Library to build WorldWide Telescope TOAST tiles.
- Required: python (2.6, 2.7, 3.2, or 3.3), numpy, cython, Pillow/PIL
- Optional: astropy (for FITS IO), healpy (for HEALPIX data), pytest (for testing)
from toasty import toast
toast(sampler, depth, directory)
- sampler is a function that takes 2D arrays of (lon, lat) as input, samples a dataset at these locations, and returns the resampled image
- depth is the depth of the tile pyramid to create (4^d tiles are created at a depth of d)
- directory is the path to create the hierarchy at
Toasty provides a few basic sampler functions:
- healpix_sampler for sampling from healpix arrays
- cartesian_sampler for sampling from cartesian-projections
- normalizer for applying an intensity normalization after sampling
To toast an all-sky, Cartesian projection, 8 byte image:
from toasty import toast, cartesian_sampler
from import imread
data = imread('allsky.png')
sampler = cartesian_sampler(data)
output = 'toast'
depth = 8 # approximately 0.165"/pixel at highest resolution
toast(sampler, depth, output)
To apply a log-stretch to an all sky FITS image:
from toasty import toast, cartesian_sampler, normalizer
from import fits
data ='allsky.fits')[0].data
vmin, vmax = 100, 65535
scaling = 'log'
contrast = 1
sampler = normalizer(cartesian_sampler(data), vmin, vmax
scaling, bias, contrast)
output = 'toast'
depth = 8
toast(sampler, depth, output)
To perform a custom transformation
from toasty import toast
from import fits
data ='allsky.fits')[0].data
def sampler(x, y):
x and y are arrays, giving the RA/Dec centers
(in radians) for each pixel to extract
... code to extract a tile from `data` here ...
output = 'toast'
depth = 8
toast(sampler, depth, output)
See toasty.tile
for documentation on these functions.
To quickly preview a toast directory named test
, navigate to the directory
where test
exists and run
python -m toasty.viewer test
This will start a web server, probably at (check the output for the actual address). Open this URL in a browser to get a quick look at the data.
For more information about using WorldWide Telescope with custom image data,
see the official documentation. The function toasty.gen_wtml
can generate the wtml information for images generated with toasty.
For an example of tiles generated with Toasty (originally from Aladin healpix images), see The ADS All Sky Survey. The code used to generate these images is here.