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Demo of Slide

marcel euchner-martinez edited this page Jul 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

Demo of Slide

This is a short demo of how slide can be implemented in Heaps. Slide is described as a framework agnostic tweening library. In the sample below we use it to give our h2d.Object (a h2d.Graphics finally) a predefined path to move along.

Slide can be installed with: haxelib install slide or haxelib git slide




import slide.Slide;

class SlideLibDemo extends hxd.App {
    static function main() { new SlideLibDemo(); }
    override function init() {
        var g = new h2d.Graphics( s2d );
        g.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF );
        g.drawRect( 0, 0, 50, 50 );

        var foo = ()->{ trace("Cycle accomplished!"); };
        var fin = ()->{ trace("Slide finished."); };

        Slide.tween( g )
            .to({x:400}, 1.5)
            .to({y:300}, 1  )
            .to({x:60,y:60}, 0.5)
            .call( (o)->{ foo(); trace(o,o.x,o.y); o.rotate(0.3); } )
            .onComplete( fin )
            .repeat(-1) // -1 = infinity (actually prevents function fin to be called here)

    override function update(dt:Float) {
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