This folder is initialized by Expo Cli.
. // a complete Expo/ReactNative project: all of the client code
├── core // a complete create-react-app project: all of the website code
| ├── build // output from your TypeScript build for website
| ├── node_modules // all of your npm dependencies for website code
| ├── public // static assets that will be used to build website
| ├── src // non-view layer code for both clients, and view layer code of the website
| | ├── actions // Redux actions implementations, shared for both website and mobile apps
| | ├── models // type definitions, may be used for both server and clients
| | ├── reducers // Redux reducers implementations, shared for both website and mobile apps
| | ├── shared // common utilities for client, shared for both website and mobile apps
| | ├── website // all view layer code of the website
| | ├── index.tsx // entry point of the website
| | ├── serviceWorker.ts // create-react-app generated file, which is used for debug
| | └── setupProxy.js // bypasses all REST API calls to nodejs server while debugging
| ├── package.json // contains npm dependencies and build scripts for website
| └── tsconfig.json // config settings for compiling website
├── assets // images used by expo/react-native project
├── src // all view layer code of the mobile apps
├── app.json // Expo configuration for mobile apps
├── App.tsx // entry point of the Expo/ReactNative project
├── package.json // contains npm dependencies and build scripts for mobile apps
├── babel.config.js // expo-cli generated file for babel settings
├── metro.config.js // config settings for Expo compiler
├── tsconfig.json // config settings for compiling mobile apps
└── yarn.lock // in which Yarnpkg stores versions of each dependency