The following is a list of open source projects.
- Axym - Speed reading web app
- Bala - a portfolio website that tries to mimic VSCode
- Book Review Site
- Campus Overflow - Q&A site
- Devbio - Simplify your Developer Journey with easy to make and Tailored Profiles
- Fortnite Drop Selector - Fortnite drop location website
- PassManagerWeb - Securely manage your passwords of your online accounts
- React Flight Tracker
- Resulti - A privacy-based search engine
- Text-Tools - Quick and simple tools for text editing
- Tiersorter - An item ranker that ranks items on simple questions
- YUKI Manga - Explore manga like never before
- Apple-Music-Electron - customization with themes and plugins for a personalized music experience
- Ascendara - download manager
- Assembly Simulator
- Epik Waifu Downloader - The most epik waifu downloader app in existence
- Exercice Maker - An exercise maker GUI written in Python
- GPause 2 - Control apps' awakeness
- IrisChat - An IRC client for Android
- NetFetch - Download manager
- SafeArchive - Securely backup and manage your files locally and in the cloud
- Simple TCP Chatroom GUI - GUI version of
- TkForge - Drag & drop in Figma to create a Python GUI with ease
- C# to Luau Transpiler
- CoCLI - Clash of Code CLI
- Cookie-monster - A tool that fetches cookies
- cupidfetch - A C based fetch program for Linux
- Game Launcher - Configurable app to launch Steam games or custom games
- Google Maps Scraper Fast - Specify in a JSON file and scrape thousands of results easily
- GPM - A simple python-based package manager for linux.
- Horus - An OSINT / digital forensics tool built in Python
- Hydra-John
- NanoChat - A self-hosted encrypted chat with privacy features
- Neck Death Calculator - ...
- NetworkSherlock - powerful and flexible port scanning tool With Shodan
- OrganizationAssistent - A light and basic assistant tasked with handling your mess for you
- PassBreaker - a command-line password cracking tool developed in Python
- ProfanityGuard - A simple filter for bad words written in C++
- protondb-check - CLI tool for checking ProtonDB compatibility of your Steam games
- Rainy Day Cash App - An app that lets you track how much money you have saved for a "rainy day"
- Rstreamdeck - A customizable streamdeck controller made in rust
- Snowstorm - Creates snow storm in your command line
- term-clock - A clock for your terminal
- whoami - program similar to linux whoami command
- ytp - Terminal tool for YouTube playlist downloads
- FerrumC - A reimplementation of the minecraft server in rust
- GSP-Pro - Google search parser
- Hashserve - A websocket based hashmap server
- Phone as touchpad and keyboard
- WebSocket Python implementation
- zcached - A lightweight in-memory cache system (may need recategorization, I couldn't completely figure out what it was)
- Aimar Ibarra's Arena (AIA) - a simple implementation of a memory arena and allocator for C++
- Aquilify - an ASGI framework designed to facilitate the development of web applications with Python
- AsyncLoop - simplified asyncio
- cstructs - Powerful decorator for serialization and deserialization between dataclasses and binary data
- Elementique - React framework
- ezgpt - Python library for easier GPT usage than the default openai library
- LuaWatcher - Watch your roblox / lua changes
- Mapify - "map"-based encryption
- Nativx - Date & Time JS improvements
- nCurses toolkit - Collection of C++ modules leveraging the power of ncurses library for console-based user interaction
- Pythra - Python GUI framework
- qool.js - a better DOM manipulation experience than vanilla HTML/css/js
- react-orbit-component - A simple Orbit component for React
- simple-colourised-logger - Extremely simple coloured logging using RGB values and saverity levels
- Sugar.css - Semantic, accessible, lightweight CSS framework
- TiLearn - time management
- UICSS_input - Pretty input element with currency appearing once digits typed
- useful-react-types - Just a collection of some React types that makes your life easier
- vector.h - a C implementation of vector through macros, as always, zero error checks
- Oreon - Linux distro built on top of Alma
- RaidouOS - 64-bit multitasking graphical OS
- RockOS - bootloader OS in x86
- AI Wanderlust - AI travel planner
- AT4J - Microsoft Azure Translator for Java
- Make-A-ChessAI - a little project to help you making your chess AI
- ReadmeKraft - AI GH markdown files
Discord Bot:
- Discord-Icon-Gen - A simple Discord bot that allows users to generate a customized icon
- Droplet - The hackers friendly Discord bot
- nickname-bot - Discord bot that uses AI to automatically moderate server nicknames
- SyntaxSentry
- Binary Learning Game - Self explanatory
- OpenLiberty - GTA3 reimplementation in Godot
- Space Pong
- Bread - An interpreted math program
- Easier-Brainfuck - an adaptation of the BrainFuck programming language aimed at simplifying its usage
- Halsh - A shell for Windows and Linux made using Rust
- Minishell - minimal shell
- soggycat - a language made for fun as a learning opportunity
- terminal - An advanced cross-platform shell with Forth interpreter
- zaslang - A general purpose programming language
Editor Extensions:
- Code to MD - VSC Extension that will copy selected code into Discord or Reddit markdown ready formats
- Ez Snippet - VSCode extension which helps you to write code like a pro, instantly