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Sketch of the proof

If not familiar with the incremental Merkle tree problem (and algorithms) you may start with the background section for a quick introduction to the problem.

In this section, without loss of generality,

we use a simple synthesised attribute diff instead of the hash function in Merkle trees.
we assume that the trees we mentioned in the sequel are all binary and complete trees.

Computing the root value of a Merkle tree

Impact of leaf change

Figure 1: The root value can be computed on the green path using the new inserted value (4), the values on the left siblings of the path (yellow) and right siblings (purple).

When a new value (e.g. 4) is inserted in the tree, the root value for the attribute diff(x, y) = x - y - 1 can be computed as follows:

  • the green path leads to the leaf where the new value 4 is inserted,
  • assume we have the values of the attribute diff on the left (yellow) and right (purple) siblings for each node on the green path.
  • we can compute the new root value defined by diff by walking up the green path in the tree.

If we denote by n.v the value of diff on a node of the tree, the computation runs as follows walking up each level of the tree from the leaf n5:

  1. n5.v = 4 (inserted value) and n6.v = 0 (default value).
  2. n11.v = diff(n5.v, n6.v) = 3
  3. n14.v = diff(n.11.v, n12.v) = diff(3, -1) = 3
  4. n15.v = diff(n13.v, n14.v) = diff(-7, 3) = -11.

Assume we have a vector s that stores the values of the siblings at each level of the tree. For instance we can have s = [-7, -1, 0] that holds the values of the siblings (n13, n12, n6) of the nodes on the green path, from top to bottom.

To decide how to combine the values at each level when walking up the green path, we need to know whether we are on a left or right child of a node. To do so, we can encode the green path as a sequence of bits 0 or 1. In this example the green path is encoded as [1, 0, 0] (green boxes in Figure 1): from the root node to the leaf, go right (1), and twice left (0).

Given a list or a sequence x of length >= 1, we denote:

  • last(x) the last element of the list, e.g. last([1, 0, 2]) = 2,
  • init(x) the initial prefix of x i.e. the list minus its last element, e.g. init([1, 0, 2]) = [1, 0].

Given s, p (the sequence of bits encoding the path from the root to the newly inserted leaf) and the value seed inserted at the leaf (at the end of p), we can recursively compute the new root as follows:

function computeRootUp(p : seq<bit>, s: seq<int>, seed: int) : int
    requires |p| == |s|
    decreases p
    if |p| == 0 then
        //  We are at the root and seed contains the value of the attribute for this node.
        //  Decide how to compute the value at the bottom level (last(p)) 
        //  based on direction of path 0 (left) or 1 (right) at last(p)
        var x := if last(p) == 0 then diff(seed, last(s)) else diff(last(s), seed);
        //  Use x as the new seed on the initial prefix of the path (bubble up)
        computeRootUp(init(p), init(s), x)

And if we split the siblings's values in s into two vectors b (orange vector in Figure 1) and z (purple vector in Figure 1) for the left and right siblings:

function computeRootLeftRightUp(p : seq<bit>, b: seq<int>, z: seq<int>, seed: int) : int
    requires |p| == |b| == |z|
    decreases p
    if |p| == 0 then
        //  Combine seed according to the direction of the path
        var x := if last(p) == 0 then diff(seed, last(z)) else diff(last(b), seed);
        //  Use the new value as the seed on the prefix of the path
        computeLeftRightRootUp(init(p), init(b), init(z), x)

This is it.

The get_deposit_root() function in the Deposit Smart Contract makes use of a neat trick: the insertion of a new value in the tree is handled by a function deposit() that makes sure the two vectors b and z hold the values on the left and right siblings for the path to the next leaf (blue) and not to the leaf (n5) where the last value was inserted (see Figure 2).

Impact of leaf change

Figure 2: 'b` and `z` hold the values of the left and right siblings for the path to the next leaf.

As a consequence, the root value can be computed using the blue path and without the knowledge of the last inserted value, by using the default value (0) as the seed (at the end of the blue path).
The (tail recursive) functional version of the algorithm for computing the root value becomes (provided s and z holds the siblings of the path to the next available leaf):

function get_deposit_root(p : seq<bit>, b: seq<int>, z: seq<int>) : int
    requires |p| == |b| == |z|
    decreases p
    if |p| == 0 then
        var x := if last(p) == 0 then diff(seed, last(z)) else diff(last(b), seed);
        get_deposit_root(init(p), init(b), init(z), x)

The next section explains how to maintain the values of b and z to ensure they store the values of the siblings of the nodes on the path to the next available leaf in the tree (blue path in Figure 2).

Computing the left siblings of the next path

In this section we highlight a surprising result: to update the values of left siblings when a new value is inserted, we need to perform a single update to the vector b. Indeed, the right siblings are constant (depending on each level) and we do not need to update them.

We will explain how to maintain the values of the left siblings of a path in phases and address the following issues:

  1. given a path to a leaf, what is the encoding (list of bits) of the next path, nextPath(p) ?
  2. if we are given the values of diff on a path p and the left siblings p, can we compute the values of the left siblings on nextPath(p)?
  3. if we are given the value to insert at the of the current path p (and the left siblings of p), can we compute the values of the left siblings on nextPath(p)?

The next section address these questions.

The next path

Given a path to a leaf, what is the encoding (list of bits) of the next path, nextPath(p) ?

The leaves of a complete binary tree of height h are indexed from left (index 0) to right index power2(h) - 1 (see Figure 3). Given a path p to the k-th with k < power2(h) - 1 (i.e not the last leaf), the next path of p is the path to the k + 1-th leaf.

Next path 1

Figure 3: The next path of a path to left leaf.

As mentioned before a path in a complete tree of height h can be encoded as a sequence of h bits. Figure 3 shows a green path green = [0, 1, 0] leading to the leaf indexed 3. The next path of green is blue == [0, 1, 1]. It is easy to compute the path to the next leaf when a leaf is a left child: we just replace the trailing zero in p with a 1.

When p leads to a right child as green in Figure 4 (below) the next path of green is slighly more complicated to compute: we have to go up the green path until we hit a node that is a left child and then we flip side. In other words, we go up the green path and process the bit encoding of green form last to first to build nextPath(green) as follows:

  • if the current bit is a 1 we replace it with 0 (mirror),
  • if the current bit is 0 we flip it to a 1 (flip).
  • after flipping to 1 we leave the reaming bits unchanged.

Next path 1

Figure 4: The next path of a path to right leaf.

As it turns out, we can write the bit encoding of green in the form init::0::ones(n) where ones(n), n >= 0 is the list of n 1's (empty for n = 0.) And nextPath(green) is init::1::zeroes(n) where zeroes is n zeroes.

The generalisation to arbitrary path follows: given p of the form p = init::0::ones(n), nextPath(p) = init::1::zeroes(n). nextPath(p) can be broken down into three components as depicted in Figure 4: the common prefix init between p and nextPath(p), the flipped bit, and the mirrored tail of ones.

A few remarks are in order to make sure the previous algorithm is correct:

  1. if a path p leads to a leaf that is not the last one, it must have a zero somewhere in its bit encoding.
  2. the computation of the binary encoding of nextPath(p), denoted 0b.nextPath(p), can be obtained by adding 1 in binary to the encoding of p, i.e. 0b.nextPath(p) = 0b.p + 0b1.

The following algorithm computes the encoding of the next path of p:

function nextPath(p : seq<bit>) : seq<bit> 
    /** Path has at least on element. */
    requires |p| >= 1
    /** Not the path 1+ that has no successors. */
    requires exists i :: 0 <= i < |p| && p[i] == 0
    ensures |nextPath(p)| == |p|

    decreases p
    if last(p) == 0 then 
        init(p) + [1]
        nextPath(init(p)) + [0]

The Dafny source code for operations on path as sequences of bits is in SeqOfBits.dfy. Note that we do not need to compute or execute the nextPath function so we do not need to make it tail recursive.

Computing the values of the siblings on the next path

In this section we address the following problem:

If we are given the values of diff on a path p and on the left siblings of p, can we compute the values of the left siblings on nextPath(p)?

Now that we have seen what nextPath(p) is compared to p, we can convince ourselves that the answer to this question is: yes. Or almost.

Figure 5 illustrates how we can solve this problem. Assume we have the values of nodes on the green path after a new value (5) is inserted at the end of green. The values appear in purple on the nodes of the green path and to compute them we used the values of the left (yellow) and right (orange) siblings of the nodes on the green path.

Next path 3

Figure 5: The left siblings of next path. `blue` path is `nextPath(green)`

Let b be the values of the left siblings on the green path with b = [-7, - , 4]: b[0] is the left sibling for node n14 (root), b[1] is not relevant aa the sibling at n13 is on the right, and b[2] is the left sibling for node n10.

We want to compute b' that holds the values of the left siblings for nextPath(p). We know that if p is of the form p = init::0::ones(n), then nextPath(p) = init::1:: zeroes(n). It follows that on the suffix zeroes(n) of nextPath(p) all the sblings are m right siblings (the values of which is solely determined by the current level in the tree). As a result the last n values of b' are irrelevant as at the corresponding levels in the tree the nodes are right siblings. Moreover, p and nextPath(p) share the initial prefix init and thus share the same initial prefix of left siblings. If init has length m, then b'[0..m - 1] = b[0..m -1]. The only unknown for b' is the value of the left sibling at level m. For example in Figure 5, node n13 is where the next path of green forks from green. And at this level, the value of the (left) sibling of n11 is the value at n10 which is known as it is on the green path.

Computing the value of the siblings on nextPath(green), b', can be done using the values of the left siblings of green (in b) and the values on green say in v1 as follows:

  1. b' := b; the initial prefix b'[0..m - 1] is the same as b[0..m -1] and the suffix after m is irrelant so we can use the old values in b.
  2. b'[m] := v1[m], this is only update that is needed to obtain the values of the left siblings on the next path.

The following algorithm computes the values of left siblings of nextPath(p) given the values on the left siblings of p and the values on p (first(p) denotes the first element of the list p):

function computeLeftSiblingOnNextPath<T>(p: seq<bit>, v1 : seq<T>, left : seq<T>) : seq<T>
    requires 1 <= |p| 
    requires |v1| == |left| == |p|
    ensures |computeLeftSiblingOnNextPath(p, v1, left)| == |v1|

    decreases p
    if |p| == 1 then
       /*  If p[0] == 0, we use the value on the path i.e v1, and otherwise p[0] == 1 we can choose
        *  whatever we want as at this level as the sibling on the next path is on is right siblings
        *  We choose to use left i.e. keep the same value for sibling at this level,  in order to
        *  enable optimisations in the imperative version of the algorithm where a single array is used.
        if first(p) == 0 then v1 else left 
        assert(|p| >= 2);
        if last(p) == 0 then 
           /*  This is where the next path flips side. The next path is of the form init(p) + [1].
            *  The prefix of p and of nextPath(p) share the same siblings, and the the left sibling 
            *  on nextPath at this level is the elft child, so we use its value [last(v1)].
            init(left) + [last(v1)]
            assert(last(p) == 1);
            /*  The nextPath is of the form nextPath(init(p)) + [0].
             *  So the sibling at this level is a right sibling and the value we store in the
             *  result for this result is irrelevant. We choose to keep the value of the previous left
             *  sibling from left in order to allow optimisations in the impertive version of the algorithm.
            computeLeftSiblingOnNextPath(init(p), init(v1), init(left)) + [last(left)]

Computing the values of the siblings of next path after inserting a new value in the tree

The deposit() function in the Deposit Smart Contract performs the computation of the values on p at the same time as it compute the values of the left siblings on nextpath(p) using the inserted value seed and the default values on the right siblings of p. This means that we do not need v1 (values on p as mentioned above) and it computed on-the-fly:

function computeLeftSiblingOnNextPathFromLeftRight(p: seq<bit>, left : seq<int>, right : seq<int>, seed : int) : seq<int>
    requires 1 <= |p| 
    requires |left| == |right| == |p|

    decreases p
    if |p| == 1 then
        if first(p) == 0 then [seed] else left 
        assert(|p| >= 2);
        if last(p) == 0 then 
            init(left) + [seed]
            assert(last(p) == 1);
            computeLeftSiblingOnNextPathFromLeftRight(init(p), init(left), init(right), diff(last(left), seed)) 
            + [last(left)]

To summarise, we have designed the function computeLeftSiblingOnNextPathFromLeftRight to compute the left siblings on the next path nextPath(p), given the left siblings on the current path p, the default values for right siblings of p, and the value to insert at end of p.

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