Releases: IBM/plex
Release 6.0.0-next.5
Release 6.0.0-next.4
Release 6.0.0-next.3
- fix: node version (77a2df3)
Release 6.0.0-next.2
- fix: remove regular from italic file declaration (85dd28e)
Release 6.0.0-next.1
Release 6.0.0-next.0
Major breaking changes
This release will include an overhaul to the IBM Plex Sass build pipeline. It will leverage Sass modules to allow for totally customized font-face declarations depending on the application's supported languages and font distribution preferences.
If your application is using the generated, all-language, all-weight css/sass currently shipped with Plex, there will be guidance on how to refine those styles.
If your project is using node-sass, it won't be able to utilize this new tooling. You'll likely want to migrate from node-sass to Dart Sass, as node-sass and the library it's based on are deprecated.
See #370 for 6.0 goals and progress.
IBM Plex Sans JP
IBM Plex Sans CN
IBM Plex Mono - Addition of glyphs /currency /prime /primedbl
IBM PLEX SANS ARABIC V1.2 - 2021-02-14
Glyphs /alefMaksura_zain-ar.fina.rlig /alefMaksura_zain-ar.fina.rlig.short /alefMaksura_jeh-ar.fina.rlig /alefMaksura_jeh-ar.fina.rlig.short /alefMaksura_noon-ar.fina.rlig
Mark placement on alternative form of /kaf
referenced in issue 284
Multiple spacing issues including /lam_meem ligatures
PostScript BlueScale values
FamilyClass value in OS/2 table
included logographs are not used by default anymore but can be activated through OpenType layout feature “dlig”
referenced in issue 336
abbreviated font names used for style mapping (name ID1 + ID2) to improve interoperability
Glyphs /tteh_reh-ar.fina.short /tteh_zain-ar.fina.short /tteh_rreh-ar.fina.short /tteh_jeh-ar.fina.short
IBM PLEX SANS HEBREW V1.3 - 2020-12-04
placement of dot in glyph /lamed_holam-hb
placement of dot in glyph /lamed_dagesh_holam-hb
metrics of /resh-hb
referenced in issue 343
metrics of /tav-hb
PostScript BlueScale values
FamilyClass value in OS/2 table
abbreviated font names used for style mapping (name ID1 + ID2) to improve interoperability
Generated changelog
breaking: don't include styles in GH release (99fd503)
breaking: update Arabic, changes font name (65703ea)
breaking: update Hebrew, changes font name (2fd23f1)
breaking: begin sass module based build pipeline restructure (2383e47)
chore: update release asset generation (1bf46cb)
chore: update Arabic source files (1494f45)
chore: remove unused dep, resolve sec issue (270ee7a)
chore: update deps and resolve security warning (2b46ba7)
chore(deps): bump bl from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 (4cc1e50)
chore: remove zip log (eff7734)
IBM Plex Font Family v5.1.0
IBM Plex Sans KR Styles
- CSS stylesheets:
- Sass entrypoint:
Rendering CJK fonts performantly on the web requires many more subsets than western languages. These additional subsets result in many more font-family
declarations. Adding these declarations to the currently generated stylesheet would cause it to double in size.
For this reason, we've split IBM Plex Sans KR
off into it's own style sheet. In the future, we'll be exporting similar stylesheets per-language so developers can chose inidividual languages to suit their users.
New font file updates for
- IBM Plex Sans
- IBM Plex Serif
- IBM Plex Sans Condensed
- IBM Plex Mono
This includes some changes to the vertical metrics of the font files as well as a few changes to the available glyphs.
- Changed
IBM Plex Sans Condensed
toIBM Plex Sans Cond
, this won't impact web applications, but could for other third party applications
- IBM Plex Sans KR (Korean)
IBM Plex Font Family v4.0.2
- OpenType layout feature “subs”
- meta table to all generated otf and ttf font files
- Glyph /ibmlogo07 (0xEBE7)
- [IBM Plex Sans Hebrew-Text] /samekh (0x05E1) wrong right sidebearing
- Wrong kerning between /vav (0x05D5) /dagesh (0xFB35)
- Small metrics errors in Latin glyphs
- Errors in PS hint replacement in all files containing PostScript outlines