// removeX(count: number): this
* Removes N cells from range along the x-axis.
* if count >= 0 - removes from right.
* if count < 0 - removes from left.
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
count < 0 +---+---+---+ count >= 0
-------------> | 4 | 5 | 6 | <-------------
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
// Example
new A1('A1').removeX(1); // A1:A1
new A1('A1:B2').removeX(-1);// B1:B2
new A1('B3:C4').removeX(-1);// C3:C4
// removeY(count: number): this
* Removes N cells from range along the y-axis.
* if count >= 0 - removes from bottom.
* if count < 0 - removes from top.
| count < 0
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
| count >= 0
// Example
new A1('A1').removeY(1); // A1:A1
new A1('A1:B2').removeY(-1);// A2:B2
new A1('B3:C4').removeY(-1);// B4:C4
// remove(countX: number, countY: number): this
* Removes N cells from range along the x/y-axis.
// Example
new A1('A1').remove(1, 1); // A1:A1
new A1('A1:B2').remove(-1, -1);// B2:B2
new A1('A3:B4').remove(-1, -1);// B4:B4
new A1('C3:E5').remove(-1, -1);// D4:E5
new A1('C3:E5').remove(-1, 1); // D3:E4
new A1('C3:E5').remove(1, -1); // C4:D5