v17.1.0 (2024-08-12)
New features:
- fix(detailed cipo): display automatic renewal #1184 (by @PascalRepond)
- feat(circulation): automatic renewals #1177 (by @PascalRepond)
- fix(circ): error when no item note #1189 (by @PascalRepond)
- acquisition editor: fix missing initial value in the account select #1186 (by @jma)
- fix: update ngx-formly #1185 (by @PascalRepond)
v17.0.1 (2024-06-06)
- chore: update ngx-formly to the version 6.3.2 #1180 (by @Garfield-fr)
v17.0.0 (2024-06-03)
New features:
- aggregation: change for isFiction #1132 & #1167 (by @rerowep)
- Us 2172 files #1168 (by @jma)
- feat(item): add fees on item detail view #1151 (by @Garfield-fr)
- feat(acquisition): select/deselect lines #1129 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(items): restore legacy checkout count #1174 (by @PascalRepond)
- feat(circulation): add informations message #1146 (by @Garfield-fr)
- feat(circulation): add message on alert #1142 (by @Garfield-fr)
- feat(circulation): add temporary location name #1133 (by @Garfield-fr)
- feat(circulation): display check-in note #1130 (by @Garfield-fr)
- chore(item): delete legacy fields #1165 (by @PascalRepond)
- chore(permissions): item and holdings #1152 (by @Garfield-fr)
- chore(menu): add query params on some routes #1136 (by @Garfield-fr)
- feat: detail views enhancements #1135 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(patron profile): multi-organisation selector #1179 (by @PascalRepond)
- fix(fiction): makes the facet higher and open #1178 (by @PascalRepond)
- fix(patron): ill request count #1176 (by @PascalRepond)
- fix(editor): item switch location #1173 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(editor): entity typeahead clear value #1166 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(document): import with many identifiers #1155 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(editor): fix the new syntax of hodlings #1163 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix: incorrect wording in item component #1158 (by @PascalRepond)
- fix(document): language facet translation #1149 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(ill): add filter parameter #1145 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(editor): use the new process json schema #1150 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(filter): add a new key for translation #1154 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(fee): form options on add manual fee #1153 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(inventory list): remove default lib filter #1144 (by @PascalRepond)
- fix(permission): missing collections message #1131 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix(document): availability #1134 (by @Garfield-fr)
Other changes:
- chore: update dependencies #1139 (by @Garfield-fr)
- chore: upgrade Angular 17 and Formly v6 #1115 (by @Garfield-fr)
v14.7.3 (2024-02-28)
- fix(circulation): no loan info on receive #1124 (by @jma & @PascalRepond)
v14.7.2 (2024-02-21)
- fix(aggregation): add translate for claims count #1121 (by @Garfield-fr)
v14.7.1 (2024-02-20)
- fix(aggregation): don't translate default facet #1118 (by @Garfield-fr)
v14.7.0 (2024-02-15)
New features:
- document: implement advanced search #1069 (by @Garfield-fr)
- feat(documents): hide related entities tab #1099 (by @Garfield-fr)
- document: add acquisition aggregation #1076 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: item on check-in list without loan #1085 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add sort on location (checkout) #1086 (by @Garfield-fr)
- patron: add blocked and expired filters #1088 (by @Garfield-fr)
- acquisition: displaying more document information #1062 (by @lauren-d)
- acquisition: add sort config #1063 (by @lauren-d)
- entities: some improve navigation and links #1081 (by @Garfield-fr)
- chore: implement new handle error service #1094 (by @Garfield-fr)
- patron: fix total pending requests number #1095 (by @PascalRepond)
- ill requests: adapt facet label #1096 (by @PascalRepond)
- translations: fix untranslated notif setting #1092 (by @PascalRepond)
- circulation: fix patron history #1084 (by @Garfield-fr)
- aggregation: fix library filter facet #1091 (by @Garfield-fr)
Other changes:
- chore: upgrade to node v16 #1098 (by @Garfield-fr)
- documents: refactoring action buttons #1090 (by @Garfield-fr)
- dependencies: update #1108 (by @PascalRepond)
v14.6.0 (2023-11-21)
New features:
- New statistics module UI #1077 (by @jma)
- menus: add new icons #1073 (by @PascalRepond)
- ill requests: improve pro patron view #1070 (by @PascalRepond)
- libraries: add editor validation #1082 (by @jma)
- documents: fix notes display #1075 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: fix checkin patron info #1072 (by @PascalRepond)
- patron: fix display of optional address fields #1056 (by @Garfield-fr)
- library switch: always show the menu #1058 (by @Garfield-fr)
- library switch: fix switch on mobile #1059 (by @Garfield-fr)
- entity detailed view: uniformize icon placement #1071 (by @PascalRepond)
- github actions: fix labeler #1089 (by @PascalRepond)
v14.5.0 (2023-10-10)
New features:
- Add local entities #1037 (by @zannkukai)
- entities: add place and temporal display #1046 (by @Garfield-fr)
- Improve performance #1044 (by @Garfield-fr)
- items: sorting for standard holdings #1038 (by @Garfield-fr)
- document: improved display of genre form field #1032 (by @Garfield-fr)
- editor: add icon type on entity typeahead #1050 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add pickup name on checkin #1036 (by @Garfield-fr)
- ILL Request: better display into patron circulation #1018 (by @zannkukai)
- entities: fix sources order by language #1068 (by @Garfield-fr)
- entities: fix source search button #1067 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix: certain texts get unselected on keystroke #1033 (by @Garfield-fr)
- history: fix duplicate records #1047 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix: display manual overdue #1034 (by @Garfield-fr)
- library: fix communication language on add #1051 (by @Garfield-fr)
- item: update status after request #1039 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: fix patron barcode #1045 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fix: help shortcut #1035 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fees: fix error on display #1040 (by @Garfield-fr)
- document: fix expand to global view #1042 (by @Garfield-fr)
- shared: enable translations #1052 (by @jma)
- operation history: fix pickup location label #1031 (by @PascalRepond)
- issues: fix status display into holding detail view #1016 (by @zannkukai)
- translations: add missing menu manual translation #1022 (by @PascalRepond)
- circulation: fix item properties access on item view #1019 (by @zannkukai)
v14.4.0 (2023-07-13)
New features:
- editor: add can deactivate guard #1000 (by @Garfield-fr)
- patron profile: show overdue preview fees #1001 (by @Garfield-fr)
- user: default active library #995 (by @Garfield-fr)
- http: add current_library parameter on api call #996 (by @Garfield-fr)
- Add claim mechanism for periodical issues #998 (by @zannkukai)
- circulation: remember fixed date checkout #991 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add ill requests tab #978 (by @Garfield-fr)
- fees: add invoice payment method #997 (by @PascalRepond)
- item: delete the default value #977 (by @Garfield-fr)
- keyboard shortcuts: add inventory list hotkey #992 (by @PascalRepond)
- holdings: issue creation permission management #999 (by @zannkukai)
- patron profile: fix bug on contributions #1002 (by @Garfield-fr)
- item: add circulation information #976 (by @Garfield-fr)
v14.3.0 (2023-05-16)
New features:
- entity: use entity instead of contribution #941 (by @Garfield-fr)
- entities: improves entities management #975 (by @zannkukai)
v14.2.0 (2023-05-10)
New features:
- item operation history: add statistics #974 (by @Garfield-fr)
- operation log: add library name after operator #972 (by @Garfield-fr)
- ill request: ill pickup name #968 (by @Garfield-fr)
- patron profile: fix tooltip message on extend #963 (by @Garfield-fr)
- item circulation history: add notification #962 (by @Garfield-fr)
- inventory list: add descending sorting #969 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add cancel request on pending tag #973 (by @Garfield-fr)
- library switch menu: fix sort by name #970 (by @Garfield-fr)
- items: increase permission scope #966 (by @zannkukai)
- items: update default sort for serial holding to
#965 (by @zannkukai) - Transactions: fix transactions total amount calculation #961 (by @zannkukai)
- circulation: fix fixed date sunday not disabled #971 (by @Garfield-fr)
- menus: add missing translation #964 (by @PascalRepond)
- translations: add missing translate attribute #959 (by @PascalRepond)
- circulation: fix clear patron button display #949 (by @zannkukai)
- documents: default search filters on resource search input #938 (by @zannkukai)
Other changes:
- dependencies: update #960 (by @rerowep)
v14.1.1 (2023-03-20)
- patron: fix the display of the badges on brief view #955 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: fix password change on patron profile #953 (by @Garfield-fr)
- profile: fix translations on change password form #954 (by @Garfield-fr)
- translations: fix string translation i18n pipe #951 (by @Garfield-fr)
v14.1.0 (2023-02-28)
New features:
- Add permissions #937 (by @zannkukai)
- inventory: current pending requests #930 (by @Garfield-fr)
- user: password validator #915 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add manuel fee #917 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: fix manual fee modal dialog #940 (by @zannkukai)
- library: fix editor #935 (by @zannkukai)
- menu: fix generate menu with variables #939 (by @Garfield-fr)
- local_fields: fix local fields orders #905 (by @zannkukai)
- issues: fix issue sorting #932 (by @zannkukai)
Other changes:
- dev: add better support of
npm link
#929 (by @jma)
v14.0.1 (2023-01-13)
- Fees: fix labels for missing data #925 (by @zannkukai)
- items: url opens in a new tab #923 (by @PascalRepond)
- patron history: fix contributions display #924 (by @Garfield-fr)
v14.0.0 (2022-12-19)
New features:
- documents: add linked documents button #893 (by @Garfield-fr)
- document: improve import control #899 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add link to patron name #894 (by @Garfield-fr)
- document: open electronicLocator in new tab #909 (by @PascalRepond)
- search result: show facets on no result found #901 (by @Garfield-fr)
- holdings: fix display in small screens #892 (by @Garfield-fr)
- patron profile: fix wrong url on the contributor #897 (by @Garfield-fr)
- document: filter on the remote typeahead #898 (by @Garfield-fr)
- devel: add keep alive header for proxy #916 (by @jma)
- dependencies: upgrade to angular 14 #903 (by @jma)
v0.25.0 (2022-09-06)
- documents: formatting of the title variant #895 (by @Garfield-fr)
- menu: translation for current loans #891 (by @Garfield-fr)
- Loans: loans brief view #879 (by @zannkukai)
- merge US-Acquisition-export #886 (by @lauren-d)
- acquisitions: fix message info on order line edit button #875 (by @lauren-d)
- document: fix collection display #885 (by @jma)
- documents: open aggregation with filters and add more facets for documents search #867 (by @vgranata)
- documents: Improved display of the request button on the holdings #883 (by @Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add call-numbers on loan circulation information. #884 (by @zannkukai)
- acquisition: rollover #880 (by @Garfield-fr)
- templates: update footer info #882 (by @PascalRepond)
v0.24.0 (2022-07-08)
- holdings: small ui fix #858 (by @PascalRepond)
- documents: fix the thumbnail size on different devices #877 (by @Garfield-fr)
- library switch menu: fix storage current library #876 (by @Garfield-fr)
- documents: export records #848 (by @lauren-d)
- fix: extract missing translation #871 (by @PascalRepond)
- guard: fix tests on CanAccessGuard #869 (by @Garfield-fr)
- document: fix size of the thumbnail on mobile brief view #868 (by @Garfield-fr)
- editor: adapt code to new widget structure on jsonschema #835 (by @Garfield-fr)
- translations: fix missing request translation #865 (by @PascalRepond)
- forms: add email validation behavior #861 (by @zannkukai)
- requests: add location/pickup-location sort criteria. #859 (by @zannkukai)
- document:
duplicate check. #855 (by @zannkukai) - general: fix error 400 bad request #864 (by @Garfield-fr)
- general: Safe URL pipe #857 (by @zannkukai)
- notification_types: mark missing translation #856 (by @PascalRepond)
- circulation: display due date at checkin #827 (by @vgranata)
v0.23.0 (2022-05-16)
Other changes:
- patron view: fix missing translations #851 (by @PascalRepond)
- translations: fix missing translations #845 (by @PascalRepond)
- library: 'at_desk' notification #831 (by @zannkukai)
- document: subject subdivisions display #828 (by @zannkukai)
- patron: improve patron profile #833 (by @zannkukai)
- document: improve isbn and issn check #847 (by @Garfield-fr)
- holdings: new 'access note' note type. #841 (by @zannkukai)
- Circulation: allow extend all items button #844 (by @zannkukai)
- circulation: enter patron barcode when checkin form contains items #834 (by @vgranata)
- transactions: better transactions history display. #842 (by @zannkukai)
- holdings: allow new line for
field #837 (by @zannkukai)
v0.22.1 (2022-04-11)
- Fixed an an error in node package publication
v0.22.0 (2022-04-04)
Fixed bugs:
- import: fix check of duplicates during import from the web #807 [f: professional ui] (benerken)
Merged pull requests:
- items: fix request of item in detail view #838 (vgranata)
- documents: fix display of serial items for other organisations #836 (vgranata)
- circulation: disambiguate checkout error message #825 [f: professional ui] [f: circulation] [f: user management] (PascalRepond)
- patron profile: change the number of loans to 20 #824 [f: circulation] [f: public ui] [f: user management] (Garfield-fr)
- documents: add order on holdings/items #823 [f: public ui] (Garfield-fr)
- documentation: improve changelog generation and labeler #821 (PascalRepond)
- patron: select the current profile view #801 [f: professional ui] [f: public ui] [f: user management] (Garfield-fr)
- Merge US holding request to staging #777 [f: professional ui] [f: circulation] [f: public ui] (vgranata)
- patron profile: add sort by due date #774 [f: circulation] [f: public ui] [f: user management] (vgranata)
v0.21.1 (2022-02-24)
Merged pull requests:
- holdings: fix detailed view for issue items. #815 (zannkukai)
- holdings: fix item collapsing #814 (zannkukai)
- document: move edition statement into brief view #813 (zannkukai)
- cir policy: fix detailed view #812 (jma)
- item: add organisation filter #810 (Garfield-fr)
v0.21.0 (2022-02-14)
Merged pull requests:
- search: fix default sort parameters #802 (jma)
- patrons: display patron
field #800 (zannkukai) - library: improve library detail view and exception dates management #799 (zannkukai)
- V1.7.0 #798 (zannkukai)
- holding: display issue brief view as block #796 (zannkukai)
- patron_type: display of unpaid subscription limit #794 (zannkukai)
- request: display the request time #793 (zannkukai)
- document: fix title display on brief view #792 (zannkukai)
- circulation policies: fix detail view #791 (zannkukai)
- patron: fix some translations #787 (zannkukai)
- holdings: fix item collapsing. #786 (zannkukai)
- item: fix item availability status. #785 (zannkukai)
- items: configure new facets for inventory list #773 (lauren-d)
- circ_policies: fix detail view #762 (zannkukai)
v0.20.0 (2022-01-12)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- acquisition: fix receipt date in order brief view #783 (zannkukai)
- circulation: checkin operations when item/patron barcode are identical #776 (Garfield-fr)
- Merge
#775 (zannkukai) - dependencies: update ngx-formly to version 5.10.27 #771 (Garfield-fr)
- patrons: fix display of patron transaction event #764 (zannkukai)
- circulation: add debug information panels #761 (zannkukai)
- patrons: improve patron detailed view #759 (zannkukai)
- users: fix user editor title #758 (zannkukai)
- ui: fix language selection #753 (jma)
- documents: allow to show other organisations holdings/items #749 (Garfield-fr)
v0.19.0 (2021-12-09)
Merged pull requests:
- circulation: fix patron transaction error message. #756 (zannkukai)
- operation logs: Fix the window display if no record #750 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add item link on the patron history tab #748 (Garfield-fr)
- requests: display request expiration date #747 (zannkukai)
- import: add new sources to import from the web #705 (benerken)
v0.18.1 (2021-10-28)
Merged pull requests:
- translations: translate v0.18.1 #738 (iGormilhit)
v0.18.0 (2021-10-27)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.18.0 #736 (jma)
- items: fix collection url #735 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: display electronic holdings #734 (jma)
- documents: improve work access point field #730 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: translate issuance subtype #727 (Garfield-fr)
- translations: translate v0.18.0 #725 (iGormilhit)
- patrons: use link instead of button for circulation link. #720 (zannkukai)
- circulation: fix notifications display #719 (zannkukai)
- patron: improve patron detail view #718 (zannkukai)
- circulation: restore missing translations #716 (Garfield-fr)
- search: added sort on some resources #704 (Garfield-fr)
v0.17.1 (2021-10-06)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.17.1 #715 (iGormilhit)
- circulation: remove loading wheels #714 (jma)
- document: fix wrong URL on collection #710 (Garfield-fr)
v0.17.0 (2021-09-30)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.17.0 #713 (iGormilhit)
- translations: complete v0.17.0 translations #712 (iGormilhit)
- translations: translate v0.17.0 #708 (iGormilhit)
- contributions: remove link on source title #695 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: clear input after checkout action #694 (Garfield-fr)
- fees: add message for delete information #688 (Garfield-fr)
- patron: improve patron brief view #682 (zannkukai)
- documents: display all fields on the detail view #679 (Garfield-fr)
v0.16.13 (2021-09-09)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.16.13 #703 (jma)
- editor: search everywhere for resource linking #702 (jma)
- items: add spinner during request process #696 (zannkukai)
- issues: late issues filtered by current library #693 (zannkukai)
- editor: add ISBN/ISSN on document typeahead #687 (Garfield-fr)
v0.16.12 (2021-08-26)
Merged pull requests:
v0.16.11 (2021-08-20)
Merged pull requests:
v0.16.10 (2021-08-12)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.16.10 #691 (jma)
- translations: translate v0.16.10 #690 (jma)
- local fields: improve query result #684 (Garfield-fr)
- holdings: customize the delete message #683 (Garfield-fr)
- document: dynamic loading for items informations #681 (zannkukai)
- requests: display pickup location name #678 (zannkukai)
- ill requests: removes extra parenthesis #673 (Garfield-fr)
- users: translate the gender #670 (Garfield-fr)
- search: fix document brief view #667 (zannkukai)
v0.16.9 (2021-07-22)
v0.16.8 (2021-07-20)
Merged pull requests:
v0.16.7 (2021-07-19)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.16.7 #677 (iGormilhit)
- admin: do not display default result list #676 (jma)
- users: close modal by clicking outside the form #675 (zannkukai)
v0.16.6 (2021-07-14)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.16.6 #674 (iGormilhit)
- circulation: improve requested loans tab #672 (Garfield-fr)
v0.16.5 (2021-07-09)
v0.16.3 (2021-07-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- documents: improve display of uniform resource locator #645 (Garfield-fr)
Merged pull requests:
- translations: complete the v1.4.0 translations #665 (iGormilhit)
- documents: fix translation on circulation informations #663 (Garfield-fr)
- Restores operation logs and transaction history #662 (Garfield-fr)
- users: fix unique email check #661 (zannkukai)
- search: fix corporate bodies search #658 (zannkukai)
- translations: translate v1.4.0 #657 (iGormilhit)
- documentation: extend gh-actions labeler rules #654 (iGormilhit)
- items: implement circulation history #653 (Garfield-fr)
- items: add temporary location field #652 (Garfield-fr)
- global: fix HTML copyright #651 (zannkukai)
- ILL requests: fix public view #650 (zannkukai)
- circulation: display position into request queue #647 (zannkukai)
- documentation: remove duplicate label rule #646 (iGormilhit)
- documentation: extend gh-actions labeler rules #644 (iGormilhit)
- editor: fix circulation policy setting widget #643 (zannkukai)
v0.15.0 (2021-06-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Issue: update links on late issue brief view #602 (zannkukai)
- circulation: add data into pending/pickup patron profile #601 (zannkukai)
Fixed bugs:
- circulation: display circulation messages #620 (zannkukai)
- general: fix several UI issues. #446 (zannkukai)
- editor: fix patron editor #443 (zannkukai)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.15.0 #638 (jma)
- ui: fix hide or show searchbar on pro interface #636 (Garfield-fr)
- serials: inform when there's no item attached to the holdings #635 (Garfield-fr)
- ui: fix language setting on the public interface #634 (Garfield-fr)
- organisations: fix translation of labels #633 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: enable the search bar on the detail view #632 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: fix detailed view #631 (Garfield-fr)
- libraries: fix translation on notification settings #630 (Garfield-fr)
- translations: translate v1.3.0 #629 (iGormilhit)
- instance: change base URL #628 (rerowep)
- documents: filters holdings by items #625 (Garfield-fr)
- patron types: add a code field on the detail view #622 (Garfield-fr)
- projects: update dependencies #621 (sebdeleze)
- users: improve patron profile responsiveness #611 (zannkukai)
- documentation: create gh-actions labeler #610 (iGormilhit)
- 1.3.0 to dev #607 (zannkukai)
- libraries: implement three new types of notification #606 (Garfield-fr)
- libraries: improve display of notification settings #599 (Garfield-fr)
- issue: fix issue display problems #598 (zannkukai)
- documents: update field display #591 (Garfield-fr)
- reports: improve inventory list for items #576 (lauren-d)
- documents: improve online access information #570 (Garfield-fr)
- search: implement advanced search #569 (Garfield-fr)
- library switch: fix redirection issue #474 (Garfield-fr)
- menus: add ILL request management into menu. #473 (zannkukai)
- holdings: fix holding detail page display #472 (zannkukai)
- search: fix ILL request search results errors #471 (jma)
- translation: fix show more resources link #466 (zannkukai)
- Widget: fix dashboard widget #457 (zannkukai)
- menu: generation of menus by services #456 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: allow checkout with fixed due date #449 (zannkukai)
- users: display keep_history for patron #447 (BadrAly)
- dependencies: update to angular 11 #445 (jma)
- items: make acquisition default date optional #444 (zannkukai)
- menu: allow the librarian to switch library #442 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation policy: improve editor #440 (AoNoOokami)
- request: implement basic ILL request management #439 (zannkukai)
- git: update PR template #428 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation: improve labels #427 (AoNoOokami)
- data: implement local fields #418 (Garfield-fr)
v0.14.1 (2021-05-06)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.14.1 #597 (jma)
- holdings: fix prediction preview #437 (jma)
- items: fix display notes content. #436 (zannkukai)
- ui: adapt templates for cypress tests #435 (AoNoOokami)
- ui: fix translation issues #424 (AoNoOokami)
- contribution: implements organisation agents #398 (Garfield-fr)
v0.14.0 (2021-05-06)
Merged pull requests:
- bugs: fix several bugs into UI #430 (zannkukai)
- ui: implement basic keyboard shortcuts #429 (zannkukai)
- requests: improves the main request screen. #426 (zannkukai)
- serials: new service to display late/claimed issues #425 (BadrAly)
- circulation: display authors for item in circulation. #423 (zannkukai)
- document: fix identifier display in detail view #421 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation: improve displayed patron data #419 (zannkukai)
- transactions: limit pay with 2 decimals #417 (zannkukai)
- holdings: improve editor preview rendering #413 (jma)
- patron: allows librarians to update user password #411 (jma)
0.14.0 (2021-05-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- documents: hide availability on import brief view #594 (Garfield-fr)
Fixed bugs:
- circulation: restore the patron history tab #593 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: fix translations on holdings/items #592 (Garfield-fr)
- pipe: translate value of getTranslatedLabel #588 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: fix items buttons position #571 (zannkukai)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.14.0 #595 (jma)
- documents: fix typo in subject process pipe #587 (Garfield-fr)
- translations: translate v0.14.0 #586 (iGormilhit)
- documents: update subject display #579 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: validate and check the identifier #568 (Garfield-fr)
- patrons: add a role async validator #567 (jma)
- users: patron in multiple organisations #566 (Garfield-fr)
- search: update search tab title & aggregation name #564 (Garfield-fr)
- collections: rename into "Exhibition/course" #563 (Garfield-fr)
- security: update dependencies #561 (zannkukai)
- Circulation category: update display #556 (zannkukai)
- fees: pay only the fees of my library #552 (jma)
- patron profile: initial sorting parameter. #550 (zannkukai)
v0.13.1 (2021-03-29)
Merged pull requests:
v0.13.0 (2021-03-22)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.13.0 #555 (jma)
- dependencies: use @rero/ng-core v1.6.0 #551 (jma)
- document: sort issue item in document view. #547 (zannkukai)
- Merging PR #545 (zannkukai)
- documents: fix thumbnail size #542 (lauren-d)
- security: update dependencies #541 (jma)
- items: complete item model #539 (Garfield-fr)
- document: fix document detail view #535 (zannkukai)
- patrons: edit the user personal data in a modal #529 (jma)
- patrons: rewrite the profile in Angular #528 (Garfield-fr)
- Request: always allow to add a request #527 (zannkukai)
- issue: best visualization of expected issue. #526 (zannkukai)
- typeahead: remove HTML tags from suggestion #525 (zannkukai)
- libraries: add notification settings #516 (AoNoOokami)
v0.12.1 (2021-03-02)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.12.1 #537 (jma)
- tests: fix cypress tests #524 (AoNoOokami)
- document: improvement of the display get tab #521 (Garfield-fr)
- public-search: hide not received issues for public #520 (zannkukai)
- menu: translate menu entries #508 (AoNoOokami)
- documents: display 'part of' in brief views #506 (AoNoOokami)
v0.12.0 (2021-02-11)
Merged pull requests:
v0.11.1 (2021-02-08)
v0.11.0 (2021-02-08)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.11.0 #514 (jma)
- documents: fix items/holdings creation for harvested document #513 (zannkukai)
- documents: allow to add either holdings or items #502 (Garfield-fr)
- operation logs: implement operation history #501 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: display item info when no circ action is performed #500 (AoNoOokami)
- gh-actions: mark PR and issue stale #495 (iGormilhit)
- items: add temporary circulation category #494 (zannkukai)
- documents: rewrite public holdings/items view in Angular #493 (Garfield-fr)
- dependencies: update and fix vulnerabilities #492 (jma)
- Implement document types #490 (AoNoOokami)
- search: fix encoding parameters problem #485 (zannkukai)
- search: adapt the suggestions to the locale #481 (Garfield-fr)
- general: use ngVarDirective from @rero/ng-core #463 (zannkukai)
v0.10.0 (2021-01-18)
Fixed bugs:
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.10.0 #491 (jma)
- deploy: fix error message with invenio 3.4 #486 (jma)
- ui: fix templates for cypress tests #480 (AoNoOokami)
- search: fix author facet of BnF import search view #479 (rerowep)
- items: inherit holdings first call_number #462 (BadrAly)
v0.9.0 (2020-12-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- documents: group holdings by libraries #453 (Garfield-fr)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.9.0 #476 (jma)
- item: sort notifications by chronological order #465 (zannkukai)
- permissions: improve access control #464 (Garfield-fr)
- document: improve document detail view #461 (zannkukai)
- document: fix duplicate harvested document #460 (zannkukai)
- item: display item notes #454 (zannkukai)
- circulation: adds a counter on history tab #452 (zannkukai)
v0.8.0 (2020-11-24)
Merged pull requests:
v0.7.1 (2020-11-16)
Merged pull requests:
v0.7.0 (2020-11-16)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.7.0 #433 (jma)
- circulation: add loans sorting possibility. #420 (zannkukai)
- merge temporary v0.14 branch to dev #415 (zannkukai)
- sercurity: update dependencies #237 (jma)
- tests: fix random failures #236 (jma)
- translation: fix some source string issues #222 (iGormilhit)
- document: display title in brief and detail views #217 (AoNoOokami)
- Adding guards to solved editor access using direct URL #214 (zannkukai)
v0.6.1 (2020-11-02)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.6.1 #409 (jma)
- editor: move to formly v5.10.5 #408 (jma)
- git: update PR template #387 (AoNoOokami)
v0.6.0 (2020-10-19)
Merged pull requests:
- release 0.6.0 #396 (jma)
- patron: improve performance of the patron account display #395 (zannkukai)
- routing: fix dynamic routing #393 (Garfield-fr)
- refactors user resource #389 (jma)
- holding: add fields on the holding display #388 (Garfield-fr)
- implements resource template #386 (zannkukai)
- search list: add extend link when no result has been found #382 (Garfield-fr)
- library: Fix storage key on library switch #380 (Garfield-fr)
- app: Improve the library switch with new application initialization #379 (Garfield-fr)
- holding: fix holding display problem. #378 (zannkukai)
- app: standardize initialization #377 (Garfield-fr)
- collection: create public and professional views #376 (AoNoOokami)
- document: allow record duplication #367 (Garfield-fr)
- application: compatibility with Elasticsearch 7 #366 (Garfield-fr)
v0.5.2 (2020-09-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- Use a tool to generate automatically a changelog #295
Merged pull requests:
- translations: for release 0.5.2 #375 (jma)
- form: improve toogle switch #372 (Garfield-fr)
- translations: fix show more item link #370 (zannkukai)
v0.5.1 (2020-09-14)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.5.1 #364 (iGormilhit)
- document: improve translated aggregations #363 (lauren-d)
- request: fix cancel request #361 (AoNoOokami)
v0.5.0 (2020-09-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- ui: add more
attributes for patron and logo #327 (blankoworld)
Merged pull requests:
- Translations update from Weblate #359 (weblate)
- search: fix contribution facet #354 (rerowep)
- search: fix contribution link #352 (lauren-d)
- editor: define custom documents typeahead type #350 (lauren-d)
- ui: adapt templates for cypress tests #349 (AoNoOokami)
- document: clear '_draft' key when saving document. #347 (zannkukai)
- circulation: fix patron info in loan view #345 (AoNoOokami)
- Translations update from Weblate #344 (weblate)
- circulation: update request permissions #343 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation: allow request for organisation items #342 (zannkukai)
- circulation: fixes the display of the due date #340 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation : toastr message when item goes in transit #339 (zannkukai)
- request: fix update of request pickup location #338 (AoNoOokami)
- document: replace authors by contribution field #333 (Garfield-fr)
- item: update UI to manage 'new_acquisition' field #331 (zannkukai)
- ui: add
HTML attributes on item lists #330 (blankoworld) - Translations update from Weblate #329 (weblate)
- document: adapt detailed view for cypress tests #324 (AoNoOokami)
- Merge the update of invenio-circulation and major refactoring of RERO ILS circulation module (US 1394) #320 (AoNoOokami)
- Translations update from Weblate #310 (weblate)
v0.4.0 (2020-07-30)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.4.0 #326 (jma)
- document: fix holding type serial detection #325 (jma)
- Us1491 item inventory list #323 (jma)
- document editor: fix bnf import #322 (jma)
- ui: replace getId() by idAttribute Pipe #321 (blankoworld)
- documentation: add badges to the README #319 (iGormilhit)
- package: upgrade ng-core to version 0.6.0 #315 (Garfield-fr)
- project: downgrade ngx-spinner version #314 (lauren-d)
- project: add ngx-spinner dependency #313 (lauren-d)
- ui: better way to select menu items by Cypress #311 (blankoworld)
- item: add missing notes translations #306 (Garfield-fr)
- document: limit title length into document view #305 (zannkukai)
- ui: better request badge into circulation module #304 (zannkukai)
- ui: add directive to sort tabs #302 (zannkukai)
- package: upgrade to NodeJS 12 #301 (blankoworld)
- document: adapts detailed view for series statements fields #283 (AoNoOokami)
v0.3.0 (2020-06-30)
Closed issues:
- Flash messages should always start with a capitalized initial #73
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.3.0 #297 (iGormilhit)
- package: upgrade ng-core to version 0.5.0 #296 (Garfield-fr)
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/public-search/i18n/en_US.json' in 'en' #293 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/en_US.json' in 'en' #292 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #291 (transifex-integration[bot])
- item: Improve transactions on detailed view #290 (Garfield-fr)
- issue: move 'new' badge to the right #289 (zannkukai)
- document: adapt display of field "notes" #288 (AoNoOokami)
- packages: upgrade ng-core to version 0.4 #287 (Garfield-fr)
- ui: add document importation through the web #286 (jma)
- routing: change redirectUrl function on route config #285 (Garfield-fr)
- authorization: limit roles management using API #284 (zannkukai)
- menu: refactoring switch library #282 (zannkukai)
- autocomplete: fix author wrong date #281 (rerowep)
- circulation: display circulation notes automatically. #280 (zannkukai)
- items: display items notes #278 (zannkukai)
- menu: make the language menu more consistent #277 (jma)
- serial: receive an issue #272 (zannkukai)
- admin: expand interface width and improve editor #267 (AoNoOokami)
v0.2.1 (2020-06-03)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.2.1 #276 (jma)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/admin/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #275 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/assets/rero-ils-ui/public-search/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #274 (transifex-integration[bot])
v0.2.0 (2020-05-28)
Implemented enhancements:
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.2.0 #273 (jma)
- translations: use server side translations #271 (jma)
- documentation: improve issue template #270 (iGormilhit)
- editor: link persons to source instead of MEF #269 (rerowep)
- permissions: refactoring permissions usage #268 (zannkukai)
- locations: paging request adaptation #266 (zannkukai)
- search: add simple params for the backend calls #265 (jma)
- circulation: past participle used when action done #263 (zannkukai)
- document: adapt detail view #261 (AoNoOokami)
- general: MainTitle as a pipe and test imports refactoring. #245 (zannkukai)
- patron: add 'blocked' functionnality #234 (blankoworld)
v0.1.3 (2020-05-28)
v0.1.2 (2020-04-30)
Merged pull requests:
- release: v0.1.2 #264 (jma)
- autocomplete: fix suggestions list #260 (jma)
- request: fix pickup location update #258 (AoNoOokami)
- documentation: add dependencies in PR template #257 (iGormilhit)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'ar' #256 (transifex-integration[bot])
- git: merge US1355 Cancel and edit a request #254 (AoNoOokami)
- autocomplete: fix suggestions are not displayed #253 (jma)
- holdings: add patterns support #251 (jma)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'ar' #249 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Merge "US Subscriptions" into dev #247 (zannkukai)
- Patrons : history tab #244 (zannkukai)
- document: filter results by org in admin view #208 (AoNoOokami)
- display idref persons #203 (rerowep)
v0.1.1 (2020-04-24)
v0.1.0 (2020-04-09)
Merged pull requests:
- search view: hide the add button for public views #243 (jma)
- release: v0.1.0 #242 (jma)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'en' #241 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #240 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'de' #239 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'it' #238 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'ar' #235 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'ar' #233 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'es' #232 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'nl' #231 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'en' #227 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'it' #226 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'it' #225 (transifex-integration[bot])
- locations: hide action buttons depending of parent permissions #223 (zannkukai)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'de' #221 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #220 (transifex-integration[bot])
- search: remove useless code #219 (AoNoOokami)
- transactions: bug fixing #218 (zannkukai)
- editor: fix uniqueness check value for locations #210 (jma)
- document: fix cover image in brief view #205 (AoNoOokami)
- project code: rename a component #204 (AoNoOokami)
- request: fix request made by a librarian #201 (AoNoOokami)
- styles: display small badges on person search view #199 (zannkukai)
- release: v0.0.12 #197 (jma)
- validate request form: set focus in search input #196 (AoNoOokami)
- git: fix github action #195 (AoNoOokami)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'es' #194 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'nl' #193 (transifex-integration[bot])
- item: fix circulation info in detail view #192 (AoNoOokami)
- project: update contributors list #190 (blankoworld)
- circulation: fix display of patron in checkin view #189 (AoNoOokami)
- menu: centralize menu and frontpage data #183 (AoNoOokami)
- document: display url in detail view #180 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation: fix requests list with library switch #175 (jma)
- document: add "show more" link #166 (zannkukai)
- circulation: Fees tab implementation #155 (zannkukai)
- item: add request on item by librarian #147 (Garfield-fr)
v0.0.13 (2020-04-09)
Fixed bugs:
- Trim barcode in the "Request" screen input box #213
Closed issues:
- Fee action menu are displayed far away from "action" button #209
- Missing styling rules in the professional interface #169
- Results page: the facet "libraries" is missing in the professional View. #140
- Is unique validation issue #93
v0.0.12 (2020-03-02)
Fixed bugs:
- Autocomplete is too slow to be usable #145
Closed issues:
- Group of issues found during tests of next release candidate #108
v0.0.11 (2020-02-26)
Merged pull requests:
- circulation: display pickup location name when transit for pickup #191 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation: fix in transit to issue #188 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation: fix several issues #187 (AoNoOokami)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'ar' #184 (transifex-integration[bot])
- circulation: display library name while transit #178 (blankoworld)
- document: display library name instead of code #174 (jma)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'nl' #173 (transifex-integration[bot])
- item: fix item available actions on document detail view #172 (Garfield-fr)
- document: revert list headers to application/rero+json #170 (Garfield-fr)
- release: v0.0.11 #167 (jma)
- homepage: fix my library switch on board #165 (Garfield-fr)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #160 (transifex-integration[bot])
- admin: improve frontpage #159 (AoNoOokami)
- tests: fix test by updating dependencies #158 (jma)
- general: implement new service record permission #157 (Garfield-fr)
- document: add provision activity publication on brief view #156 (Garfield-fr)
- angular: update angular packages #154 (AoNoOokami)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'es' #153 (transifex-integration[bot])
- circulation: correct pickup location for actions #152 (AoNoOokami)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'en' #151 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #150 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'de' #149 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'de' #148 (transifex-integration[bot])
- circulation: fix on loan tab behaviour #146 (AoNoOokami)
- switch library: fix the display of the switch menu on the homepage #144 (Garfield-fr)
- header: fix broken rero ils source (base64 convert) #143 (Garfield-fr)
- general: use version 0.0.30 of ng-core #142 (Garfield-fr)
- person tab: fix count #139 (Garfield-fr)
- header: replace text RERO ILS with the logo #138 (Garfield-fr)
- item: hide action button on item if the user is not in the same library #137 (Garfield-fr)
- item: access control with a guard #136 (Garfield-fr)
- routing: redirect after saving a resource #135 (AoNoOokami)
- menu: add new option to add class on submenu #134 (Garfield-fr)
- resources: add sort option for libraries and locations #133 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: set focus on search input #132 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation: improve error messages #131 (AoNoOokami)
- git: remove tgz #130 (AoNoOokami)
- item: filter locations with current library of user connected #129 (Garfield-fr)
- circulation: add link to patron profile #128 (AoNoOokami)
- US813 circulation ui #127 (AoNoOokami)
- person: implement documents on detail view #126 (Garfield-fr)
- routing: implement new route collection with classes #125 (Garfield-fr)
- acquisition: link order line to a document #124 (lauren-d)
- Acquisition #120 (lauren-d)
- document: refactoring provision activity field for new structure #118 (Garfield-fr)
- public search: fixing the facet display #117 (Garfield-fr)
- service: add new service to load organisation before application start #114 (Garfield-fr)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #113 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'en' #111 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'es' #110 (transifex-integration[bot])
- budgets: add component budget and accounts #107 (Garfield-fr)
- git: automate release process #105 (AoNoOokami)
v0.0.10 (2020-02-13)
Fixed bugs:
- Switch libraries menu #141
v0.0.9 (2020-01-13)
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.8 (2020-01-09)
Merged pull requests:
v0.0.7 (2020-01-08)
Merged pull requests:
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'ar' #94 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'es' #90 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'es' #89 (transifex-integration[bot])
- menu: add 'switch to public view' entry menu #88 (Garfield-fr)
- translation: fix checkin flash messages #86 (AoNoOokami)
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #84 (transifex-integration[bot])
- documentation: update translation section #82 (AoNoOokami)
- circulation : fix circulation permission problems #80 (zannkukai)
v0.0.6 (2019-12-11)
v0.0.5 (2019-12-11)
Fixed bugs:
- Group of issues found during test of rero-ils-ui #43
v0.0.4 (2019-12-10)
Merged pull requests:
- edit: fix editor validation colors #81 (jma)
- ui: link to rero-ils #79 (AoNoOokami)
- document: improve holding display #74 (AoNoOokami)
- documents: simplify brief view #72 (AoNoOokami)
- custom-editor: fix back history #71 (AoNoOokami)
- editor: fix post when cancelling #70 (AoNoOokami)
- public-search: show the search input for persons #69 (jma)
- ci-po: improve settings display in detail view #68 (AoNoOokami)
- libraries: Fix form reset creation #67 (Garfield-fr)
- Translate '/projects/public-search/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'fr' #66 (transifex-integration[bot])
- libraries: correct code display #64 (AoNoOokami)
- library: reject hours with value 00:00 #63 (Garfield-fr)
- public-search: expand persons facet #62 (AoNoOokami)
- admin & public-search: add missing translations #61 (AoNoOokami)
- patrons: implement detail view #60 (Garfield-fr)
- persons: fix sources facet #59 (Garfield-fr)
- documents: fix author link #57 (Garfield-fr)
v0.0.3 (2019-12-03)
Closed issues:
- Harmonize "Start time" string. #33
Merged pull requests:
- public-search: third organisation and facet correction #56 (AoNoOokami)
- Us987 admin public final #55 (jma)
- Translate '/projects/admin/src/app/translate/i18n/en_US.json' in 'en' #49 (transifex-integration[bot])
- Us986 admin homepage #36 (jma)
- template: update PR template #35 (AoNoOokami)
- git: add PR and issue template #24 (AoNoOokami)
v0.0.2 (2019-10-22)
Merged pull requests:
- circulation-ui: backport components #10 (jma)
- fix tests #9 (jma)
- public-search: complete brief view #8 (AoNoOokami)
- admin: add mylibrary and translation mechanism #7 (Garfield-fr)
- project: add commit message template #5 (sebdeleze)
- build: Optimization on build #2 (sebdeleze)
- project: Libraries dependencies #1 (sebdeleze)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator