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🌱 Seedtool-CLI-Rust Manual (v0.1.10)

July 9, 2024

seedtool-cli-rust is a command-line tool that allows for the creation, import, and export of seeds as well as the export of randomizers that could be used elsewhere to create seeds.

You may want to use it if:

  • You want to create a seed.
  • You want to import a seed from another source.
  • You want to translate a seed into a different form.
  • You want to back up a seed using SSKR.
  • You want to create a seed Envelope.

As a reference app, seedtool-cli-rust is largely intended as a demonstration of how seed-related functionality works, and what the best practices are for interacting with seeds.

⁉️ Why ⁉️ Asides throughout this document support best practices by talking about why you would use particular functions.

Table of Contents

Installing Seedtool-CLI-Rust

To use the Rust version of Seedtool, you will first need to install Rust on your computer (if it's not there already). The Rust developers suggest using rustup, but Rust may also be available through brew, apt-get, or other methodologies depending on your operating system and setup.

If you've previously installed the older Swift version of Seedtool, you may wish to preserve it as follows:

$ sudo mv /usr/local/bin/seedtool /usr/local/bin/cseedtool

You can now install the new Rust-based Seedtool. It can be cloned and compiled from the seedtool-cli-rust repo. However, the easiest methodology is simply to install the Rust crate.

⁉️ Why Install or Use a Crate ⁉️ Seedtool is intended as a reference app and if you're using it for reference purposes such as testing out your own code, the crate should be great. However, if you were ever to decide to use Seedtool to work with real seeds holding real funds, you might want to compile it yourself from the repo, as a crate can be opaque.

To install a crate:

$ cargo install seedtool-cli

You should now have seedtool in your Cargo path.

$ which seedtool

Generating Seeds

Seedtool can be used to generate seeds, which are the foundation of keys in modern cryptographic systems.

The easiest way to do this is to run seedtool with no argument. The hex code for the seed will be displayed by default.

$ seedtool

⁉️ Why Use Seedtool's Internal Randomizer ⁉️ We think it's safe. And it's definitely sufficient for reference testing.

Note that in these and all other examples, you can alternatively save a generated seed into a variable, for additional use, as follows:

$ SEED=`seedtool`
$ echo $SEED

Generating Different Sizes of Seeds

The default seed generated by seedtool is 16 bytes, or 128 bits. This is usually considered sufficient entropy for most modern uses, particularly including Bitcoin, which only enjoys 128 bits of entropy once a public key has been revealed.

However, seedtool can produce larger seeds if desired, using the -c flag, which denotes the size of a seed in bytes. The following generates a 32-byte (256-bit) seed:

$ seedtool -c 32

⁉️ Why Create Larger Seeds ⁉️ You usually wouldn't in the modern day. But, if you wanted to future-proof a seed and if you were using it on a network that doesn't implicitly limit the entropy of funds, like Bitcoin does, then you might.

Generating Seeds with Inputs

By default seedtool generates seeds using its internal randomization. You might want to instead generate a seed using your own entropy.

⁉️ Why Create Your Own Entropy ⁉️ Generating your own entropy can give you more trust that the randomization was truly random, that it couldn't be known by anyone else, and that it has sufficient entropy (provided that you give it enough!). You also might save your randomized data as a way to regenerate your seed, which is helpful for developmental work (but not necessarily secure for real usage).

seedtool offers the following methods for generating seeds from inputs, so that the same input can also be applied to get the same seed.

Seedtool Generation Inputs:

Type Seed Inputs Argument
Random Card Draws -i cards
Random Coin Flips (0-1) -i bits
Random Dice Throws (1-6) -i dice
Random Base 6 Numbers (0-5) -i base6
Random Base 10 Numbers (0-9) -i base10
Random 1-Byte Integers (0-255) -i ints
Deterministic String -d

⁉️ Why Choose One Entropy Creation Method Over Another ⁉️ Choose a method where you will generate truly random inputs. For example, most people won't be willing to flip coins, as it just takes too many, and most folks won't have a way to randomly generate 1-byte numbers. The best compromise might be cards, because most folks have a deck, and you can generate enough entropy with a fairly small number of draws.

Generating Seeds with Card Draws

Cards can be drawn from a standard deck, with replacement after each draw. You can then feed those card draws into seedtool to generate a seed based on that randomization.

$ seedtool -i cards 7htdad5s7s2d9d6djc8c9s4s7dks7cahth5c7hkd6d5dad

Each card is represented by a value (a23456789tjqk) and a suit (cdhs), thus 7htdad represents the draw of a seven of hearts, a ten of diamonds, and an ace of diamonds.

23 card draws are required to generate 128 bits of entropy, as each draw creates log2(52), or 5.7, bits of entropy.

Generating Seeds with Coin Flips

Seeds can be generated from any binary number, which most practically means that they can be generated with a series of coin flips, with heads recorded as 1s and tails as 0s. That binary string is then fed into seedtool.

$ seedtool -i bits 11001101000111010101011100101000000010111000111000111010101001011110101010101101001001101111111001110100011010000001001011001111

Unsurprisingly, 128 coin flips are required to generate 128 bits of entropy, with each flip creating log2(2) bits of entropy, or 1.

Generating Seeds with Dice Throws

Throwing dice is another way to easily generate entropy as the foundation of a seed. The dice input option for seedtool assumes a standard six-sided die, not a whacky polyhedron.

$ seedtool -i dice 16113161515626232546262253235213162163614621565126

As shown, this is just a string of numbers from 1-6, as displayed on the die. Each "d6" die throw creates log2(6) entropy or 2.6 bits, meaning 50 throws are required to generate 128 bits of entropy.

Generating Seeds with Base 6 Numbers

Base 6 numbers work exactly like dice except when input they're numbered 0-5 instead of 1-6.

$ seedtool -i base6 05002050404414121435151142124102051052503510454015

Generating Seeds with Base 10 Numbers

A base-10 number has digits valued 0-9.

$ seedtool -i base10 266136567024312947832916763620750122098

Each digit generates log2(10) bits of entropy, or 3.3, so you'll want 39.

Generating Seeds with 8-Bit Integers

The integers (ints) option for input allows you to input a string of space-separated integers valued at most between 0 and 255 (e.g., an 8-bit or 1-byte integer). Smaller ranges could be used with loss in entropy

$ seedtool -i ints
127 16 38 146 19 226 10 87 168 194 0 187 119 18 48 172 200 216 236 203 106 137

A full one-byte integer obviously gives 8 bits of entropy, thus 16 are required to provide 128 bits of entropy. Use of smaller ranges will require a total of 128/log2(high-low+1) numbers to generate 128 bits of entropy.

Generating Seeds with Deterministic Strings (Development Only)

You can use the -d flag to generate a seed based on any arbitrary string. This is great for development work:

$ seedtool -d hellodarknessmyoldfriend

This method is labeled deterministic as opposed to random because presumably you are feeding it a chosen string (though obviously it's possible to randomize letters or even words). For that reason, and because phrases are more easily guessable than truly randomized methods of seeding, it should be used only for testing.

Restoring Seeds

Seeds can be stored in a variety of forms, including BIP-39, Bytewords, Envelopes, Hex, and SSKR. A seed can be restored from any of these forms by using the -i input argument.

Seedtool Restore Inputs:

Type Seed Inputs Argument
Backup BIP-39 -i bip39
Backup Bytewords -i btw
-i btwm
-i btwu
Backup Envelope -i envelope
Backup Hex -i hex
Backup SSKR -i sskr

All of the following restore examples use the default 128-byte Blockchain Commons seed (59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2).

Restoring Seeds with BIP-39

BIP-39 is a Bitcoin standard for generating (and more importantly restoring) seeds through the use of mnemonic words. Most BIP39 backups are between 12 words (for a 128-bit seed) and 24 words (for a 256-bit seed).

$ seedtool -i bip39 "fly mule excess resource treat plunge nose soda reflect adult ramp planet"

Restoring Seeds with Bytewords

Bytewords is Blockchain Commons' own mnemonic word list. The words are meant to be easier to remember and more standardized (with all entries being unique four-letter words that are also uniquely recognizable by their first and last letters). Bytewords is also the foundation of URs.

seedtool recognizes three formats for Bytewords: normal Bytewords (btw), URI Bytewords (btwu), and minimal Bytewords that only use the first and last letters (btwm).

$ seedtool -i btw "hawk whiz diet fact help taco kiwi gift view noon jugs quiz crux kiln silk tied omit keno lung jade"
$ seedtool -i btwu hawk-whiz-diet-fact-help-taco-kiwi-gift-view-noon-jugs-quiz-crux-kiln-silk-tied-omit-keno-lung-jade
$ seedtool -i btwm hkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdotkolgje

Restoring Seeds with Envelope

Envelope is a smart document system that allows for the storage of not just seeds, but also additional information.

Whatever is additionally included, as long as there's a basic Envelope with the expected formatting, it can be used to restore that seed:

seedtool -i envelope ur:envelope/lftpsogdhkwzdtfthptokigtvwnnjsqzcxknsktdoyadcsspgmgreefy

Restoring Seeds with Hex

Hex is a standard methodology for storing cryptocurrency seeds:

$ seedtool -i hex 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2

Though that particular command might not look that useful, it become more useful when you realize that you can use seedtool for Translating Seeds.

Restoring Seeds with SSKR

SSKR is covered more completely in "Storing Shares Using SSKR". Once shares have been created, they may be simply restored with the -i sskr option, no matter what format they were stored in (Bytewords, Envelope, or UR), provided that a threshold of shares is input. Just put each share on its own line.

Here's an example of restoring from Envelope shares:

$ seedtool -i sskr

Here's an example of restoring the same (default) seed using Byteword shares:

$ seedtool -i sskr
tuna next keep gyro acid yawn able acid able leaf idle mild legs play ugly atom liar slot scar film redo tent poem wasp maze calm scar need toil
tuna next keep gyro acid yawn able acid acid holy keep when luau cook jazz yank rock grim toil stub dice keys very ruby work crux peck down iron

Storing Seeds Using Classic Methods

Seedtool Backup Outputs:

Type Seed Output Argument
Backup BIP-39 -o bip39
Backup Bytewords -o btw
-o btwm
-o btwu
Backup Hex -o hex

Any seed in seedtool can be backed up by any of the simple, classic methods such as BIP39, Bytewords, and Hex. The following examples show five different randomly generated seeds being backed up via simple methods.

$ seedtool -o bip39
inflict staff public state aim unable purpose immune record order task naive
$ seedtool -o btw
main crux void safe aunt jolt meow ruby fish mild user tomb owls vast yank many undo blue tiny grim
$ seedtool -o btwm
$ seedtool -o btwu
$ seedtool -o hex

You could then read any of these backups in to reconstruct the seed:

$ seedtool -i bip39 "inflict staff public state aim unable purpose immune record order task naive"

Obviously, these methods become more useful when you're actually backing up or translating a known seed, as discussed in Translating Seeds.

⁉️ Why Use One Classic Backup Method Over Another ⁉️ Obviously, use whichever backup method can be read by the device or app you might restore your seed onto. We generally suggest Bytewords > BIP-39 > Hex because the mnemonic words tend to be less likely to lead to loss, especially Bytewords, which was specifically created to include distinct words that can't be mistaken for each other.

There are also two other output formats that are somewhat more complex: SSKR and Envelope.

Storing Seed Shares Using SSKR

SSKR is Sharded Secret Key Reconstruction. It's a way to back up a seed into multiple shares, some (but often not all) of which may be used to restore the seed.

Seedtool SSKR Backup Outputs:

Type Argument
Backup -o sskr
(Groups) -g m-of-n ...
(Format) -s btw
-s btwm
-s btwu
-s envelope
-s ur
(Group Threshold) -t #

⁉️ Why Use SSKR for Backup ⁉️ There are two huge advantages to SSKR. First, security. No individual share is enough to reconstruct a seed. Second, resilience. As long as you are using a m-of-n methodology where m < n, you can afford to lose some shares ... and things do sometimes get lost!

A common methodology is to create SSKR shares with a 2-of-3 threshold, which means that the seed may be restored from any two of the three shares that are generated.

$ seedtool -o sskr -g 2-of-3

As shown, seedtool stores its SSKR shares as Envelopes by default. However, output may instead be designated as btw, btwm, btwu, or ur by using the -s flag.

$ seedtool -o sskr -g 2-of-3 -s btwm

SSKR also allows shares to be created in multiple groups, with each group having their own threshold and with a threshold of those groups required for reconstruction. The classic example of this is a 2-of-3 of Two of Three groups SSKR: nine shares are created, organized into three groups of three shares each, then the seed can be reconstructed from any two shares each from two different groups (four shares total). Our SSKR scenarios #SmartCustody document discusses the option more fully.

To output SSKR shares of this type from seedtool, list multiple space-separated m-of-n groups after the -g argument, then add a -t argument to define how many groups must have their threshold met to meet the overall threshold for reconstruction of the seed.

The 2-of-3 of two of three groups example is thus:

$ seedtool -o sskr -g 2-of-3 2-of-3 2-of-3 -t 2

The following more complex example instead requires the threshold to be met from two groups of a 2-of-3 group, a 3-of-5 group, and a 1-of-2 group and also outputs the shares as btwm.

$ seedtool -o sskr -g 2-of-3 3-of-5 1-of-2 -t 2 -s btwm

Here's what restoring would look like, taking two shares from the first (2-of-3) group and one from the last (1-of-2) group:

$ seedtool -i sskr

Storing Seed Metadata Using Envelopes

The final seedtool output format is Gordian Envelope. Though a format such as hex or BIP-39 might be better for interoperability, the smart-document Envelope system is preferred for the secure storage of data.

Seedtool Envelope Backup Outputs:

Type Argument
Backup -o envelope
(Name) --name name
(Creation Date) --date ISO-8601 date or now
(Note) --note note

⁉️ Why Use Envelope for Backup ⁉️ The main reason to store in an Envelope is so that you encode other data, which might tell you more about what a seed is and what it's used for. However, an Envelope can also be useful because of the other manipulation you can do of an Envelope, such as encryption or elision.

The standard usage is simply to output with the -o argument:

$ seedtool -o envelope

One of the major advantages of storing a seed in an Envelope is that metadata may be included, such as the name (--name), creation date (--date), and notes (--note) about the seed. These are done with simple arguments.

The following example shows all of them being used:

% seedtool -o envelope \
    --name "Blockchain Commons petty cash" \
    --date now \
    --note "Meant to hold no more than \$500, for payment of minor costs"

Even with all that extra information, seedtool will just restore the seed:

$ seedtool -i envelope ur:envelope/lptpsogdnewfoxdskotbemhymofsuojefmfdhlryoyadcsspoybdtpsokscafwjzjliajeiaishsinjtcxfxjljnjnjljtjkcxjoihjyjykkcxiahsjkisoybetpsosezofptaoydihecszeaaoyaatpsoksfrgtihhsjtjycxjyjlcxisjljziecxjtjlcxjnjljpihcxjyishsjtcxdkecdydydwcxiyjljpcxjohskkjnihjtjycxjliycxjninjtjljpcxiajljkjyjkztsatshs

However the envelope CLI may be used to view the additional information, as further discussing in "Using the Envelope-CLI".

envelope format ur:envelope/lptpsogdnewfoxdskotbemhymofsuojefmfdhlryoyadcsspoybdtpsokscafwjzjliajeiaishsinjtcxfxjljnjnjljtjkcxjoihjyjykkcxiahsjkisoybetpsosezofptaoydihecszeaaoyaatpsoksfrgtihhsjtjycxjyjlcxisjljziecxjtjlcxjnjljpihcxjyishsjtcxdkecdydydwcxiyjljpcxjohskkjnihjtjycxjliycxjninjtjljpcxiajljkjyjkztsatshs
Bytes(16) [
    'isA': 'Seed'
    'date': 2024-07-03T00:38:20Z
    'name': "Blockchain Commons petty cash"
    'note': "Meant to hold no more than $500, for payment of minor costs"

That can give you crucial context when you're recovering a seed, telling you which seed it is, and what it was intended for.

Storing Envelopes as QRs

One of the advantages of Blockchain Commons' UR format, (which Envelope is built atop) is that when formatted in all capital letters, it is very efficient for storage and transmittal in QR codes.

⁉️ Why Use QRs to Encode Envelopes ⁉️ QR-encoding allows for an Envelope to be printed for storage in a way that may be more robust and supports transmission across airgaps.

To format an Envelope as a QR requires the use of software such as qrencode, which can be installed using Homebrew on a Mac.

The following example shows the creation of a seed Envelope, its conversion to all-caps, and its storage as a QR.

$ seedtool -o envelope | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | qrencode -o ~/seedtool-example-seed.png

Here's the QR:

Storing Envelopes in Multi-Parts

Envelopes can also be output in multiparts with the -o multipart argument. This takes advantage of UR's ability to split and sequence longer messages.

Seedtool Envelope Multipart Backup Outputs:

Type Argument
Multipart Backup -o multipart
(Fragment Size) --max-fragment-len #
(Add'l Fragment) --additional-parts #

⁉️ Why Encode Envelopes with Multiparts ⁉️ Because the data is too big! Primarily, because it's too big to fit in a readable QR.

If you use it in its default form, you'll probably get a single fragment:

$ seedtool -o multipart

That's because the max-size of a fragment is set to 500 bytes by default. But, you can also use the --max-fragment-len argument to make fragments smaller and/or the --additional-parts to produce additional (redundant) fragments, using the fountain code algorithms central to multipart URs.

Here's an example of reducing the fragment length to 20 bytes:

% seedtool -o multipart --max-fragment-len 20

Here's doing so with two additional parts:

$ seedtool -o multipart --max-fragment-len 20 --additional-parts 2

⁉️ Why Generate Additional Parts ⁉️ The core fragments will be enough to piece together an Envelope. Additional parts allow an Envelope to be put back together even if some parts were missed. Yes, you could just keep repeating the original fragments, but the additional fragments use fountain codes, which are more efficient: you'll probably need fewer fragments and there's less concern about missing a particular fragment. The MUR Guide explains more.

The main purpose of generating an Envelope as a multipart UR is to allow the generation of an Animated QR. Each of the UR fragments can be individually encoded as a QR, then they can be converted to an animated GIF (which is to say an animated QR) using a program such as imagemagick.

Translating Seeds

The above examples all showed seedtool either (1) generating seeds from random input; (2) restoring seeds from stored input; or (3) outputting a random seed in a variety of formats. However, these inputs and outputs may be mixed together, allowing seedtool to become a translator app for seeds.

Here's an example of generating a seed from cards and then storing it as minimal Bytewords:

$ seedtool -i cards 7htdad5s7s2d9d6djc8c9s4s7dks7cahth5c7hkd6d5dad \
    -o btwm

Here's an example of importing a seed from its hex and then outputting it as BIP-39:

$ seedtool -i hex 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2 \
    -o bip39
fly mule excess resource treat plunge nose soda reflect adult ramp planet

Here's an example of converting that same (default) hex seed into btwm-format SSKR shares:

$ seedtool -i hex 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2 \
    -o sskr -g 2-of-3 -s btwm

Here's an example of using Envelope to add metadata notes to the default hex seed:

$ seedtool -i hex 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2 \
    -o envelope \
    --note "This is the seed for mom's Bitcoin keys."

Any of the -i inputs and -o outputs described to this point many be mixed together to translate as you see fit (or to backup an existing key or to output a random key in a specific format).

However note that this isn't true for the randomizer outputs in the Appendix, which are allowed only with random inputs.

Using the Envelope-CLI

seedtool is designed as a domain-specific application that focuses on one precise set of activities: reading, creating, and storing seeds. As such, its Envelope-related functionality is also limited to seed-related abilities, such as storing a name, creation date, and notes and outputting as either an Envelope or a set of SSKR envelopes.

However, Envelope can do much more. seedtool can be integrated into full Envelope functionality by also installing the Rust-based Envelope CLI. This is most easily done with cargo install:

cargo install bc-envelope-cli

Using pipes or command-line variables, you can take your seedtool-generated seed Envelope and sign it, encrypt it, or otherwise add additional content.

The simplest example of this is to simply output an Envelope from seedtool and then format it (display it) with envelope:

$ seedtool -i hex 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2 -o envelope \
    | envelope format

Bytes(16) [
    'isA': 'Seed'

The examples in the following section use the default seed with metadata:

$ ENVSEED=`seedtool -i hex 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2 \
    -o envelope \
    --name "Blockchain Commons 128-Bit Default Seed" \
    --date now \
    --note "This is the 128-bit example key for Blockchain Commons. Do not use it for real funds\!"`

envelope displays it as follows:

$ envelope format $ENVSEED

Bytes(16) [
    'isA': 'Seed'
    'date': 2024-07-02T22:42:54Z
    'name': "Blockchain Commons 128-Bit Default Seed"
    'note': "This is the 128-bit example key for Blockchain Commons. Do not use it for real funds!"

The examples also use the following keys:

$ SYM_KEY=`envelope generate key`
$ PRV_KEY=`envelope generate prvkeys`
$ PUB_KEY=`envelope generate pubkeys $PRV_KEY`

⁉️ Is It Safe to Use Envelope to Generate Keys ⁉️ It definitely is if you're doing reference/testing work. If you're generating seeds to create real privacy protections or to hold funds, definitely use something that you've checked out as safe (and definitely don't save them in command-line variables!).

Encrypting an Envelope

An envelope's subject can be encrypted with a symmetric key:

$ echo $ENVSEED | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY

Or if you prefer:

$ envelope subject type envelope $ENVSEED | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY

Because assertions (which includes encryption) are applied to a subject, this modifies the existing Envelope so that the seed is no longer visible:

    'isA': 'Seed'
    'date': 2024-07-02T22:42:54Z
    'name': "Blockchain Commons 128-Bit Default Seed"
    'note': "This is the 128-bit example key for Blockchain Commons. Do not use it for real funds!"

That might be the right amount of information to retain, to make it easy to reference the seed while still securing it.

However, maybe even that is too much info. In order to encrypt the entirety of an Envelope, you "wrap" it, which basically embeds the whole previous Envelope as the subject of a new Envelope, and then encrypt that:

$ echo $ENVSEED \
    | envelope subject type wrapped \
    | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY

The Envelope now only shows:


Adding Additional Content to an Envelope

You can add additional metadata to any Envelope. For example, after wrapping and encrypting an Envelope, you could add on a new note to help with the future decryption of the Envelope:

$ echo $ENVSEED \
    | envelope subject type wrapped \
    | envelope assertion add pred-obj known note string "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo." \
    | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY

Which results in:

    'note': "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo."

Encrypting & Adding Additional Content with a Single Line

These CLIs are all set up to take stdin and to output as stdout, so you can even connect everything together into one big, lovely (messy) pipe:

$ seedtool -i hex 59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2 -o envelope --name "Blockchain Commons 128-Bit Default Seed" --date now --note "This is the 128-bit example key for Blockchain Commons. Do not use it for real funds\!" \
    | envelope subject type wrapped \
    | envelope assertion add pred-obj known note string "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo." \
    | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY \
    | envelope format

    'note': "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo."

Signing an Envelope

That encrypted and annotated Envelope could also be signed using Envelope's sign function:

$ echo $ENVSEED \
    | envelope subject type wrapped \
    | envelope assertion add pred-obj known note string "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo." \
    | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY \
    | envelope sign --signer $PRV_KEY

This results in:

    'note': "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo."
    'signed': Signature

Again, remember that every assertion (which, yes, also includes a signature) is applied to a subject, so in this example, the signing key is applied to the Encrypted envelope of the seed. Which might be what you want.

But, if you instead want to sign the note too, then you need to (again) wrap the Envelope and sign that:

    | envelope subject type wrapped \
    | envelope assertion add pred-obj known note string "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo." \
    | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY \
    | envelope subject type wrapped \
    | envelope sign --signer $PRV_KEY`

This instead produces:

$ echo $SIGNED_SEED | envelope format
        'note': "This is encrypted with the July 2, 2024 sym key created on erzo."
} [
    'signed': Signature

Once signed with a private key, an Envelope's signature can be verified with the corresponding public key:

$ envelope verify --silent $SIGNED_SEED --verifier $PUB_KEY

Silent means that envelope only show a response if there's a problem. Here's what a problem would look like:

% envelope verify --silent $SIGNED_SEED --verifier $NEW_PUB
Error: could not verify a signature

Using Attachments

The above examples all demonstrate how to use Envelopes within Envelopes to take advantage of abilities to encrypt, annotate, and sign (or use other Envelope functionality).

Envelope also has an attachment functionality that allows vendors to create Envelopes using their own preferred formatting.

Say a vendor prefers Envelopes with BIP-39 words in them. You could create the BIP-39 words with seedtool:

$ BIP39_SEED=`seedtool -i hex \
59f2293a5bce7d4de59e71b4207ac5d2 -o bip39`

Then embed that in an attachment:

% envelope subject type string $BIP39_SEED \
    | envelope attachment create \
        --conforms-to "" \

BCR-2023-006 has the full info on how this works.

This looks as follows:

'attachment': {
    "fly mule excess resource treat plunge nose soda reflect adult ramp planet"
} [
    'conformsTo': ""
    'vendor': "com.blockchaincommons"

Alternatively, perhaps a vendor just wants to have an attachment with specific information as part of a seed Envelope.

They could create an attachment:

SEED_ATTACH=`envelope subject type string "attachment data" \
    | envelope attachment create \
        --conforms-to "" \

That attachment could then be added to the seed package:

$ echo $ENVSEED \
    | envelope subject type wrapped \
    | envelope encrypt --key $SYM_KEY \
    | envelope assertion add envelope $SEED_ATTACH \
    | envelope sign --prvkeys $PRV_KEY

Resulting in:

    'attachment': {
        "attachment data"
    } [
        'conformsTo': ""
        'vendor': "com.joe-bob-s"
    'signed': Signature

Appendix I: Generating Randomizers (Development Only)

seedtool can also be used to generate all of the randomizers that can be used as input for seedtool: base6, base10, bits, cards, dice, and ints. It will generate 16 digits of each randomizer at a time, so you will need to generate multiple outputs to create enough entropy for many input types.

Seedtool Randomizer Outputs:

Type Seed Outputs Argument
Random Card Draws -o cards
Random Coin Flips (0-1) -o bits
Random Dice Throws (1-6) -o dice
Random Base 6 Numbers (0-5) -o base6
Random Base 10 Numbers (0-9) -o base10
Random 1-Byte Integers (0-255) -o ints

This is another feature that should only be used for development testing. If you're comfortable with seedtool's innate randomization (where you don't feed it any input), just use that. Contrariwise, if you're not, then draw your cards, roll your dice, or whatever by hand. But, if you want to use those inputs as part of a developmental test (or if you want to generate card draws, dice rolls, or numbers for use elsewhere), then the randomizer outputs should work fine.

To output a specific randomization, use the -o flag and the appropriate name. You cannot provide a randomizer with any input: it'll use seedtool's built-in randomization

$ seedtool -o base6
$ seedtool -o base10
$ seedtool -o bits
$ seedtool -o cards
$ seedtool -o dice

the -o ints function is a little more complex. By default, it generates integers between 0 and 9, effectively the same as base10 but with different formatting. You can expand that range with the --low and -high arguments, which can go as low as 0 and as high as 255, respectively.

$ seedtool -o ints
8 2 1 8 8 3 5 5 8 2 3 7 0 1 1 3
$ seedtool -o ints --low 0 --high 255
197 208 115 99 112 30 22 154 69 139 20 213 137 83 252 16
$ seedtool -o ints --low 100 --high 199
142 164 168 133 187 110 151 177 145 108 140 159 131 153 121 157

Remember that changing the range changes the amount of entropy.

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