File tree
2,129 files changed
lines changed- bin
- src
- components/TopicOverlay
- data
- best-practices
- api-security
- content
- aws/content
- frontend-performance
- content
- guides
- roadmaps
- android
- angular
- content
- 100-typescript-basics
- 101-rxjs-basics
- 104-operators
- 102-angular-basics
- 103-angular-cli
- 104-templates
- 105-rendering-topics
- 106-forms
- 107-routing
- 108-services-remote-data
- 110-state-management
- 112-creating-a-custom-x
- aspnet-core
- content
- 100-basics-of-csharp
- 101-general-development-skills
- 102-database-fundamentals
- 103-basics-of-aspnet-core
- 104-orm
- 100-entity-framework-core
- 105-dependency-injection
- 101-di-containers
- 102-life-cycles
- 106-caching
- 102-distributed-cache
- 101-redis
- 107-databases
- 100-search-engines
- 101-cloud
- 102-relational
- 103-nosql
- 108-log-frameworks
- 102-log-management-system
- 109-api-clients
- 100-rest
- 102-graphql
- 110-real-time-communication
- 111-object-mapping
- 112-task-scheduling
- 113-testing
- 100-e2e-testing
- 101-unit-testing
- 102-integration-testing
- 103-behavior-testing
- 114-microservices
- 100-message-brokers
- 101-message-bus
- 115-ci-cd
- 116-client-side-libraries
- 117-template-engines
- 118-good-to-know-libraries
- backend
- content
- 100-internet
- 101-basic-frontend
- 102-os-general-knowledge
- 103-learn-a-language
- 104-version-control-systems
- 105-repo-hosting-services
- 108-more-about-databases
- 109-apis
- 106-authentication
- 109-scaling-databases
- 110-caching
- 101-server-side
- 111-web-security-knowledge
- 112-testing
- 114-design-and-development-principles
- 115-architectural-patterns
- 116-search-engines
- 117-message-brokers
- 118-containerization
- 122-web-servers
- 123-scalability
- 100-mitigation-strategies
- blockchain
- content
- 101-blockchain-general-knowledge
- 109-blockchains
- 102-evm-based
- 103-smart-contracts
- 100-programming-languages
- 101-testing
- 104-smart-contract-frameworks
- 105-blockchain-security
- 100-practices
- 101-tools
- 109-dapps
- 100-frontend-frameworks
- 106-node-as-a-service
- 107-supporting-languages
- 108-client-libraries
- 109-client-nodes
- 110-building-for-scale
- computer-science
- content
- 101-pick-a-language
- 102-data-structures
- 106-graph
- 103-asymptotic-notation
- 103-common-runtimes
- 104-common-algorithms
- 100-sorting-algorithms
- 102-graph-algorithms
- 104-greedy-algorithms
- 105-string-search-and-manipulations/102-substring-search
- 110-common-uml-diagrams
- 113-complexity-classes
- 115-balanced-search-trees
- 116-system-design
- 117-databases
- 120-how-computers-work
- cyber-security
- content
- 100-basic-it-skills
- 101-connection-types
- 103-popular-suites
- 101-operating-systems
- learn-for-each
- 102-networking-knowledge
- 106-ip-terminology
- 107-network-topologies
- 108-common-protocols
- 109-virtualization-technologies
- 110-virutalization-basics
- 111-troubleshooting-tools
- 112-auth-methodologies
- functions-of-each
- understand-the-terminology
- understand-these
- 103-security-skills-and-knowledge
- 100-cryptography
- 101-incident-response-process
- 102-threat-classification
- 103-hardening-concepts
- attack-types
- common-distros-for-hacking
- common-network-based-attacks
- common-standards
- find-and-use-logs
- incident-response-and-discovery-tools
- other-attacks
- secure-vs-unsecure-protocols
- tools-for-unintended-purposes
- uderstand-frameworks
- understand
- understand-common-tools
- understand-the-following-terms
- 104-cloud-skills-and-knowledge
- 106-cloud-services
- 107-cloud-models
- 108-common-cloud-environments
- 109-common-cloud-storage
- 105-programming-knowledge
- extras
- certifications
- advanced-certifications
- beginner-certifications
- ctfs
- design-system
- content
- 100-design-system-basics
- 101-design-system-terminology
- 102-making-a-design-system
- 103-existing-design-analysis
- 107-tooling
- 101-design
- devops
- content
- 100-language
- 101-os-concepts
- 102-managing-servers
- 100-operating-system
- 101-live-in-terminal
- 103-networking-protocols
- 103-emails
- 104-setting-up-x
- 105-infrastructure-as-code
- 102-configuration-management
- 103-infrastructure-provisioning
- 105-secret-management
- 106-ci-cd
- 107-monitoring
- 100-infrastructure-monitoring
- 101-application-monitoring
- 102-logs-management
- flutter
- content
- 100-dart-basics
- 101-setup-development-environment
- 101-ides
- 102-widgets
- 102-styled-widgets
- 103-working-with-assets
- 105-repo-hosting-services
- 106-design-principles
- 107-package-manager
- 108-working-with-apis
- 109-storage
- 102-firebase
- 110-advanced-dart
- 111-state-management
- 112-animations
- 113-testing
- 114-reactive-programming
- 115-dev-tools
- 116-flutter-internals
- 117-ci-cd
- 118-analytics
- 119-deployment
- frontend
- content
- 100-internet
- 101-html
- 103-javascript
- 106-web-security-knowledge
- 107-package-managers
- 108-css-architecture
- 110-build-tools
- 100-task-runners
- 101-module-bundlers
- 112-modern-css
- 114-css-frameworks
- 114-css-first
- 114-js-first
- 115-testing-your-apps
- 116-auth-strategies
- 116-type-checkers
- 117-progressive-web-apps
- 118-server-side-rendering
- 120-static-site-generators
- 121-mobile-applications
- 122-desktop-applications
- golang
- content
- 100-go-basics
- 101-go-advanced
- 102-go-building-clis
- 103-go-orms
- 104-go-web-frameworks
- 105-go-logging
- 106-go-realtime-communication
- 107-go-api-clients
- 100-rest
- 101-graphql
- 109-go-microservices
- graphql
- content
- 100-graphql-introduction
- 101-graphql-queries
- 102-mutations
- 103-subscriptions
- 104-schema
- 105-execution
- 101-resolvers
- 106-serving-over-internet
- 100-graphql-over-http
- 101-graphql-over-websockets
- 102-graphql-over-sse
- 108-frontend-implementations
- 109-backend-implementations
- java
- content
- 100-java-fundamentals
- 101-java-advanced-topics
- 102-java-build-tools
- 103-java-web-frameworks
- 104-java-orm
- 106-java-jdbc
- 107-testing-java-apps
- javascript
- content
- 100-javascript-introduction
- 101-javascript-variables
- 103-scopes
- 102-javascript-datatypes
- 101-object
- 103-javascript-type-casting
- 104-javascript-data-structures
- 100-indexed-collections
- 101-keyed-collections
- 105-javascript-equality-comparisons
- 106-javascript-loops-iterations
- 102-break-continue
- 107-javascript-control-flow
- 100-exception-handling
- 101-conditional-statements
- 108-javascript-expressions-and-operators
- 109-javascript-functions
- 105-scope-and-function-stack
- 111-javascript-this-keyword
- 112-javascript-asynchronous-javascript
- 116-javascript-memory-management
- 117-javascript-chrome-dev-tools
- 118-working-with-apis
- kubernetes
- content
- 103-running-applications
- 113-kubernetes-advanced-topics
- mongodb
- content
- 100-mongodb-basics
- 101-datatypes
- 102-collections
- 102-useful-concepts
- 105-query-operators
- 100-projection-operators
- 101-comparison-operators
- 102-array-operators
- 103-element-operators
- 104-logical-operators
- index-types
- 106-mongodb-aggregation
- 101-common-operators
- 108-developer-tools
- 101-mongodb-connectors
- 102-developer-tools
- backup-recovery
- 110-mongodb-security
- encryption
- nodejs
- content
- 100-nodejs-introduction
- 101-nodejs-modules
- 102-nodejs-npm
- 103-nodejs-error-handling/103-error-types
- 104-nodejs-async-programming
- 105-nodejs-working-with-files
- 106-nodejs-command-line-apps
- 101-printing-output
- 103-command-line-args
- 104-environment-variables
- 107-nodejs-apis
- 110-nodejs-databases
- 100-relational
- 101-document
- 111-nodejs-testing
- 112-nodejs-logging
- 113-nodejs-keep-app-running-prod
- 114-nodejs-threads
- 116-nodejs-more-debugging
- 117-nodejs-common-modules
- postgresql-dba
- python
- content
- 100-python-basics
- 101-data-structures-and-algorithms
- 102-python-advanced-topics
- 100-oop
- 105-modules
- 105-python-package-managers
- 106-python-frameworks
- 100-synchronous
- 101-asynchronous
- 107-python-testing
- qa
- content
- 100-qa-basics
- 102-testing-approaches
- 105-manage-your-testing
- 106-project-management
- 107-testing-techniques
- 100-functional-testing
- 101-non-functional-testing
- 101-qa-sdlc
- 102-agile-model
- 102-qa-manual-testing
- 103-qa-automated-testing
- 100-frontend-automation
- 100-basic-introduction
- 102-automation-frameworks
- 101-mobile-automation
- 102-backend-automation
- 104-qa-non-functional-testing
- 100-load-and-performance-testing
- 101-accessibility-testing
- 102-security-testing
- 105-qa-email-testing
- 106-qa-reporting
- 107-qa-monitoring-logs
- 108-qa-vcs
- 110-qa-ci-cd
- 111-qa-headless-testing
- react
- content
- 101-cli-tools
- 103-rendering
- react-native
- software-architect
- content
- 100-software-architect-basics/102-levels-of-architecture
- 102-important-skills
- 104-programming-languages
- 105-patterns-and-design-principles
- 106-architect-tools
- 107-architectures
- 108-security
- 109-working-with-data
- 103-analytics
- 110-apis-and-integrations
- 111-web-and-mobile
- 112-architect-frameworks
- 113-management
- 100-certifications
- 101-agile-scrum
- 114-networks
- 115-operations-knowledge
- 116-enterprise-software
- software-design-architecture
- content
- 100-clean-code-principles
- 101-programming-paradigms
- 102-object-oriented-programming
- 100-primary-principles
- 101-paradigm-features
- 102-model-driven-design
- 103-software-design-principles
- 104-design-patterns
- 105-architectural-principles
- 106-architectural-styles
- 100-messaging
- 101-distributed
- 102-structural
- 107-architectural-patterns
- 108-enterprise-patterns
- spring-boot
- content
- 100-spring-core
- 100-introduction
- 101-spring-security
- 106-hibernate
- 107-spring-data
- 108-microservices/100-spring-cloud
- 109-spring-mvc
- 110-testing
- system-design
- content
- 100-introduction
- 103-availability-vs-consistency
- 104-consistency-patterns
- 105-availability-patterns
- 106-background-jobs
- 108-content-delivery-networks
- 109-load-balancers
- 110-application-layer
- 111-databases
- 100-rdbms
- 101-nosql
- 112-caching
- 105-caching-strategies
- 113-asynchronism
- 115-communication
- 116-performance-antipatterns
- 117-monitoring
- 118-cloud-design-patterns
- 100-messaging
- 101-data-management
- 102-design-and-implementation
- 103-reliability-patterns
- 100-availability
- 101-high-availability
- 102-resiliency
- 103-security
- typescript
- content
- 100-typescript
- 102-install-configure
- 103-running-typescript
- 101-typescript-types
- 115-type-assertions
- 104-combining-types
- 105-type-guards
- 106-functions
- 107-interfaces
- 108-classes
- 109-generics
- 111-utility-types
- 112-advanced-types
- 113-modules
- 114-ecosystem
- ux-design
- content
- 100-human-decision-making
- frameworks
- ux-buzzwords
- 101-behavior-change-strategies
- 100-changing-user-behavior
- 101-cheating
- 102-make-or-change-habbits
- existing-behavior
- classifying-behavior
- making-users-addicted
- 102-understand-the-product
- clarify-product
- define-target-users
- existing-business-model
- new-business-model
- 103-conceptual-design
- create-product-backlog
- deliverables
- things-to-lookout-for
- 104-prototyping
- ux-patterns
- wireframing
- 105-ux-best-practices
- create-urgency
- getting-attention
- getting-favorable-conscious-evaluation
- make-it-easy-for-users
- positive-intuitive-reaction
- 106-measuring-the-impact
- testing
- vue
- content
- 100-fundamental-topics
- 101-components
- 104-api-styles
- 101-advanced-topics
- 102-ecosystem
- 100-routing
- 101-forms
- 102-ssr
- 105-mobile-apps
- 106-api-calls
- videos
- lib
- pages
- styles
- tests
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,129 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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| 1 | + | |
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26 | 26 |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 |
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30 | 30 |
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31 | 31 |
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32 | 32 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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3 | 3 |
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4 | 4 |
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5 | 5 |
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6 |
| - | |
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| 8 | + | |
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7 | 10 |
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8 | 11 |
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9 | 12 |
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28 | 31 |
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29 | 32 |
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30 | 33 |
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31 |
| - | |
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32 | 38 |
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33 | 39 |
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34 | 40 |
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37 | 43 |
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38 | 44 |
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39 | 45 |
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40 |
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41 | 49 |
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42 | 50 |
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43 | 51 |
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51 | 59 |
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52 | 60 |
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53 | 61 |
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54 |
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55 | 67 |
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56 | 68 |
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57 | 69 |
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76 | 88 |
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77 | 89 |
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78 | 90 |
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79 |
| - | |
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80 | 95 |
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81 | 96 |
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82 | 97 |
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129 | 144 |
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131 | 146 |
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132 |
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133 |
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134 |
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136 |
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137 | 148 |
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142 | 153 |
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143 | 154 |
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144 |
| - | |
| 155 | + |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
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2 | 3 |
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3 | 4 |
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4 | 5 |
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34 | 35 |
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35 | 36 |
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36 | 37 |
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37 |
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38 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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95 | 95 |
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96 | 96 |
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97 | 97 |
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98 |
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99 | 101 |
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100 | 102 |
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101 | 103 |
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106 | 108 |
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107 | 109 |
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108 | 110 |
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109 |
| - | |
110 |
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111 | 114 |
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112 | 115 |
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113 | 116 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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82 | 82 |
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83 | 83 |
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84 | 84 |
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85 |
| - | |
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86 | 89 |
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87 | 90 |
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88 | 91 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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27 | 27 |
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28 | 28 |
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29 | 29 |
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30 |
| - | |
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31 | 32 |
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32 | 33 |
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33 |
| - | |
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34 | 37 |
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35 |
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36 | 41 |
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37 | 42 |
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38 |
| - | |
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39 | 48 |
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40 | 49 |
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41 | 50 |
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48 | 57 |
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49 | 58 |
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50 | 59 |
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51 |
| - | |
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52 | 63 |
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53 | 64 |
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54 | 65 |
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77 | 88 |
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78 | 89 |
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79 | 90 |
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80 |
| - | |
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81 | 96 |
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82 | 97 |
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83 | 98 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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14 | 14 |
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15 | 15 |
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16 | 16 |
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31 |
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32 | 32 |
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33 | 33 |
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34 | 34 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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8 | 8 |
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9 | 9 |
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10 | 10 |
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11 | 12 |
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12 | 13 |
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13 | 14 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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100 | 100 |
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101 | 101 |
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102 | 102 |
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103 |
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104 | 104 |
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105 | 105 |
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106 | 106 |
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0 commit comments