + // "NoPot": "No pot", |
| 153 | + // "NoChest": "No chest", |
| 154 | + // "NoAltar": "No altar", |
| 155 | + // "NoOrbOrHeart": "No orb/heart", |
| 156 | + // "NoUnderworld": "No underworld", |
| 157 | + |
| 158 | + // MicroBiomes Menu |
| 159 | + // "Setting100ForDefaultAmountBiomesNote": "setting 100% will generate default amount of biomes", |
| 160 | + // "EnchantedSword": "Enchanted Sword", |
| 161 | + // "Campsite": "Campsite", |
| 162 | + // "ThinIce": "Thin Ice", |
| 163 | + // "SkyIslands": "Sky Islands", |
| 164 | + // "MinecartTracks": "Minecart Tracks", |
| 165 | + // "SpiderCaves": "Spider Caves", |
| 166 | + // "GraniteCaves": "Granite Caves", |
| 167 | + // "MarbleCaves": "Marble Caves", |
| 168 | + // "UndergroundCabins": "Underground Cabins", |
| 169 | + // "GemstonesNonCave": "Gemstones(non-cave)", |
| 170 | + // "GemstoneCaves": "Gemstone Caves", |
| 171 | + // "GemstoneCaveSize": "Gemstone Cave Size", |
| 172 | + // "Hives": "Hives", |
| 173 | + |
| 174 | + // Traps Menu |
| 175 | + // "MiningExplosiveDetonator": "Mining Explosive(Detonator)", |
| 176 | + // "TrapsDartExplosiveBoulder": "Traps(Dart,Explosive,Boulder)", |
| 177 | + // "AdditionalDartTraps": "Additional Dart Traps", |
| 178 | + // "AdditionalBoulderTraps": "Additional Boulder Traps", |
| 179 | + // "AdditionalExplosiveTraps": "Additional Explosive Traps", |
| 180 | + // "AdditionalGeyserTraps": "Additional Geyser Traps", |
| 181 | + // "TempleTraps": "Temple Traps", |
| 182 | + |
| 183 | + // VariousSpawns Menu |
| 184 | + // "Setting100ForDefaultAmountNote": "setting 100% will generate default amount", |
| 185 | + // "CrystalHearts": "Crystal Hearts", |
| 186 | + // "PreDropMeteor": "Pre-Drop Meteor", |
| 187 | + // "TreeLowerBound": "Tree Lower Bound", |
| 188 | + // "TreeUpperBound": "Tree Upper Bound", |
| 189 | + // "MushroomBiomes": "Mushroom Biomes", |
| 190 | + // "MushroomSize": "Mushroom Biome Scale", |
| 191 | + // "Statues": "Statues", |
| 192 | + |
| 193 | + // Downed Found Menu |
| 194 | + // "DownedBosses": "Downed Bosses", |
| 195 | + // "FoundNPCs": "Found NPCs", |
| 196 | + // "Downed": "Downed", |
| 197 | + // "Found": "Found", |
| 198 | + |
| 199 | + // Chest Menu |
| 200 | + // "EsimatedXChests": "Esimated {0} chests.", |
| 201 | + // "BiomeChestSets": "Biome Chest Sets", |
| 202 | + // "Pots": "Pots", |
| 203 | + // "JungleShrines": "Jungle Shrines", |
| 204 | + // "LivingMahoganyTrees": "Living Mahogany Trees", |
| 205 | + // "WaterChests": "Water Chests", |
| 206 | + // "SurfaceChests": "Surface Chests", |
| 207 | + // "TempleChests": "Temple Chests", |
| 208 | + // "ShadowChests": "Shadow Chests", |
| 209 | + |
| 210 | + // SaveLoadSettings Menu |
| 211 | + // "SavedSetings": "Saved Setings", |
| 212 | + // "EnableThisList": "Enable this List", |
| 213 | + // "DeleteThisList": "Delete this List", |
| 214 | + // "SaveCurrentSettingsAsNew": "Save Current Settings as New", |
| 215 | + // "EnterSettingsName": "Enter Settings name", |
| 216 | + |
| 217 | + // Debug Menu |
| 218 | + // "SaveWorldAfterEachStep": "Save World After Each Step", |
| 219 | + // "SaveWorldIntModLoaderFolder": "Save World in tModLoader Folder", |
7 | 220 | }
8 | 221 | }
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