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183 lines (147 loc) · 6.97 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (147 loc) · 6.97 KB


Use the Official Datadog Flutter SDK Instead of This Package

This package has been deprecated in favor of the official Datadog Flutter SDK. Please see the announcement or skip ahead to the new, official repo.

Datadog Flutter

Community implementation of native bindings for Datadog's SDK. This is not an official package.


  1. Generate a client token from Datadog through the Settings > API panel (under Client Tokens). If you're using RUM, do not toggle between the RUM platform client tokens.
  2. Initialize:
    await DatadogFlutter.initialize(
      clientToken: myDatadogClientToken,
      serviceName: 'my-app-name',
      environment: 'production',
  3. Associate RUM and log events (optional):
    await DatadogFlutter.setUserInfo(id: <YOUR_USER_ID>);
  4. Acknowledge TrackingConsent at initialization or later within your application. Events will not be logged until trackingConsent is .granted. This value can be updated via DatadogFlutter.updateTrackingConsent.

⚠️ Your Podfile must have use_frameworks! (Flutter includes this by default) and your minimum iOS target must be >= 11. This is a requirement from the Datadog SDK.

Flutter Web Caveats

The Datadog scripts need to be inserted in your index.html document. Please add both the logging script and the RUM script to their own <script> tags. DO NOT add the .init on .onReady code.


In its default implementation, log data will only be transmitted to Datadog through Logger records. print statements are not guaranteed to be captured.

ddLogger = DatadogLogger(loggerName: 'orders');
// optionally set a value for HOST
// ddLogger.addAttribute('hostname', <DEVICE IDENTIFIER>);

ddLogger.addTag('restaurant_type', 'pizza');

// add attribute to every log
ddLogger.addAttribute('toppings', 'extra_cheese');

// add atttributes to some logs
ddLogger.log('time to cook pizza', Level.FINE, attributes: {
  'durationInMilliseconds': timer.elapsedMilliseconds,

Flutter Web Caveats

  • addTag and removeTag are not invoked and resolve silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.

Real User Monitoring

RUM adds support for error, event, and screen tracking. The integration requires additional configuration for each service.

  1. Supply an application ID to initialize:
    await DatadogFlutter.initialize(
      clientToken: myDatadogClientToken,
      serviceName: 'my-app-name',
      environment: 'production',
      iosRumApplicationId: myiOSRumApplicationId,
      androidRumApplicationId: myAndroidRumApplicationId,
      webRumApplicationId: myWebRumApplicationId,
  2. Automatically track screens:
      // ...your material config...
      home: HomeScreen(),
      navigatorObservers: [
  3. Automatically report errors (on iOS deployments be sure to upload your dSYMs):
    void main() async {
      // Capture Flutter errors automatically:
      FlutterError.onError = DatadogRum.instance.addFlutterError;
      // Catch errors without crashing the app:
      runZonedGuarded(() {
      }, (error, stackTrace) {
        DatadogRum.instance.addError(error, stackTrace);
  4. Manually track additional events (please note that Android will only report RUMAction.custom events):
    GestureDetector(onTap: () {
  5. Manually track additional errors:
    try {
      throw StateError();
    } catch (e, st) {
      DatadogRum.instance.addError(e, st);
  6. Manually track network requests or resources:
    await DatadogRum.startResourceLoading(
      url: '',
      method: RUMResources.get,
    await DatadogRum.stopResourceLoading(
      statusCode: 500,
      errorMessage: 'Internal Server Error' ,

Flutter Web Caveats

  • addUserAction ignores the action when using Flutter web.
  • updateTrackingConsent is not invoked and fails silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • stopView is not invoked and fails silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • startUserAction and stopStopUserAction are not invoked and fail silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • startResourceLoading and stopResourceLoading are not invoked and resolve silently when using Flutter web. This is a missing feature in Datadog's JS SDK.
  • setUserInfo does not support custom attributes when using Flutter web. This is due to Dart's method of strongly typing JS. Only name, id, and email are supported.


Associate your HTTP requests with your backend service. Be sure to setup (usually immediately after DatadogFlutter.initialize):

await DatadogTracing.initialize();

For one-off requests, instantiate a fresh client:

final httpClient = DatadogTracingHttpClient();
// make requests
final response = await httpClient.get(Uri(string: '');

For frameworks that use an internal client like Brick, compose the client:

  client: DatadogTracingHttpClient();
// or compose if another client is already being used:
  client: DatadogTracingHttpClient(GZipHttpClient());


How do I disable logging when I'm developing locally?

By default, the DatadogFlutter default constructor will send all logs from Logger to Datadog. To ignore, set bindOnRecord:

DatadogLogger(bindOnRecord: false)

And log conditionally later:

Logger.root.onRecord.listen((record) async {
  if (shouldSendToDatadog) {
  } else {