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File metadata and controls

159 lines (127 loc) · 9.78 KB


This project is a final project for the course Design Principles and Patterns at IT-Högskolan. The details can be found here: Inlämningsuppgift - Meetup


  • UML use-case diagram
  • User stories
  • Test Driven Development
  • Typescript interfaces describe the data
  • Implement the app
  • CSS, UI and UX should be functional

UML Diagram

UML Use case diagram for meetup website Link to UML Use-case diagram

User Stories

  • As a website user I want to be able to see all upcoming meetups listed by date (soonest first) so that I can see which meetups are happening soon

    • Site renders a list of all coming meetups in chronological order, soonest at the top of the page ✅
  • As a website user I want to see an overview of all meetups and be able to get more details about the ones that interest me so that I am not overwhelmed by too much information at once

    • Each meetup card contains info about date, time, name and location only. ✅
    • Each meetup card is clickable and leads to a meetup detail page (integration test) ✅
  • As a website user I want to be able to search meetups by name so that I can find ones that align with my interests

    • There is a search box on the homepage ✅
    • Search by name filters all meetups and renders those that match ✅
    • Search is case insensitive ✅
    • If search returns nothing a message is rendered on screen ✅
    • the search string is rendered on the page when the search string is not empty ✅
  • As a website user I want to be able to see past meetups so that I can see what kind of events happen in my area

    • Site renders a list of past meetups ✅
    • Past meetups are in reverse chronological order ✅
  • As a website user I want to be able to search past meetups by name so that I can quickly find one I priviously attended

    • Search by name filters all meetups and renders those that match ✅
    • If search returns nothing a message is rendered on screen ✅
  • As a website user I want to see the difference between coming and past events so I don't register for an event which is already over

    • Past meetups cards have a different color text ✅
    • Card displays message that event has already happened ✅
  • As a website user I want to be able to find past and present meetups by date so I can quickly filter by dates I know I am able to attend

    • There is a date filter on the main page ✅
    • The date filter is rendered on the page ✅
    • Dates can be chosen in the past and future ✅
    • Choosing a date filters the meetups to just the specific date and renders a filtered list on the page ✅
    • If no dates match a 'no matches found' message is rendered ✅
  • As a website user I want to be able to undo any filters and searches I do so that I can see all meetups again

    • The search string and date filter string have a cross beside them ✅
    • Clicking the search string button removes the search filter ✅
    • Clicking the date button removes the date filter ✅
    • There is a remove all filters button which clears both search and date ✅
  • As a website user I want to be able to see time, date and location of upcoming meetups so that I know when and how to attend

    • Meetup card displays time, date and location ✅
    • Meetup detail page displays time, date and location as well as description and organiser ✅
    • Detail page shows the price of the meetup ✅
  • As a website user I want to be able to login so that I can register for events

    • Login button visible in header when user is logged out ✅
    • Clicking the login button takes me to a login page ✅
    • Login button in header is not displayed on login route ✅
    • There is an input for email on the login page ✅
    • There is an input for password on the login page ✅
    • There is a login button on the login page ✅
    • Clicking log in button redirects back to previous page if log in is successful ✅
    • An error is displayed if login credentials are wrong ✅
    • Username is displayed in header when user is logged in ✅
    • Login button is not displayed in header when user is logged in ✅
  • As a logged in website user I want to be able to register myself for an event so that I can save my place

    • Attend button is visible on meetup detail page when user is logged in, meetup is current and attendee limit hasn't been reached ✅
    • Message "Meetup is fully booked" shows instead of button if meetup is current but limit is reached ✅
    • Message "Meetup is over" shows instead of button if meetup has already happened ✅
    • Clicking the attend button adds user to the attendees list ✅
    • Clicking the attend button reduces places left total by 1 ✅
    • Attend button is no longer visible once registered for event ✅
  • As a logged in website user I want to be able to comment on an event so that I can ask questions to the organiser

    • Renders no comment box when user is logged out ✅
    • renders no add button when user is logged out ✅
    • Renders an empty text area with label Add a comment when user is logged in ✅
    • Renders an Add comment button when user is logged in ✅
    • When clicking the button the comment is added to the bottom of the comments list ✅
    • Renders a list of comment cards ✅
    • Comment cards are shown in chronological order (most recent last) ✅
    • Comment cards show date, time, username and comment ✅
    • Renders a no comments yet message when there are no comments ✅
  • As a logged in website user I want to be able to rate a past meetup so that I can give feedback to the organiser and other attendees

    • If meetup has past a rating is shown to everyone or "no rating" message is no ratings have been made ✅
    • If meetup has past and user attended then detail page shows a ratings scale input from 1 - 5 ✅
    • The ratings scale also renders an add rating button ✅
    • The rating average is calculated and shown on screen ✅
    • The rating updates when a new rating is added ✅
  • As a logged in website user I want to be able to unregister from a meetup in case I'm no longer able to attend

    • If registered, the meetup detail page will show an unregister button ✅
    • Clicking the button will remove the user from the list of attendees ✅
    • The number of places left will increase by 1 ✅
    • The attend button will show again once the user has unregistered ✅
  • As a logged in website user I want to be able to see which meetups I'm registered for so that I can keep track of them (see note below row 145)

    • There is a button to my meetups profile page in the header ✅
    • My meetups profile page shows a list of meetups the user is attending ✅
    • future meetups are in chronological order ✅
    • My meetups profile page shows a list of meetups the user has attended ✅
    • Past meetups are in reverse chronological order ✅
    • My meetups profile page shows a list of meetups the user is organising ✅
  • As a logged in website user I want to be able to log out so that my information is not visible to others sharing the same device

    • When logged in, a log out button is visible in the header ✅
    • When clicked the site logs me out, forgets any data stored and no longer shows my name in the header ✅
    • The log in button should show in the header once logged out. ✅
  • As a meetup organiser I want to be able to publish a meetup event so that I can share it with users of the site

    • Once logged in an Add meetup button should render on the main page ✅
    • Clicking the button should take me to an add meetup page with a form to add all the details ✅
    • It shows an add meetup button ✅
    • Submitting the form should validate the input to make sure the meetup date is in the future ✅
    • Submitting the form should validate that the start date and time is before the end date and time ✅
    • Once validated, the meetup should be added to the list of meetups and be visible for everyone ✅
    • It should also appear in the correct position in the list according to its date/time when rendered on the screen ✅
  • As a meetup organiser I want to be able to limit the amount of users so that I know that there is enough space for everyone

    • The add meetup form should include a limit for number of attendees ✅
  • As a meetup organiser I want to be able to comment so that I can answer questions from attendees

    • (see user story for logged in user making comments) ✅
  • As a meetup organiser I want to be able to see ratings so that I know how the meetup went

    • (see user story for logged in user adding a rating) ✅
  • As a meetup organiser I want to be able to see how many people are coming so that I can plan for the right amount of attendees eg order food/drink

    • Meetup detail page renders total amount of attendees ✅

Login information

This app has several ficticious users. Their login details are as follows:
Username: [email protected] password: hannahIsBest
Username: [email protected] password: emmaIsBest
Username: [email protected] password: joeIsBest
Username: [email protected] password: chrisIsBest
Username: [email protected] password: sofieIsBest

Current limitations:

  • No checks to stop owner clicking attend on their own meetup
  • Currently possible to add multiple ratings. This could be solved by storing ratings as objects along with the username so that it is only possible to rate if your username is not already in the array.
  • Not able to delete/cancel a meetup you're hosting
  • There is no real database. The database is mocked in a frontend js file.