Location: Nch'kay and t'ak't'ak mu'yin tl'a in7in'a'xe7en regions (Garibaldi Provincial Park, British Columbia) in the Squamish and Lil'wat territories, Canada
Year established: 2022
Contacts: Cassandra Elphinstone ([email protected]), Courtney Collins ([email protected]), Nathalie Isabelle Chardon ([email protected])
Website: https://garibaldialpine.wixsite.com/garibaldialpine
Please see individual folders for data and analyses:
trampling_analyses: Tests i) effects of human trampling disturbance on plant growth and reproduction proxies of common plants across an elevation gradient, and ii) which species are more susceptible to trampling. (Chardon et al. Human trampling disturbance impacts subalpine and alpine plant growth more than reproduction. In review.)
Additional information:
When starting an analysis project copy the template folder to get a base structure and README
Large data has been stored on Compute Canada Cedar: /~/projects/def-henryg/Garibaldi_Lake_data_summer2022/
To make directory view/execute only: chmod -R a=rx Data_backup_summer_2022/*