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Welcome to my portfolio's repository!
Discover a unique and intuitive experience through my portfolio thanks to a familiar desktop interface !
This project is still in Beta, some features may not work as intended and the code is still a bit messy in some places.
Feel free to report any bugs here 👍
This effect was archived by mixing blur effect and a noise texture in the background to create some depth.
It's heavly inspired of Microsoft's Acrylic effect
You can customize your experience from the settings application.
💾 All settings are saved in your local storage.These features are work-in-progress and will come in future updates:
- Game development page content
- Responsive
- Translations (localization)
- More web development projects.
The code is partially commented and documented.
Do not forget that this project is still in development, functions could be modified in future updates.
🚨 Your whole application needs to be usable in a html type file.
First, create a folder of your project's name in the
folder.Then, in the
file located atscripts\desktop\desktop.js
, create a newDesktopIcon
object instance.
Syntax:new DesktopIcon((String)title, (String)icon, (function)funcPtr, (String)shandler);
title: The text shown at the bottom of the shortcut; icon: The relative path of your icon's image file; funcPtr: The function to call on any left click event (can have parameters); shandler: Unique text to distinguish between different icons.;
You will need to call the
function on your icon's click event to create your window. Exemple:new DesktopIcon("Title", "icons/myIcon.png", ()=>createWindow("icons/myIcon.png", "Title","_subpages\\my_app\\index.html","myApp"), "myApp_shortcut");
To create a pop-up, you can simply use the
Syntax:UI_CreatePupup((String)icon, (String)title, (String)message, (String)okText, (function)okFunction, (String)cancelText, (function)cancelFunction);
icon: The relative path of your icon's image file; title: The title of the pop-up; message: the message shown at the center of the pop-up; okText: The text of the primary (left) button; okFunction: The function to call when the primary button is clicked by the user; cancelText: [not required] The text of the secondary (right) button; cancelFunction: [not required] The function to call when the secondary button is clicked by the user;
UI_CreatePupup("icons/myIcon.png", "Pop-up Title", "Pop-up description", "Ok",()=>ok_function(), "Cancel", ()=>cancel_function());
To create toast notifications, you can simply use the
Syntax:new ToastNotify(icon, title, description);
icon: The relative path of your icon's image file; title: The title of the toast notification; description: [not required] The description (secondary text) of the notification.
new ToastNotify("icons/myIcon.png", "Toast notification", "A simple notification");
- Author @Gersigno
Online resources
- Switch elements style by Marcus Burnette
- Simple date format by Emil S. Jørgensen
Thanks to
David R. for his help on the project.
Zen design for his advice on ui/ux design.
All icons used in this project come from icons8
For support, email [email protected] or join the discord server.