This is the app for Öppna skolplattformen.
Have a look at the overall readme for general instructions on getting started.
We use yarn
as our package manager. To install it, run sudo npm install -g yarn
. All the commands described here should be run from the apps/skolplattformen-app
To get started using the iOS simulator start by installing the JavaScript dependencies using
$ yarn
Next you need to install the Cocoapods dependencies for the iOS project
$ cd ios
$ pod setup
$ pod install
You should now be setup to run the app in the Simulator. Run the ios
in the root of the app.
$ yarn ios
If you receive an error regarding not being able to find the app scheme:
- Open the app in xcode
- Product -> scheme -> manage scheme
- App should be ticked with the value of 'app project'
- Change 'app project' to something else from its drop down and back again
- Close
Then run yarn ios again
Android development requires that you have Android Studio and relevant build tools installed.
Start by installing JavaScript dependencies using
$ yarn
Before running the app you should start an emulator from Android Studio. Then run the following command to start the build
$ yarn android
$ yarn test