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File metadata and controls

453 lines (357 loc) · 22.7 KB
layout category published title description
Database schema reference
Textpattern stores all data in a database. Within that database, each table contains a different collection of information.

Database schema reference

Textpattern stores all data in a database. Within that database, there are the following tables, each containing a different collection of information.1


  • Table of contents {:toc}


Contains the articles you create on the Write panel.

Column Type Description
ID INT Unique, auto incremented numerical ID of the article
Posted DATETIME Publication date and time
Expires DATETIME Expiration date and time (defaults to null, which indicates that the article never expires)
AuthorID VARCHAR(64) Login name of the author that created the article
LastMod DATETIME Modification date and time of the article
LastModID VARCHAR(64) Login name of the author that modified the article
Title VARCHAR(255) Article Title
Title_html VARCHAR(255) (reserved for future use)
Body MEDIUMTEXT Main article text (max 16MB), stored raw as typed. See also textile_body
Body_html MEDIUMTEXT HTML version of main article text, converted from Body field
Excerpt TEXT Article excerpt (max 64KB), stored raw as typed. See also textile_excerpt
Excerpt_html MEDIUMTEXT HTML version of article excerpt, converted from Excerpt field
Image VARCHAR(255) Numerical ID(s) associated with this article of images managed by Textpattern, or a URL of any other image
Category1 VARCHAR(64) Name of the 1st category associated with this article
Category2 VARCHAR(64) Name of the 2nd category associated with this article
Annotate INT Comments enabled? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
AnnotateInvite VARCHAR(255) Text used for inviting people to comment on the article
comments_count INT Number of visible comments associated with this article
Status INT Article publication status (1 = draft, 2 = hidden, 3 = pending, 4 = live, 5 = sticky)
textile_body VARCHAR(32) Markup system used for this article's Body (0 = raw, 1 = textile, 2 = convert line breaks. Default = 1)
textile_excerpt VARCHAR(32) Markup system used for this article's Excerpt (0 = raw, 1 = textile, 2 = convert line breaks. Default = 1)
Section VARCHAR(255) Name of the section in which this article belongs
override_form VARCHAR(255) Textpattern 'Form' containing layout used for displaying this specific article, overriding the Form which is normally used to display articles. If left empty, the default layout form is used
Keywords VARCHAR(255) Comma separated list of keywords (often called 'tags') that describe this article
description VARCHAR(255) Meta description content for the article
url_title VARCHAR(255) Title of the article as used in the URL for the permalinked article page
custom_1 VARCHAR(255) 1st Custom field content
custom_2 VARCHAR(255) 2nd Custom field content
custom_3 VARCHAR(255) 3rd Custom field content
custom_4 VARCHAR(255) 4th Custom field content
custom_5 VARCHAR(255) 5th Custom field content
custom_6 VARCHAR(255) 6th Custom field content
custom_7 VARCHAR(255) 7th Custom field content
custom_8 VARCHAR(255) 8th Custom field content
custom_9 VARCHAR(255) 9th Custom field content
custom_10 VARCHAR(255) 10th Custom field content
uid VARCHAR(32) Random string used to uniquely identify this article in an RSS/Atom feed. Textpattern uses md5(uniqid(rand(),true)) to create the uid
feed_time DATE Creation date of the article (when you first save the article, regardless of Status)


Index type Name Definition
INDEX categories_idx (Category1(10), Category2(10))
INDEX Posted (Posted)
INDEX Expires_idx (Expires)
INDEX author_idx (AuthorID)
INDEX section_status_idx (Section(249), Status)
INDEX url_title_idx (url_title(250))
FULLTEXT searching (Title, Body)


Contains all the categories you create on the Categories panel.

Column Type Description
id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this category
name VARCHAR(64) Category name, used in URLs. Sanitised from the Title. The category root is reserved (and invisible)
type VARCHAR(64) Type of media this category is used for: article, image, file or link)
parent VARCHAR(64) Parent category name. Determines the hierarchical place of this category compared to other categories. By default it's set to 'root' to indicate that it's a top level category
lft INT Left pointer. Used to maintain category hierarchy using the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm
rgt INT Right pointer. Used to maintain category hierarchy using the modified preorder tree traversal algorithm
title VARCHAR(255) Human-friendly category title
description VARCHAR(255) Category description. Can be used for outputting meta data or category details on landing pages


Index type Name Definition


Contains the style sheets created on the Styles panel.

Column Type Description
name VARCHAR(255) Name of the style sheet
css MEDIUMTEXT Style sheet contents
skin VARCHAR(63) The theme to which this style is associated
lastmod DATETIME Modification date and time of the stylesheet


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE name_skin (name(63), skin(63))


Contains all the article comments output on the Comments panel.

Column Type Description
discussid INT(6) ZEROFILL Unique auto-incremented ID of this comment
parentid INT ID of the article to which this comment belongs
name VARCHAR(255) Name of the person who commented
email VARCHAR(254) Email address of the person who commented
web VARCHAR(255) Website of the person who commented
ip VARCHAR(100) IP address of the computer used to submit this comment
posted DATETIME Date and time when this comment was submitted
message TEXT Comment message in HTML markup (max 64KB)
visible TINYINT Publication status (-1 = Spam, 0 = waiting for moderation, 1 = visible)


Index type Name Definition
PRIMARY KEY - (discussid)
INDEX parentid (parentid)


An important part of the spam protection in the commenting system. When the comment form is shown to the user, it contains a hidden variable (nonce) with a unique code. This code is valid for 10 minutes. If the comment form is submitted, the nonce is looked up in this table and must exist, unused with a valid timestamp, for the comment to be accepted.

Column Type Description
issue_time DATETIME Date and time when the 'nonce' was created
nonce VARCHAR(255) Random alphanumeric string of text (md5)
used TINYINT Whether the nonce has been used for submitting a comment (0 = no, 1 = yes). A nonce cannot be used twice
secret VARCHAR(255) Random alphanumeric string of text (md5) used to vary the name of the comment message textarea field, making it harder for spammers to submit comments


Index type Name Definition
PRIMARY KEY - (nonce(250))


Contains meta information on all the files uploaded through Textpattern. The files themselves are stored as normal files on disk instead of in the database.

Column Type Description
id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this file
filename VARCHAR(255) Name of the file as stored in the file system
title VARCHAR(255) Title given to this file for display purposes
category VARCHAR(64) Name of the category associated with this file
permissions VARCHAR(32) (reserved for future use)
description TEXT File description (max 64KB)
downloads INT UNSIGNED Number of times this file has been downloaded
status SMALLINT Publication status (2 = hidden, 3 = pending, 4 = live)
modified DATETIME Date and time when the file meta information was updated
created DATETIME Date and time the file was uploaded to Textpattern
size BIGINT File size in bytes
author VARCHAR(64) Login name of the author that added this file


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE filename (filename(250))
INDEX author_idx (author)


The txp_form table contains all the forms, which are created on the Forms panel.

Column Type Description
name VARCHAR(255) Form name, sanitised to only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores or hyphens
type VARCHAR(28) Form type: article, category, comment, file, link, misc or section
Form TEXT Contents of the form: HTML, Textpattern tags and text (max 64KB)
skin VARCHAR(63) The theme to which this style is associated
lastmod DATETIME Modification date and time of the stylesheet


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE name_skin (name(63), skin(63))


Contains meta information on all the images uploaded and managed in the Images panel. The image files are not actually stored in the database, they're stored as normal files on the web server in the /images folder using the image ID as the filename (i.e. 1.png for the main image and 1t.png for the corresponding thumbnail).

Column Type Description
id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this image
name VARCHAR(255) Name of the image file as it was uploaded
category VARCHAR(64) Name of the category associated with this image
ext VARCHAR(20) File extension: .jpg, .gif or .png
w INT Image width in pixels
h INT Image height in pixels
alt VARCHAR(255) Descriptive text used as the alt attribute in the HTML <img> tag
caption TEXT Caption for the image (max 64kB)
date DATETIME Date and time when the image was uploaded to Textpattern
author VARCHAR(64) Login name of the author that uploaded the image
thumbnail INT Thumbnail available? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
thumb_w INT Thumbnail width in pixels
thumb_h INT Thumbnail height in pixels


Index type Name Definition
INDEX author_idx (author)


Contains translations for the various core and plugin strings of text used throughout the public and administration sides of Textpattern. Language strings are grouped into events which indicate where they are used in the system.

Column Type Description
id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this language string
lang VARCHAR(16) Language code (for example: fr for French, en-gb for British English, and so on)
name VARCHAR(64) Unique name that identifies the language string. This acts as a key that ties strings together across languages
event VARCHAR(64) The part of Textpattern where this piece of text is used. This not only helps to keep the language strings organized for the translators, it also means only the required strings are loaded where they are needed. On the front-end only the language strings with event public and common are loaded. On the back-end, the events administration-side, common, plus the panel-specific event are loaded on any given panel
owner VARCHAR(64) Mandatory for non-core strings to group language strings for ease of management (e.g. deletion when a plugin is uninstalled). Core strings have no owner set. Every other string is given the designated owner, or site if omitted
data TEXT Translation of the language string
lastmod TIMESTAMP Modification data and time of the language string


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE lang (lang, name)
INDEX lang_2 (lang, event)
INDEX owner (owner)


Contains all the links and related information created on the Links panel.

Column Type Description
id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this link
date DATETIME Creation date and time of the link
category VARCHAR(64) Name of the category associated with this link
url TEXT Link destination URL
linkname VARCHAR(255) Link text (plain text)
linksort VARCHAR(128) String of text that can be used to customize link sorting
description TEXT Description of the link (typically plain text)
author VARCHAR(64) Login name of the author that created this link


Index type Name Definition
INDEX author_idx (author)


Contains log entries of page requests (visits) to your website, which are output on the optional Visitor logs panel. Depending on your preferences, you can either log nothing, just referrers, or all requests. Old log entries are removed automatically every time you display the visitor logs panel.

Column Type Description
id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this log entry
time DATETIME Date and time of the visitor
host VARCHAR(255) Hostname of the computer that requested the page. If DNS lookups are disabled in the preferences or if the reverse DNS lookup of the IP address failed, the IP address is stored instead
page VARCHAR(255) URI of the requested page
refer MEDIUMTEXT Page from which the visitor came (Referer URL) if available
status INT HTTP Status response code. Only status 200 (OK) is logged
method VARCHAR(16) HTTP Request method: typically POST or GET
ip VARCHAR(45) IP address of the computer that requested the page


Index type Name Definition
INDEX time (time)
INDEX ip (ip)


Contains all the Page templates you create on the Pages panel.

Column Type Description
name VARCHAR(255) Name of the template
user_html TEXT Template contents: HTML, Textpattern tags and text (max 64KB)
skin VARCHAR(63) The theme to which this style is associated
lastmod DATETIME Modification date and time of the template


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE name_skin (name(63), skin(63))


Contains all the plugins you have installed, that are displayed on the Plugins panel.

Column Type Description
name VARCHAR(64) Plugin name
status INT Activation status (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled)
author VARCHAR(128) Plugin author name
author_uri VARCHAR(128) URL of the plugin author website
version VARCHAR(255) Version in semver dotted format
description TEXT Short description of plugin purpose (should be limited to 255 chars)
help MEDIUMTEXT Documentation in HTML or markup (Textile) format (max 64KB)
code MEDIUMTEXT Plugin code (PHP), sometimes modified by user on Plugin tab (max 16MB)
code_restore MEDIUMTEXT Original plugin code (PHP) used for restoring to last-installed state (max 16MB)
code_md5 VARCHAR(32) Checksum of the original plugin code, to detect if changes have been made
textpack MEDIUMTEXT Contents of any language starings the plugin uses, in all languages. When languages are installed or updated, this information is scanned and language strings automatically installed
data MEDIUMTEXT Plugin-specific data store. Overwritten when plugin is updated
type INT Where the plugin is loaded (0 = public, 1 = public + admin, 2 = library (when called), 3 = admin-only, 4 = admin-only + Ajax, 5 = public + admin + Ajax)
load_order TINYINT UNSIGNED Order in which this plugin will be loaded (1 = first, 9 = last). By default set to 5, which should not be changed unless you know what you're doing
flags SMALLINT UNSIGNED 16-bit value which signals the presence of optional capabilities to the core plugin loader. The four high-order bits 0xf000 are available for private use.2


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE name (name)
INDEX status_type_idx (status, type)


Contains all the administration preferences. Both global (admin-defined) and per-user settings are stored. Plugins may also use this table to store their own settings.

Column Type Description
name VARCHAR(255) Unique name that identifies this preference. Used as a key
val TEXT Contents/setting of this preference (max 64KB)
type SMALLINT UNSIGNED Preference type / visibility (0 = core, shown on preferences panel; 1 = plugin; 2 = hidden)
event VARCHAR(255) Event to which this preference applies. Allows related preferences to be shown together on the Preferences panel
html VARCHAR(255) Type of HTML code used to render this setting on the preferences panel. For example, yesnoradio, text_input (default), or a custom function. For hidden preferences, use text_input
position SMALLINT UNSIGNED Display position of this preference among others within the same event on the Preferences panel
user_name VARCHAR(64) Login name of the user to whom this preference applies. Global preferences that are not specific to any particular user are denoted by an empty string here


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE prefs_idx (name(185), user_name)
INDEX name (name(250))
INDEX user_name (user_name)


Contains all the sections you create on the Sections panel.

Column Type Description
name VARCHAR(255) Section name (used in URL)
skin VARCHAR(63) Theme associated with this section
page VARCHAR(255) Page template used for this section
css VARCHAR(255) Style sheet used for this section
permlink_mode VARCHAR(63) The permanent link URL scheme to use for this section
description VARCHAR(255) Section description. Can be used for outputting meta data or section details on landing pages
in_rss INT Whether to include articles in this section in the site's RSS or Atom XML feeds (0 = no, 1 = yes)
on_frontpage INT Whether to display articles in this section on the front page (0 = no, 1 = yes)
searchable INT Whether articles in this section are searchable (0 = no, 1 = yes)
title VARCHAR(255) Human-friendly section title
dev_skin VARCHAR(63) In-development theme associated with this section
dev_page VARCHAR(255) In-development page template used for this section
dev_css VARCHAR(255) In-development style sheet used for this section


Index type Name Definition
INDEX page_skin (page(50), skin(63))
INDEX css_skin (css(50), skin(63))


Contains public and development theme information as defined on the Themes panel. A theme is a collection of Pages, Forms and style sheets. It is referred to as a 'skin' internally because 'theme' was already taken by admin-themes. May be optionally exported to the file system, and imported from there to the database.

Column Type Description
name VARCHAR(63) Theme name. Sanitised to only contain filesystem-friendly characters
title VARCHAR(255) Human-friendly theme name
version VARCHAR(255) Version in semver dotted format
description VARCHAR(10240) Short description of theme's purpose (should try to limit to 255 chars)
author VARCHAR(255) Theme author name
author_uri VARCHAR(255) URL of the theme author's website
lastmod DATETIME Modification date and time of the theme


Index type Name Definition
PRIMARY KEY - (name(63))


Contains cryptographically-secure keys for password resets and user registration. Plugins may use this to store security-based token information.

Column Type Description
id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this token
reference_id INT The row in another table to which this token refers. For users, this is the user_id of the account to which the token belongs
type VARCHAR(255) Arbitrary classification of this token. Core uses password_reset and account_activation
selector VARCHAR(12) Part of the hash used as an identifier to refer to this token. Usually passed from the URL. This is a safe way to refer to this token without leaking the internal reference_id to the outside world
token VARCHAR(255) The cryptographically-secure token itself
expires DATETIME The date and time at which the token expires


Index type Name Definition
UNIQUE ref_type (reference_id, type(50))


Contains information for all users, as displayed on the Users panel.

Column Type Description
user_id INT Unique auto-incremented ID of this user
name VARCHAR(64) Login name
pass VARCHAR(128) Password
RealName VARCHAR(255) Real name
email VARCHAR(254) Email address (used for sending passwords and comment notifications)
privs TINYINT Privilege level (0 = none, 1 = publisher, 2 = managing editor, 3 = copy editor, 4 = staff writer, 5 = freelancer, 6 = designer). Indicates what the user is allowed to do, once logged in on the administration side
last_access DATETIME Date and time when the user last logged in by entering a valid username and password combination
nonce VARCHAR(64) Unique identifier used for cookie authentication (do NOT touch this in plugins!)


Index type Name Definition
PRIMARY KEY - (user_id)
UNIQUE name (name)


  1. The size limits shown in the Description for various table columns (e.g. the Body column of the textpattern table) may differ slightly from the actual size limits found in the tables created by Textpattern during installation (when a column is used in multiple tables, the smallest size is used). You should consider the limits indicated here as authoritative. When in doubt, ask a developer on the forum.

  2. See Plugin lifecycle callbacks for more info.