File tree
1,532 files changed
lines changed- public
- images
- src
- api
- assets
- icons
- assets
- drug-img
- images
- img
- components
- AccumulatorsGrid
- AdminGroupAndUserManagement
- components
- components
- Common/TreeList
- DisasterOverrideDetails
- components
- Setting
- Hierarchy
- components
- AddEditLob
- ExpandedDetails
- components
- HierarchyTop
- NotesPopUp
- Modals
- Heirarchy
- OutgoingCommunication
- RenameLevel
- Modules
- Adjudication
- AdjuctionInfo
- HistoricalClaimProcessing
- Formulary
- CmsSubmissionCalendar
- MarketingPopup
- MainTab1
- MainTab2
- MainTab3
- MainTab4
- MedicareReasonCode
- ModulesOptions
- System
- IPConfiguration
- Password
- Timezone
- ModuleManagement
- components
- AccessManagmentModal
- AdministratorTooltipForm
- OutsideVendorTooltipForm
- TagTooltip
- ModulesDetails
- components/ModulesSelectionDetails
- Roles
- components
- ModuleWiseRoleList
- RoleDetail
- components
- Availability
- Permission
- RoleUpdate
- UserGroups
- Users
- RoleList
- UserGroups
- components
- ModuleWiseUserGroupList
- UserGroupDetail
- components
- AssignedRoles
- AssignedUsers
- Availability
- AvailableRoles
- AvailableUsers
- Roles
- UserForm
- Users
- UserGroupList
- Users
- components
- UserGrid
- Access
- Common
- Notes
- Roles
- Summary
- UserGroups
- UserTablePage
- AdvancedSearch
- SearchComponents
- CommunicationComponents
- SearchGridCustom
- AuthAdministrative
- AuthClinical
- AuthsAndOverrides
- AuthandOverrideEditModeInfo
- AuthsAndOverridesEditMode
- AuthsAndOverridesGrid
- AuthsAndOverridesSearch
- BestPrice
- ClaimsGrid
- ClaimsGridModel
- Components
- ClaimDetail
- Components/PDEStatusDialog
- ClaimTransaction
- ClaimsHistory
- ClaimsResult
- ClaimResultGrid
- ClaimResultTab
- ClaimsDailogPopup
- Common
- ClaimsSearch
- FormularyDashboardStats
- FormularyDashboardStatsCard
- FormularyDashboardStatsChart
- FormularyExpandedDetails
- GoogleMap
- Grievances
- components
- GrievanceMemberProfile
- GrievanceOverlay
- GrievancesAll
- GrievancesCaseSummary
- GrievancesCommunication
- GrievancesDetails
- GrievancesIntake
- GrievancesIssueResolution
- inputDropDown
- GrievancesNotification
- GrievancesReviewNotes
- GrivencesDashboard
- Components/GrivencesDashboardGrid
- MemberProfile
- MyProfile
- components
- ProfileTab
- NewFormulary
- Alternatives
- DrugDetails
- SelectFormularyPopUp
- assets
- components
- AL
- CompareView
- components
- CompareAndViewTable
- SelectFormularyGrid
- FormularyConfigure
- components
- Assembly
- FormularyAssemblyComponents
- components
- FormularyAssembly
- FormularyAssemblyComponentExpandableListitem
- FormularyAssemblyComponentListItem
- FormularyComponentDetails
- FormularyComponents
- OverridePopup
- PA
- PopupAlerts
- STPopup
- Dropdown
- search
- FormularyDetailsTop
- FormularySetUp
- components
- ClonePopup
- DeletePopup
- SelectFormularyDropdown
- UploadFiles
- components
- Choice
- VersionHistoryPopup
- archive
- newVersion
- GL
- Other
- PN
- PR
- PT
- QL
- components
- common/StatusContentFormPanel
- EntityOwnership
- EnitityOwnershipMockData
- PlanIfonmationConfiguaration
- PlanInformation
- components
- Table
- MassMaintenance
- MaintenanceMassUpdate
- components
- configure
- setup
- Medicaid
- Medicare
- NewAdvanceSearch
- AdditionalCriteriaContainer
- AdditionalCriteria
- CriteriaComponents
- ListItem
- AdditionalCriteriaPopup
- CategoriesComponents
- AlternativeDrug
- DrugCategory
- FileTypes
- Gpi
- ReferenceNdc
- Tire
- UmFilter
- components
- ListItemContainer
- TreeComponents
- TreeNodeTitle
- Utils
- PA-Dashboard
- Components/PaDashboardGrid
- PharmacyProfile/PharmacyProfileInfo
- SetupFormularyGrid
- FormularyBody
- MarketingMaterial
- StandardReporting
- hmpsSubmissionTable
- SummaryInfo
- TestClaimsGrid
- Validation
- Card
- Comment
- ListItem
- PanelContent
- ValidationBody
- Workflow
- components
- Availability
- Hierarchy
- CompleteAndSubmit
- WorkFlowSLA
- WorkFlowSetting
- WorkFlowDropDown
- WorkFlowSettingTop
- WorkflowInfo
- components
- steps
- TaskAssignment
- components/CriteriaConditionPanel
- components
- roles
- routing-actions
- setup
- step-listing
- userGroups
- workflowTopBar
- accumulators
- advance-search
- auths-overrides
- claims-info-search
- communication-info-search
- communication-sub-tabs
- callTab
- documnet-tab
- other-tab
- formulary-info-search
- grievances-info-search
- member-info-search
- pa-info-search
- pharmacy-info-search
- prescriber-info-search
- test-claim-info-search
- attributes
- authcommondateInfo
- authmemberinfo
- authmemberinfodata
- barriers
- call
- claim
- clinical-diagnosis
- communication
- Grid
- CallsGrid
- DocumentsGrid
- OtherGrid
- Search
- CallsSearch
- DocumentsSearch
- MapboxSearch
- OtherSearch
- SimpleSearch
- eligibility-info
- formulary
- Components
- FormularySearch
- FormularyTable
- drug-details
- pa-info
- home
- member
- NewTestClaim
- member-info-container
- pcp-info
- pharmacy
- pharmacy-info
- prescriber
- ClaimGridComponent
- PrescriberAddress
- PrescriberClaimsSummary
- PrescriberMemberDetail
- PrescriberPrimaryAddress
- PrescriberProfile
- PrescriberTabbedView
- PrescriberTabComponents
- prior-Authorizations
- shapes
- static
- task
- user-details
- account-information
- addNewMember
- attributes-panel
- attribute
- contact-information
- information-card
- location-search
- member-address
- member-data
- member-details
- member-details-container
- member-info
- member-information
- member-search
- member-search-grid
- members-dropdown
- constants
- mocks
- formulary
- formulary-grid
- grid
- search
- models
- http
- apis
- pharmacyprofile
- prescriber
- redux
- model
- slices
- formulary
- advancedSearch
- application
- categoryClass
- compareView
- dashboard
- drugDetails
- af
- al
- cb
- drugDetailLA
- drugDetailMOMN
- fff
- fgc
- gl
- hi
- ibf
- icd
- lis
- other
- pbst
- pgc
- pn
- pos
- pr
- pt
- so
- ssm
- vbid
- gdm
- gridHandler
- header
- homeSearch
- messaging
- pa
- pagdm
- ql
- setup
- stepTherapy
- switch
- tier
- validation
- version-history
- member-summary
- users
- store
- routes
- services
- utils
- grid
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
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0 commit comments