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ReScript Schema for ReScript users

Table of contents


npm install rescript-schema

Then add rescript-schema to bs-dependencies in your rescript.json:

+ "bs-dependencies": ["rescript-schema"],
+ "bsc-flags": ["-open RescriptSchema"],

Basic usage

// 1. Define a type
type rating =
  | @as("G") GeneralAudiences
  | @as("PG") ParentalGuidanceSuggested
  | @as("PG13") ParentalStronglyCautioned
  | @as("R") Restricted
type film = {
  id: float,
  title: string,
  tags: array<string>,
  rating: rating,
  deprecatedAgeRestriction: option<int>,

// 2. Create a schema
let filmSchema = S.object(s => {
  id: s.field("Id", S.float),
  title: s.field("Title", S.string),
  tags: s.fieldOr("Tags", S.array(S.string), []),
  rating: s.field(
  deprecatedAgeRestriction: s.field("Age", S.option(>S.deprecate("Use rating instead")),

// 3. Parse data using the schema
// The data is validated and transformed to a convenient format
  "Id": 1,
  "Title": "My first film",
  "Rating": "R",
  "Age": 17
// {
//   id: 1.,
//   title: "My first film",
//   tags: [],
//   rating: Restricted,
//   deprecatedAgeRestriction: Some(17),
// }

// 4. Convert data back using the same schema
  id: 2.,
  tags: ["Loved"],
  title: "Sad & sed",
  rating: ParentalStronglyCautioned,
  deprecatedAgeRestriction: None,
// {
//   "Id": 2,
//   "Title": "Sad & sed",
//   "Rating": "PG13",
//   "Tags": ["Loved"],
//   "Age": undefined,
// }

// 5. Use schema as a building block for other tools
// For example, create a JSON-schema with rescript-json-schema and use it for OpenAPI generation
let filmJSONSchema = JSONSchema.make(filmSchema)

The library uses eval to compile the most performant possible code for parsers and serializers. See yourself how good it is 👌

Compiled parser code
(i) => {
  if (typeof i !== "object" || !i) {
  let v0 = i["Id"],
    v1 = i["Title"],
    v2 = i["Tags"],
    v6 = i["Rating"],
    v7 = i["Age"];
  if (typeof v0 !== "number" || Number.isNaN(v0)) {
  if (typeof v1 !== "string") {
  if (v2 !== void 0 && !Array.isArray(v2)) {
  if (v2 !== void 0) {
    for (let v3 = 0; v3 < v2.length; ++v3) {
      let v5 = v2[v3];
      try {
        if (typeof v5 !== "string") {
      } catch (v4) {
        if (v4 && v4.s === s) {
          v4.path = '["Tags"]' + '["' + v3 + '"]' + v4.path;
        throw v4;
  if (v6 !== "G") {
    if (v6 !== "PG") {
      if (v6 !== "PG13") {
        if (v6 !== "R") {
  if (
    v7 !== void 0 &&
    (typeof v7 !== "number" ||
      v7 > 2147483647 ||
      v7 < -2147483648 ||
      v7 % 1 !== 0)
  ) {
  return {
    id: v0,
    title: v1,
    tags: v2 === void 0 ? e[4] : v2,
    rating: v6,
    deprecatedAgeRestriction: v7,
Compiled serializer code
(i) => {
  let v0 = i["tags"],
    v3 = i["rating"];
  if (v3 !== "G") {
    if (v3 !== "PG") {
      if (v3 !== "PG13") {
        if (v3 !== "R") {
  return {
    Id: i["id"],
    Title: i["title"],
    Tags: v0,
    Rating: v3,
    Age: i["deprecatedAgeRestriction"],

Real-world examples

API reference



let schema = S.string

"Hello World!"->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// "Hello World!"

The S.string schema represents a data that is a string. It can be further constrainted with the following utility methods.

rescript-schema includes a handful of string-specific refinements and transforms:

S.string->S.stringMaxLength(5) // String must be 5 or fewer characters long
S.string->S.stringMinLength(5) // String must be 5 or more characters long
S.string->S.stringLength(5) // String must be exactly 5 characters long
S.string-> // Invalid email address
S.string->S.url // Invalid url
S.string->S.uuid // Invalid UUID
S.string->S.cuid // Invalid CUID
S.string->S.pattern(%re(`/[0-9]/`)) // Invalid
S.string->S.datetime // Invalid datetime string! Must be UTC

S.string->S.trim // trim whitespaces

⚠️ Validating email addresses is nearly impossible with just code. Different clients and servers accept different things and many diverge from the various specs defining "valid" emails. The ONLY real way to validate an email address is to send a verification email to it and check that the user got it. With that in mind, rescript-schema picks a relatively simple regex that does not cover all cases.

When using built-in refinements, you can provide a custom error message.

S.string->S.stringMinLength(1, ~message="String can't be empty")
S.string->S.stringLength(5, ~message="SMS code should be 5 digits long")

ISO datetimes

The S.string->S.datetime function has following UTC validation: no timezone offsets with arbitrary sub-second decimal precision.

let datetimeSchema = S.string->S.datetime
// The datetimeSchema has the type S.t<Date.t>
// String is transformed to the Date.t instance

"2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"->S.parseOrThrow(datetimeSchema) // pass
"2020-01-01T00:00:00.123Z"->S.parseOrThrow(datetimeSchema) // pass
"2020-01-01T00:00:00.123456Z"->S.parseOrThrow(datetimeSchema) // pass (arbitrary precision)
"2020-01-01T00:00:00+02:00"->S.parseOrThrow(datetimeSchema) // fail (no offsets allowed)



The S.bool schema represents a data that is a boolean.



The schema represents a data that is an integer.

rescript-schema includes some of int-specific refinements:>S.intMax(5) // Number must be lower than or equal to 5>S.intMin(5) // Number must be greater than or equal to 5>S.port // Invalid port



The S.float schema represents a data that is a number.

rescript-schema includes some of float-specific refinements:

S.float->S.floatMax(5) // Number must be lower than or equal to 5
S.float->S.floatMin(5) // Number must be greater than or equal to 5



The S.bigint schema represents a data that is a BigInt.


S.t<'value> => S.t<option<'value>>

let schema = S.option(S.string)

"Hello World!"->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// Some("Hello World!")
// None

The S.option schema represents a data of a specific type that might be undefined.


(S.t<option<'value>>, 'value) => S.t<'value>

let schema = S.option(S.string)->S.Option.getOr("Hello World!")

// "Hello World!"
"Goodbye World!"->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// "Goodbye World!"

The Option.getOr augments a schema to add transformation logic for default values, which are applied when the input is undefined.

🧠 If you want to set a default value for an object field, there's a more convenient fieldOr method on Object.s type.


(S.t<option<'value>>, () => 'value) => S.t<'value>

let schema = S.option(S.array(S.string))->S.Option.getOrWith(() => ["Hello World!"])

// ["Hello World!"]
["Goodbye World!"]->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// ["Goodbye World!"]

Also you can use Option.getOrWith for lazy evaluation of the default value.


S.t<'value> => S.t<option<'value>>

let schema = S.null(S.string)

"Hello World!"->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// Some("Hello World!")
// None

The S.null schema represents a data of a specific type that might be null.

🧠 Since S.null transforms value into option type, you can use Option.getOr/Option.getOrWith for it as well.


S.t<'value> => S.t<option<'value>>

let schema = S.nullable(S.string)

"Hello World!"->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// Some("Hello World!")
// None
// None

The S.nullable schema represents a data of a specific type that might be null or undefined.

🧠 Since S.nullable transforms value into option type, you can use Option.getOr/Option.getOrWith for it as well.



The S.unit schema is an alias for S.literal().


'value => S.t<'value>

let tunaSchema = S.literal("Tuna")
let twelveSchema = S.literal(12)
let importantTimestampSchema = S.literal(1652628345865.)
let truSchema = S.literal(true)
let nullSchema = S.literal(Null.null)
let undefinedSchema = S.literal() // Building block for S.unit

// Uses Number.isNaN to match NaN literals
let nanSchema = S.literal(Float.Constants.nan)->S.shape(_ => ()) // For NaN literals I recomment adding S.shape to transform it to unit. It's better than having it as a float type

// Supports symbols and BigInt
let symbolSchema = S.literal(Symbol.asyncIterator)
let twobigSchema = S.literal(BigInt.fromInt(2))

// Supports variants and polymorphic variants
let appleSchema = S.literal(#apple)
let noneSchema = S.literal(None)

// Does a deep check for plain objects and arrays
let cliArgsSchema = S.literal(("help", "lint"))

// Supports functions and literally any Js values matching them with the === operator
let fn = () => "foo"
let fnSchema = S.literal(fn)
let weakMap = WeakMap.make()
let weakMapSchema = S.literal(weakMap)

The S.literal schema enforces that a data matches an exact value during parsing and serializing.


(S.Object.s => 'value) => S.t<'value>

type point = {
  x: int,
  y: int,

// The pointSchema will have the S.t<point> type
let pointSchema = S.object(s => {
  x: s.field("x",,
  y: s.field("y",,

// It can be used both for parsing and serializing
{"x": 1, "y": -4}->S.parseOrThrow(pointSchema)
{x: 1, y: -4}->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(pointSchema)

The object schema represents an object value, that can be transformed into any ReScript value. Here are some examples:

Transform object field names

type user = {
  id: int,
  name: string,
// It will have the S.t<user> type
let schema = S.object(s => {
  id: s.field("USER_ID",,
  name: s.field("USER_NAME", S.string),

  "USER_ID": 1,
  "USER_NAME": "John",
// {id: 1, name: "John"}
{id: 1, name: "John"}->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(schema)
// {"USER_ID": 1, "USER_NAME": "John"}

Transform to a structurally typed object

// It will have the S.t<{"key1":string,"key2":string}> type
let schema = S.object(s => {
  "key1": s.field("key1", S.string),
  "key2": s.field("key2", S.string),

Transform to a tuple

// It will have the S.t<(int, string)> type
let schema = S.object(s => (s.field("USER_ID",, s.field("USER_NAME", S.string)))

// (1, "John")

The same schema also works for serializing:

(1, "John")->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(schema)
// {"USER_ID":1,"USER_NAME":"John"}

Transform to a variant

type shape = Circle({radius: float}) | Square({x: float}) | Triangle({x: float, y: float})

// It will have the S.t<shape> type
let schema = S.object(s => {
  s.tag("kind", "circle")
    radius: s.field("radius", S.float),

  "kind": "circle",
  "radius": 1,
// Circle({radius: 1})

For values whose runtime representation matches your schema, you can use the less verbose S.schema. Under the hood, it'll create the same S.object schema from the example above.

type shape =
  | @as("circle") Circle({radius: float})
  | @as("square") Square({x: float})
  | @as("triangle") Triangle({x: float, y: float})

let schema = S.schema(s => Circle({
  radius: s.matches(S.float),

You can use the schema for parsing as well as serializing:

Circle({radius: 1})->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(schema)
// {
//   "kind": "circle",
//   "radius": 1,
// }


It's possible to spread/flatten an object schema in another object schema, allowing you to reuse schemas in a more powerful way.

type entityData = {
  name: option<string>,
  age: int,
type entity = {
  id: string,

let entityDataSchema = S.object(s => {
  name: s.fieldOr("name", S.string, "Unknown"),
  age: s.field("age",,
let entitySchema = S.object(s => {
  let {name, age} = s.flatten(entityDataSchema)
    id: s.field("id", S.string),


A nice way to parse nested fields:

let schema = S.object(s => {
    id: s.field("id", S.string),
    name: s.nested("data").fieldOr("name", S.string, "Unknown")
    age: s.nested("data").field("age",,

The s.nested returns a complete S.Object.s context of the nested object, which you can use to define nested schema without any limitations.

Object destructuring

It's possible to destructure object field schemas inside of definition. You could also notice it in the s.flatten example 😁

let entitySchema = S.object(s => {
  let {name, age} = s.field("data", entityDataSchema)
    id: s.field("id", S.string),

🧠 While the example with s.flatten expect an object with the type {id: string, name: option<string>, age: int}, the example above as well as for s.nested will expect an object with the type {id: string, data: {name: option<string>, age: int}}.


S.t<'value> => S.t<'value>

// Represents an object without fields
let schema = S.object(_ => ())->S.strict

  "someField": "value",
// throws S.error with the message: `Failed parsing at root. Reason: Encountered disallowed excess key "unknownKey" on an object`

By default rescript-schema silently strips unrecognized keys when parsing objects. You can change the behaviour to disallow unrecognized keys with the S.strict function.

If you want to change it for all schemas in your app, you can use S.setGlobalConfig function:

  defaultUnknownKeys: Strict,


S.t<'value> => S.t<'value>

// Represents an object with any fields
let schema = S.object(_ => ())->S.strip

  "someField": "value",
// ()

You can use the S.strip function to reset a object schema to the default behavior (stripping unrecognized keys).

deepStrict & deepStrip

Both S.strict and S.strip are applied for the first level of the object schema. If you want to apply it for all nested schemas, you can use S.deepStrict and S.deepStrip functions.

let schema = S.schema(s =>
    "bar": {
      "baz": s.matches(S.string),

schema->S.strict // {"baz": string} will still allow unknown keys
schema->S.deepStrict // {"baz": string} will not allow unknown keys


(S.Schema.s => 'value) => S.t<'value>

It's a helper built on S.literal, S.object, and S.tuple to create schemas for runtime representation of ReScript types conveniently.

type answer =
  | Text(string)
  | MultiSelect(array<string>)
  | Other({value: string, @as("description") maybeDescription: option<string>})

let textSchema = S.schema(s => Text(s.matches(S.string)))
// It's going to be the same as:
// S.string->S.shape(string => Text(string))

let multySelectSchema = S.schema(s => MultiSelect(s.matches(S.array(S.string))))
// The same as:
// S.array(S.string)->S.shape(array => MultiSelect(array))

let otherSchema = S.schema(s => Other({
  value: s.matches(S.string),
  maybeDescription: s.matches(S.option(S.string)),
// Creates the schema under the hood:
// S.object(s => Other({
//   value: s.field("value", S.string),
//   maybeDescription: s.field("description", S.option(S.string)),
// }))
//       Notice how the field name /|\ is taken from the type's @as attribute

let tupleExampleSchema = S.schema(s => (#id, s.matches(S.string)))
// The same as:
// S.tuple(s => (s.item(0, S.literal(#id)), s.item(1, S.string)))

🧠 Note that S.schema relies on the runtime representation of your type, while S.object/S.tuple are more flexible and require you to describe the schema explicitly.


(S.t<'value>, 'value => 'shape) => S.t<'shape>

The S.shape schema is a helper function that allows you to transform the value to a desired shape. It'll statically derive required data transformations to perform the change in the most optimal way.

⚠️ Even though it looks like you operate with a real value, it's actually a dummy proxy object. So conditions or any other runtime logic won't work. Please use S.transform for such cases.

type shape = Circle({radius: float}) | Square({x: float}) | Triangle({x: float, y: float})

// It will have the S.t<shape> type
let schema = S.float->S.shape(radius => Circle({radius: radius}))

// Circle({radius: 1.})

The same schema also works for serializing:

Circle({radius: 1})->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(schema)
// 1


array<S.t<'value>> => S.t<'value>

An union represents a logical OR relationship. You can apply this concept to your schemas with S.union. This is the best API to use for variants and polymorphic variants.

On validation, the S.union schema returns the result of the first item that was successfully validated.

🧠 Schemas are not guaranteed to be validated in the order they are passed to S.union. They are grouped by the input data type to optimise performance and improve error message. Schemas with unknown data typed validated the last.

// TypeScript type for reference:
// type Shape =
// | { kind: "circle"; radius: number }
// | { kind: "square"; x: number }
// | { kind: "triangle"; x: number; y: number };
type shape = Circle({radius: float}) | Square({x: float}) | Triangle({x: float, y: float})

let shapeSchema = S.union([
  S.object(s => {
    s.tag("kind", "circle")
      radius: s.field("radius", S.float),
  S.object(s => {
    s.tag("kind", "square")
      x: s.field("x", S.float),
  S.object(s => {
    s.tag("kind", "triangle")
      x: s.field("x", S.float),
      y: s.field("y", S.float),
  "kind": "circle",
  "radius": 1,
// Circle({radius: 1.})
Square({x: 2.})->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(shapeSchema)
// {
//   "kind": "square",
//   "x": 2,
// }


Also, you can describe a schema for a enum-like variant using S.union together with S.literal.

type outcome = | @as("win") Win | @as("draw") Draw | @as("loss") Loss

let schema = S.union([

// Draw

Also, you can use S.enum as a shorthand for the use case above.

let schema = S.enum([Win, Draw, Loss])


S.t<'value> => S.t<array<'value>>

let schema = S.array(S.string)

["Hello", "World"]->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// ["Hello", "World"]

The S.array schema represents an array of data of a specific type.

rescript-schema includes some of array-specific refinements:

S.array(itemSchema)->S.arrayMaxLength(5) // Array must be 5 or fewer items long
S.array(itemSchema)->S.arrayMinLength(5) // Array must be 5 or more items long
S.array(itemSchema)->S.arrayLength(5) // Array must be exactly 5 items long


S.t<'value> => S.t<list<'value>>

let schema = S.list(S.string)

["Hello", "World"]->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// list{"Hello", "World"}

The S.list schema represents an array of data of a specific type which is transformed to ReScript's list data-structure.


S.t<'value> => S.t<array<'value>>

let schema = S.unnest(S.schema(s => {
  id: s.matches(S.string),
  name: s.matches(S.null(S.string)),
  deleted: s.matches(S.bool),

[{id: "0", name: Some("Hello"), deleted: false}, {id: "1", name: None, deleted: true}]->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(schema)
// [["0", "1"], ["Hello", null], [false, true]]

The helper function is inspired by the article Boosting Postgres INSERT Performance by 2x With UNNEST. It allows you to flatten a nested array of objects into arrays of values by field.

The main concern of the approach described in the article is usability. And ReScript Schema completely solves the problem, providing a simple and intuitive API that is even more performant than S.array.

Checkout the compiled code yourself:
(i) => {
  let v1 = [new Array(i.length), new Array(i.length), new Array(i.length)];
  for (let v0 = 0; v0 < i.length; ++v0) {
    let v3 = i[v0];
    try {
      let v4 = v3["name"],
      if (v4 !== void 0) {
        v5 = v4;
      } else {
        v5 = null;
      v1[0][v0] = v3["id"];
      v1[1][v0] = v5;
      v1[2][v0] = v3["deleted"];
    } catch (v2) {
      if (v2 && v2.s === s) {
        v2.path = "" + "[\"'+v0+'\"]" + v2.path;
      throw v2;
  return v1;


(S.Tuple.s => 'value) => S.t<'value>

type point = {
  x: int,
  y: int,

// The pointSchema will have the S.t<point> type
let pointSchema = S.tuple(s => {
  s.tag(0, "point")
    x: s.item(1,,
    y: s.item(2,,

// It can be used both for parsing and serializing
["point", 1, -4]->S.parseOrThrow(pointSchema)
{ x: 1, y: -4 }->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(pointSchema)

The S.tuple schema represents that a data is an array of a specific length with values each of a specific type.

For short tuples without the need for transformation, there are wrappers over S.tuple:

tuple1 - tuple3

(S.t<'v0>, S.t<'v1>, S.t<'v2>) => S.t<('v0, 'v1, 'v2)>

let schema = S.tuple3(S.string,, S.bool)

%raw(`["a", 1, true]`)->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// ("a", 1, true)


S.t<'value> => S.t<dict<'value>>

let schema = S.dict(S.string)

  "foo": "bar",
  "baz": "qux",
// dict{foo: "bar", baz: "qux"}

The dict schema represents a dictionary of data of a specific type.



let schema = S.unknown

"Hello World!"->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// "Hello World!"

The S.unknown schema represents any data.



let schema = S.never

// throws S.error with the message: `Failed parsing at root. Reason: Expected never, received undefined`

The never schema will fail parsing for every value.


(~validate: bool) => S.t<JSON.t>

let schema = S.json(~validate=true)

// "abc" of type JSON.t

The S.json schema represents a data that is compatible with JSON.

It accepts a validate as an argument. If it's true, then the value will be validated as valid JSON; otherwise, it unsafely casts it to the JSON.t type.


(S.t<'value>, ~space: int=?) => S.t<'value>

let schema = S.jsonString(

// 123

The S.jsonString schema represents JSON string containing value of a specific type.


(S.t<'value>, string) => S.t<'value>

Use S.describe to add a description property to the resulting schema.

let documentedStringSchema = S.string
  ->S.describe("A useful bit of text, if you know what to do with it.")

documentedStringSchema->S.description // A useful bit of text…

This can be useful for documenting a field, for example in a JSON Schema using a library like rescript-json-schema.


(S.t<'value>, string) => S.t<'value>

Use S.deprecate to add a deprecation message property to the resulting schema.

let deprecatedString = S.string
  ->S.deprecate("Will be removed in APIv2")

deprecatedString->S.deprecation // Will be removed in APIv2…

This can be useful for documenting a field, for example in a JSON Schema using a library like rescript-json-schema.


(S.t<'value>, S.Catch.s<'value> => 'value) => S.t<'value>

Use S.catch to provide a "catch value" to be returned instead of a parsing error.

let schema = S.float->S.catch(_ => 42.)

// 5.
// 42.

Also, the callback S.catch receives a catch context as a first argument. It contains the caught error and the initial data provided to the parse function.

let schema = S.float->S.catch(s => {
  Console.log(s.error) // The caught error
  Console.log(s.input) // The data provided to the parse function

Conceptually, this is how rescript-schema processes "catch values":

  1. The data is parsed using the base schema
  2. If the parsing fails, the "catch value" is returned


(string, S.s<'output> => customDefinition<'input, 'output>) => t<'output>

You can also define your own custom schema factories that are specific to your application's requirements:

let nullableSchema = innerSchema => {
  S.custom("Nullable", _ => {
    parser: unknown => {
      if unknown === %raw(`undefined`) || unknown === %raw(`null`) {
      } else {
    serializer: value => {
      switch value {
      | Some(innerValue) =>
      | None => %raw(`null`)

"Hello world!"->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// Some("Hello World!")
// None
// None
// throws S.error with the message: `Failed parsing at root. Reason: Expected string, received 123`


(t<'value> => t<'value>) => t<'value>

You can define a recursive schema in rescript-schema.

type rec node = {
  id: string,
  children: array<node>,

let nodeSchema = S.recursive(nodeSchema => {
  S.object(s => {
    id: s.field("Id", S.string),
    children: s.field("Children", S.array(nodeSchema)),
  "Id": "1",
  "Children": [
    {"Id": "2", "Children": []},
    {"Id": "3", "Children": [{"Id": "4", "Children": []}]},
// {
//   id: "1",
//   children: [{id: "2", children: []}, {id: "3", children: [{id: "4", children: []}]}],
// }

The same schema works for serializing:

  id: "1",
  children: [{id: "2", children: []}, {id: "3", children: [{id: "4", children: []}]}],
// {
//   "Id": "1",
//   "Children": [
//     {"Id": "2", "Children": []},
//     {"Id": "3", "Children": [{"Id": "4", "Children": []}]},
//   ],
// }

You can also use asynchronous parser:

let nodeSchema = S.recursive(nodeSchema => {
  S.object(s => {
    params: s.field("Id", S.string)->S.transform(_ => {asyncParser: id => loadParams(~id)}),
    children: s.field("Children", S.array(nodeSchema)),

One great aspect of the example above is that it uses parallelism to make four requests to check for the existence of nodes.

🧠 Despite supporting recursive schema, passing cyclical data into rescript-schema will cause an infinite loop.


rescript-schema lets you provide custom validation logic via refinements. It's useful to add checks that's not possible to cover with type system. For instance: checking that a number is an integer or that a string is a valid email address.


(S.t<'value>, S.s<'value> => 'value => unit) => S.t<'value>

let shortStringSchema = S.string->S.refine(s => value =>
  if value->String.length > 255 {"String can't be more than 255 characters")

The refine function is applied for both parser and serializer.


rescript-schema allows to augment schema with transformation logic, letting you transform value during parsing and serializing. This is most commonly used for mapping value to more convenient data-structures.


(S.t<'input>, S.s<'output> => S.transformDefinition<'input, 'output>) => S.t<'output>

let intToString = schema =>
  schema->S.transform(s => {
    parser: int => int->Int.toString,
    serializer: string =>
      switch string->Int.fromString {
      | Some(int) => int
      | None =>"Can't convert string to int")

Also, you can have an asynchronous transform:

type user = {
  id: string,
  name: string,

let userSchema =
  ->S.transform(s => {
    asyncParser: userId => loadUser(~userId),
    serializer: user =>,

await "1"->S.parseAsyncOrThrow(userSchema)
// {
//   id: "1",
//   name: "John",
// }

  id: "1",
  name: "John",
// "1"

Preprocess Advanced

☢️ This API is soon to be deprecated. Whenever it's possible, use S.coerce instead.

Typically rescript-schema operates under a "parse then transform" paradigm. rescript-schema validates the input first, then passes it through a chain of transformation functions.

But sometimes you want to apply some transform to the input before parsing happens. Mostly needed when you build sometimes on top of rescript-schema. A simplified example from rescript-envsafe:

let prepareEnvSchema = S.preprocess(_, s => {
    switch s.schema->S.classify {
    | Literal(Boolean(_))
    | Bool => {
        parser: unknown => {
          switch unknown->Obj.magic {
          | "true"
          | "t"
          | "1" => true
          | "false"
          | "f"
          | "0" => false
          | _ => unknown->Obj.magic
    | Int
    | Float
    | Literal(Number(_)) => {
        parser: unknown => {
          if unknown->Js.typeof === "string" {
          } else {
    | _ => {}

🧠 When using preprocess on Union it will be applied to nested schemas separately.

Functions on schema

Built-in operations

The library provides a bunch of built-in operations that can be used to parse, convert, and assert values.

Parsing means that the input value is validated against the schema and transformed to the expected output type. You can use the following operations to parse values:

Operation Interface Description
S.parseOrThrow ('any, S.t<'value>) => 'value Parses any value with the schema
S.parseJsonOrThrow (Js.Json.t, S.t<'value>) => 'value Parses JSON value with the schema
S.parseJsonStringOrThrow (string, S.t<'value>) => 'value Parses JSON string with the schema
S.parseAsyncOrThrow ('any, S.t<'value>) => promise<'value> Parses any value with the schema having async transformations

For advanced users you can only transform to the output type without type validations. But be careful, since the input type is not checked:

Operation Interface Description
S.convertOrThrow ('any, S.t<'value>) => 'value Converts any value to the output type
S.convertToJsonOrThrow ('any, S.t<'value>) => Js.Json.t Converts any value to JSON
S.convertToJsonStringOrThrow ('any, S.t<'value>) => string Converts any value to JSON string
S.convertAsyncOrThrow ('any, S.t<'value>) => promise<'value> Converts any value to the output type having async transformations

Note, that in this case only type validations are skipped. If your schema has refinements or transforms, they will be applied.

Also, you can use S.removeTypeValidation helper to turn off type validations for the schema even when it's used with a parse operation.

More often than converting input to output, you'll need to perform the reversed operation. It's usually called "serializing" or "decoding". The ReScript Schema has a unique mental model and provides an ability to reverse any schema with S.reverse which you can later use with all possible kinds of operations. But for convinence, there's a few helper functions that can be used to convert output values to the initial format:

Operation Interface Description
S.reverseConvertOrThrow ('value, S.t<'value>) => 'any Converts schema value to the output type
S.reverseConvertToJsonOrThrow ('value, S.t<'value>) => Js.Json.t Converts schema value to JSON
S.reverseConvertToJsonStringOrThrow ('value, S.t<'value>) => string Converts schema value to JSON string
S.reverseConvertAsyncOrThrow ('value, S.t<'value>) => promise<'any> Converts schema value to the output type having async transformations

This is literally the same as convert operations applied to the reversed schema.

For some cases you might want to simply assert the input value is valid. For this there's S.assertOrThrow operation:

Operation Interface Description
S.assertOrThrow ('any, S.t<'value>) => () Asserts that the input value is valid. Since the operation doesn't return a value, it's 2-3 times faster than parseOrThrow depending on the schema

All operations either return the output value or raise an exception which you can catch with try/catch block:

try true->S.parseOrThrow(schema) catch {
| S.Error.Raised(error) => Console.log(error->S.Error.message)


(S.t<'value>, ~input: input<'value, 'input>, ~output: output<'value, 'transformedOutput>, ~mode: mode<'transformedOutput, 'output>, ~typeValidation: bool=?) => 'input => 'output

If you want to have the most possible performance, or the built-in operations doesn't cover your specific use case, you can use compile to create fine-tuned operation functions.

let operation = S.compile(
await operation("Hello world!")
// ()

For example, in the example above we've created an async assert operation, which is not available by default.

You can configure compiled function input with the following options:

  • Value - accepts 'value of S.t<'value> and reverses the operation
  • Unknown - accepts unknown
  • Any - accepts 'any
  • Json - accepts Js.Json.t
  • JsonString - accepts string and applies JSON.parse before parsing

You can configure compiled function output with the following options:

  • Value - returns 'value of S.t<'value>
  • Unknown - returns unknown
  • Assert - returns unit
  • Json - validates that the schema is JSON compatible and returns Js.Json.t
  • JsonString - validates that the schema is JSON compatible and converts output to JSON string

You can configure compiled function mode with the following options:

  • Sync - for sync operations
  • Async - for async operations - will wrap result in a promise

And you can configure compiled function typeValidation with the following options:

  • true (default) - performs type validation
  • false - doesn't perform type validation and only converts data to the output format. Note that refines are still applied.


(S.t<'value>) => S.t<'value>

// S.option(S.string)
let schema = S.object(s => s.field("foo", S.string))

{"foo": "bar"}->S.parseOrThrow(schema)
// "bar"

let reversed = schema->S.reverse

// {"foo": "bar"}

// throws S.error with the message: `Failed parsing at root. Reason: Expected string, received 123`

Reverses the schema. This gets especially magical for schemas with transformations 🪄


(S.t<'from>, S.t<'to>) => S.t<'to>

This very powerful API allows you to coerce another data type in a declarative way. Let's say you receive a number that is passed to your system as a string. For this S.coerce is the best fit:

let schema = S.string->S.coerce(S.float)

"123"->S.parseOrThrow(schema) //? 123.
"abc"->S.parseOrThrow(schema) //? throws: Failed parsing at root. Reason: Expected number, received "abc"

// Reverse works correctly as well 🔥
123.->S.reverseConvertOrThrow(schema) //? "123"

Currently, ReScript Schema supports the following coercions (🔄 means reverse support):

  • from string to string 🔄
  • from string to literal string, boolean, number, bigint null, undefined, NaN 🔄
  • from string to boolean 🔄
  • from string to int32 🔄
  • from string to number 🔄
  • from string to bigint 🔄
  • from int32 to number

There are plans to add more support in future versions and make it extensible.


(S.t<'value>) => S.tagged

// String

This can be useful for building other tools like rescript-json-schema.


(S.t<'value>) => bool

// false
S.string->S.transform(_ => {asyncParser: i => Promise.resolve(i)})->S.isAsync
// true

Determines if the schema is async. It can be useful to decide whether you should use async operation.


(S.t<'value>) => string

S.literal({"abc": 123})->
// `{ "abc": 123 }`

Used internally for readable error messages.

🧠 Names are subject to change in the future versions


(S.t<'value>, string) => string

let schema = S.literal({"abc": 123})->S.setName("Abc")

// `Abc`

You can customise a schema name using S.setName.


S.t<'value> => S.t<'value>

let schema = S.object(s => s.field("abc",>S.removeTypeValidation

  "abc": 123,
}->S.parseOrThrow(schema) // This doesn't have `if (typeof i !== "object" || !i) {` check. But field types are still validated.
// 123

Removes type validation for provided schema. Nested schemas are not affected.

This can be useful to optimise S.object parsing when you construct the input data yourself.

Error handling

rescript-schema throws S.error error containing detailed information about the validation problems.

let schema = S.literal(false)

// throws S.error with the message: `Failed parsing at root. Reason: Expected false, received true`

If you want to handle the error, the best way to use try/catch block:

try true->S.parseOrThrow(schema) catch {
| S.Error.Raised(error) => Console.log(error->S.Error.message)


(~code: S.errorCode, ~flag: S.flag, ~path: S.Path.t) => S.error

Creates an instance of RescriptSchemaError error. At the same time it's the S.Raised exception.


S.error => exn

Throws error. Since internally it's both the S.Raised exception and instance of RescriptSchemaError, it'll have a nice error message and can be caught using S.Raised.


S.error => string

  code: InvalidType({expected: S.literal(false), received: true}),
  flag: S.Flag.typeValidation,
  path: S.Path.empty,
"Failed parsing at root. Reason: Expected false, received true"


S.error => string

  code: InvalidType({expected: S.literal(false), received: true}),
  flag: S.Flag.typeValidation,
  path: S.Path.empty,
"Expected false, received true"

Global config

rescript-schema has a global config that can be changed to customize the behavior of the library.


defaultUnknownKeys is an option that controls how unknown keys are handled when parsing objects. The default value is Strip, but you can globally change it to Strict to enforce strict object parsing.

  defaultUnknownKeys: Strict,


disableNanNumberValidation is an option that controls whether the library should check for NaN values when parsing numbers. The default value is false, but you can globally change it to true to allow NaN values. If you parse many numbers which are guaranteed to be non-NaN, you can set it to true to improve performance ~10%, depending on the case.

  disableNanNumberValidation: true,