From its humble beginnings in the AMPLab at U.C. Berkeley in 2009, Apache Spark has become one of the key big data distributed processing frameworks in the world.
Spark can be deployed in a variety of ways, provides native bindings for the Java, Scala, Python, and R programming languages, and supports SQL, streaming data, machine learning, and graph processing. You’ll find it used by banks, telecommunications companies, games companies, governments, and all of the major tech giants such as Apple, Facebook, IBM, and Microsoft.
Out of the box, Spark can run in a standalone cluster mode that simply requires the Apache Spark framework and a JVM on each machine in your cluster. However, it’s more likely you’ll want to take advantage of a resource or cluster management system to take care of allocating workers on demand for you. In the enterprise, this will normally mean running on Hadoop YARN (this is how the Cloudera and Hortonworks distributions run Spark jobs), but Apache Spark can also run on Apache Mesos, while work is progressing on adding native support for Kubernetes.
If you’re after a managed solution, then Apache Spark can be found as part of Amazon EMR, Google Cloud Dataproc, and Microsoft Azure HDInsight. Databricks, the company that employs the founders of Apache Spark, also offers the Databricks Unified Analytics Platform, which is a comprehensive managed service that offers Apache Spark clusters, streaming support, integrated web-based notebook development, and optimized cloud I/O performance over a standard Apache Spark distribution.
Spark Architecture includes following three main components:
- Data Storage
- Management Framework Let’s look at each of these components in more detail.
Spark uses HDFS file system for data storage purposes. It works with any Hadoop compatible data source including HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, etc.
The API provides the application developers to create Spark based applications using a standard API interface. Spark provides API for Scala, Java, and Python programming languages.
There are Spark APIs for each of these languages.
- Scala API
- Java
- Python
Spark can be deployed as a Stand-alone server or it can be on a distributed computing framework like Mesos or YARN.