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##Start MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, API, Site

Download checkoutcrypto's fig script.


Start the CheckoutCrypto stack, with:

sudo fig up

##Start Bitcoin Daemon

docker run --name bitcoin -d -it -p 21234:21234 -v /home/your_user/yourcryptofolder/bitcoin/:/bitcoin/ -v  /home/your_user/.bitcoin/:/root/.bitcoin/ checkoutcrypto/bitcoin
docker exec -it bitcoin /bitcoin/bin/bitcoind

##Start Worker

docker run -d -it -p 12311:12311 --name worker --link mysql:mysql checkoutcrypto/worker-qt /worker/workServer
docker inspect bitcoin
docker inspect worker
docker inspect mysql

Note the IPv4 address of all 3

##RPC DATA Get/Edit the RPC info from bitcoin container with:

docker exec -it bitcoin vi /root/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

Don't forget to insert your worker's container IP, under


##Worker config

docker exec -it worker ./workServer
=======  CheckoutCrypto Worker  =========
1) Add/Edit Remote Database
2) Add/Edit Coin Daemon
3) Add/Edit API Key
4) Run Server
Enter Choice(0-4):

Add the site's MySQL user/pass(option 1) with:

user: site
pass: password
database: site

To change these values, edit site/ or access them through

Next Input all Coin data into CheckoutCrypto Worker config(option 2)

##API Key Open the workServer again this time, go to option 3, to Generate an API Key, for accessing worker. Then we need to place that key in our API config (within our API container). Run:

docker exec -it api vi /var/www/html/config/ccapiconfig.php

Insert your worker's API key:

$apikey = "";

and your worker's IP(default

$workerserver = '';

##Run the CheckoutCrypto Worker Server

Once you've configured the mysql database, the RPC cryptocoins, the API key, run the server with:

docker exec -it worker ./workServer -server -pass test

##access container pages

###Site Install Drupal -database is pre-setup just enter site details(title,email,admin username,password)

after install view site at

Don't forget to enable modules: ctools, jQuery update, CheckoutCrypto modules: Accounts, Admin, Balances, Coins, Groups, OTP, Trading, Transactions, Wallets, Worker

Visit Account page to generate an API key Visit Coins page to enable coins

###API API access example(need to generate an API key and enable a coin, first)

###API Docs

Slate API Documentation found at:


Default user and pass

username: root
password: password