The session was run in the related miro board
Position | POC |
Chair | Saman Michael Far |
Secretary | Lorenzo Bruno |
Voting seat | Romain Pellerin |
Voting seat | Mike Ward |
SME | Alex Apeldoorn |
SME | Zachary Soesbee |
SME | Ben Hart |
SME | Dynal Patel |
SME | Alexandru Dochioiu |
SME | Bartłomiej Kącicki |
- Review committee context and gather feedback
- Introductions
- Review actions from the last session
- Review in the wider group items from the previous session
- Agree on a timeline to achieve outcomes
- Agree on meeting cadence
- Agree on actions for the next meeting
- The group reviewed the overall context, the following points were clarified:
- what falls within the scope of product committee? It is a broad umbrella which covers strategy and scope
- For the 2025 roadmap:
- we could look at issues and limitations and how to address them
- We could get budget for full-time people to do field research about the needs
- it needs to be driven by needs (customer and user needs) > both inward and outward-looking
- think about practical use cases
- The group agreed to ask the CIR WG to focus on pure core/BAU items for 2024 (Ben Hart is a representative and will help align on this)
- The group agreed to have as the first primary focus the 2025 roadmap, thinking about the ‘why’/strategy and to have a draft ready by mid-October
- The group expresses the need to start to have closer alignment with the other committees