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src backend notes 2024_10_03_email_in_use_checks

KernelDeimos edited this page Feb 25, 2025 · 1 revision


Plan (constantly changing as per what's below)

  • signup.js only says "email already used" if the one that's already been used is confirmed.
  • "change email" needs to follow the same logic; show an error when an email already exists on an account with a confirmed email. Then, upon confirming the update, Ensure that in the meanwhile no new account came up with that email set.
  • ensure clean_email is updated whenever the email is updated

Email duplicate check on confirmation

  • signup.js:149 -> this is where email dupe is currently checked
  • signup.js:290 -> This is where we send the confirmation email. There is also a branch that sends a "confirm token". I don't recall what this is for.

Investigating the "confirm token"

  • email template is email_verification_code instead of email_verification_link
  • This happens when either:
    • user.requires_email_confirmation is TRUE
    • send_confirmation_code is TRUE in REQUEST

Figuring out when requires_email_confirmation is TRUE

I'm mostly curious about this state on a user. It's strange that signup.js would do anything on EXISTING users.

  1. pseudo_user may be populated if exists AND a user with no password exists with that email
  2. uuid_user may be populated if a user exists with the specified UUID, but it has no usefulness unless uuid_user has the same id as pseudo_user.

uuid_user is only used to set email_confirmation_required to 0 IFF pseudo_user has same id as uuid_user AND psuedo_user has an email

When does pseudo_user have an email?

Figuring out when a pseudo user can have an email

  • asking NJ, I'm at a loss on this one for the moment

Figuring out if account takeover is possible on signup.js with a uuid

  • Nope, looks like uuid_user is only used to set email_confirmation_required = 0

Figuring out when send_confirmation_code is TRUE in REQUEST

  • IFF require_email_verification_to_publish_website is TRUE
    • it's not currently, but we need this to be possible to enable
  • ^ That seems to be the ONLY place when this matters

Current Thoughts

  • email_verification_code will be difficult to test because there is nothing currently in the system that's using it. However, I could try enabling require_email_verification_to_publish_website locally and see if this behavior begins to work as expected.

  • email_verification_link where we can confirm an email. If another email was already confirmed since the time the link was sent, we need to display an error message to the user.

Find places where (on backend) email change process is triggered

Right now there are two handlers:

  • /user-protected/change-email (UserProtectedEndpointsService)
    • Invokes the process (sends confirmation email)
  • /change_email/confirm (PuterAPIService)
    • Endpoint that the email link points to
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