Releases: Catrobat/Paintroid
Feature release. For details see #1013
- Advanced settings: antialiasing and smoothing
- New catrobat file format for saving and loading images that preserves the undo-stack and layers
- Line tool allows more precise positioning, and now with checkmark button
- Dedicated pipette tool has been reintroduced (now in two places)
- Android 11 conform
- Many refactorings, bugfixes, and UX improvements
- New translations
Thanks to all contributors!
Contribute as a developer, designer, educator, in marketing or in many other roles:
For a detailed list see #852
High-level news overview:
- No implicit image downscaling (if enough memory, otherwise warn)
- png before jpg in option list
- New design of tool settings (tap on tool to hide)
- Bug fixes
- More translations. Please help:
Thanks to all contributors!
Contribute as a developer, designer, educator, in marketing or in many other roles:
#802 PAINTROID-122 Keep image file size after editing
#813 PAINTROID-156 Spray can tool
#808 PAINTROID-202 : Refactored dialogs (1)
#815 Hotfix: fixing some warnings in gradle/builds.
#819 PAINTROID-121 upload mapping.txt to jenkins
#822 DEVOPS-467 install fastlane in docker
#823 DEVOPS-468 fix apk file not found in fastlane
#792 Redesign stamp tool
#784 Drawingsurface with pipette in color picker for Catroid
#801 Obtrusive flicker/blinking whenever stroke or drawing action is performed on Android 10 & 11
#799 Confirm tool application by selecting another tool
#798 Using certain tools should not reset the center and zoom level of the canvas
#797 Share images from other apps
#795 Remove "Done" button from text tool
#756 Insert image from Catrobat media gallery
#788 Hide/Unhide Layer
#767 Add Checkmark to confirm tool applications
#771 Add "Auto" to crop icon
#772 Add share image button
#778 Target API 29: permission to write images to media files