Retrieves general help information for WMIC commands.
wmic /?
Retrieves BIOS-related information including name, version, and serial number.
wmic bios get name, version, serialnumber
Retrieves only the BIOS serial number.
wmic bios get serialnumber
Displays the BIOS manufacturer.
wmic bios get manufacturer
Displays BIOS details in a list format.
wmic bios get /format:list
Retrieves computer system product information from SMBIOS.
wmic csproduct get name
Displays detailed computer system product information.
wmic csproduct get /format:list
Displays boot configuration details.
wmic bootconfig get /format:list
Retrieves details of logical disks.
wmic logicaldisk get /format:list
Displays the computer system model.
wmic computersystem get model
Displays computer system details in a list format.
wmic computersystem get /format:list
Retrieves the computer name and system type.
wmic computersystem get name, systemtype
Retrieves MAC addresses and network adapter descriptions.
wmic nic get macaddress,description
Displays detailed network adapter information.
wmic nic get /format:list
Retrieves motherboard details such as product, manufacturer, version, and serial number.
wmic baseboard get product,manufacturer,version,serialnumber
Displays the total physical memory (RAM) of the system.
wmic computersystem get totalphysicalmemory
Retrieves partition details including name, size, and type.
wmic partition get name,size,type
Displays information about disk drives.
wmic diskdrive get name, manufacturer, model, interfacetype, mediatype, serialnumber
Retrieves a brief list of all services.
wmic service list brief
Retrieves details about system services including name, display name, path, and startup mode.
wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode
Displays the operating system installation date.
wmic os get installdate
Retrieves the local date and time.
wmic os get localdatetime
Displays operating system details in list format.
wmic os get /format:list