FluentUI Tester
is the test app that we use to test our FluentUI components during development. It uses the react-native-test app under the covers, and loads the fluent-tester bundle.
- FluentUI Tester is built uses react-native-test app, so install its prereqs and follow instructions depending on whether you're developing on Windows or macOS.
- Install Android Studio
- Make sure you have setup an Android Virtual Device
- Make sure you have followed the Getting Started instructions to install packages and build the entire FluentUI React Native repository. I.e. from the root of the repo:
yarn && yarn build
- Then go into
folder and simply run the the following
yarn android
The first time you run your project, you may get errors about missing SDKs. Android Studio usually provides quick options to resolve these issues, but you can also go to Tools->SDK Manager to manually install or update SDK platforms or tools for your project.
If you would like to debug in Android Studio, you can do the following to open the project there:
# Android
open -a "Android Studio" .
# Windows
# Easiest to open from within Android Studio - see picture below
Note: if Android Studio does not provide you with an "app" to run after you first open the project from the android folder, you may have to restart Android Studio.
Once Android Studio finishes preparing your app folder, you will be able to build and run your app by clicking on the "app" dropdown in the menu bar. If you have not yet setup an AVD, please see this page on how to set one up.