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File metadata and controls

64 lines (49 loc) · 3.35 KB

Gympass style app.

📦 Setup do Projeto

Antes de iniciar, certifique-se de ter o Node.js, o Yarn e o NestJS CLI instalados. Recomendo o uso do pacote nvm para gerenciamento de versões do node. Adicione um .env ao projeto usando como base .env.example

Script Descrição
npm install -g yarn Instala todas as dependências do projeto
npm install -g @nestjs/cli Instala todas as dependências do projeto
yarn install Instala todas as dependências do projeto
docker compose up -d Inicia um container Docker com o PostgreSQL

🐳 Docker

Script Descrição
docker build -t api-nest . Cria a imagem do projeto no Docker
docker images Lista todas as imagens criadas no Docker
docker export -o file.tar api-nest:latest Exporta a imagem para um arquivo .tar
docker load -i api-image.tar Importa uma imagem do arquivo .tar
docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh api-nest:latest Inicia a imagem e abre um terminal Bash

🧪 Testes com Jest

Script Descrição
yarn test Executa todos os testes sequencialmente
yarn test:cov Executa os testes e gera relatório de cobertura

✅ RF's (Functional Requirements | Requisitos Funcionais)

  • It must be possible to sign up;
  • It must be possible to authenticate;
  • It must be possible to retrieve the profile of a logged-in user;
  • It must be possible to retrieve the number of check-ins performed by the logged-in user;
  • It must be possible for the user to retrieve their check-in history;
  • It must be possible for the user to search for nearby gyms (less 10km);
  • It must be possible for the user to search for gyms by name;
  • It must be possible for the user to check in at a gym;
  • It must be possible to validate a user's check-in;
  • It must be possible to register a gym.

⚖️ RN's (Business Rules | Regras de Negócio)

  • The user must not be able to sign up with a duplicate email (already existing in the database);
  • The user cannot perform 2 check-ins on the same day;
  • The user cannot check in if not close (within 100m) to the gym;
  • The check-in can only be validated up to 20 minutes after being created;
  • The check-in can only be validated by administrators;
  • The gym can only be registered by administrators.

🛠️ RNF's (Non-Functional Requirements | Requisitos Não Funcionais)

  • The user's password needs to be encrypted;
  • The application data needs to be persisted in a PostgreSQL database;
  • All data lists need to be paginated with 20 items per page;
  • The user must be identified by a JSON Web Token (JWT).