This page lists work that needs to be done in order of priority. It is a mix of functionality and code improvements. Sub-bullets are used for further explanation or subdivision.
The identifiers (VHDE-nn
) are only used to refer to other items on the list
and do not indicate priority.
: Make objects selectable and send keyboard input to the selectionVHDE-26
: Implement saving a newly created projectVHDE-25
: Implement the adding of files to an existing projectVHDE-21
: Also show architectures from file opened in text modeVHDE-22
: Show difference between graphical/text archs in treeview (deps onVHDE-21
: Open text editor when opening a text architecture (deps onVHDE-21
: Monitor loaded files to allow reload on change by external editorVHDE-28
: Implement routing of signals according to the 'ordered wire routing' algorithmVHDE-02
: Complete support for the currently implemented VHDL items (remove shortcuts)VHDE-13
: Resolve conflicts between .layout and .vhd filesVHDE-12
: Remove restriction of 1 architecture per fileVHDE-05
: Add a comment for each class describing its reponsibilityVHDE-16
: Add support for configuration declarationVHDE-17
: Add support for package declaration and bodyVHDE-09
: Figure out how to do user-assisted routing of signals in a diagramVHDE-10
: Add testsVHDE-18
: Write user manualVHDE-06
: Port from clutter to GTK+ Scene Graph Kit (GSK), once broadly available- ...
: Verilog support (don't hold your breath)
The above backlog focuses on getting VHDE into a state that is usable and useful for regular users. To achieve this goal as soon as possible often a simple implementation of a feature is chosen first, which can be replaced by a more sophisticated one at a later time. The list below is meant to record some ideas for improvement that are not important enough to make it to the current backlog.
- When loading a VHDL file that does not have a corresponding layout file, instead of putting half of the ports on the left side of a block and half of them on the right, put inputs on the left and outputs on the right.
- When adding a VHDL file that was not created by VHDE to a project, detect if the content of the file would change if VHDE had written it. If so, warn the user about this and give him the option to open the file read-only or to accept that VHDE will change the file.
- When loading VHDL files with comments, maintain them in the model and include them when the VHDL is written. Use some heuristics to determine where to put the comments as the file is modified (associate a comment directly above or at the end of a line with the VHDL object on that line, associate a comment followed by an empty line with the current section, e.g. the list of signals or the header of the file)
- Implement graceful degradation when reading layout files that do not match the VHDL file.
- Fall back to generating a default layout when the layout file has syntactic errors