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This branch is 147 commits behind microsoft/retina:main.


Windows plugins

  1. Cordon all windows nodes. Until the below selector is added, needed so helm install isn't blocked.

  2. Install Linux Retina helm chart.

    helm install retina ./deploy/legacy/manifests/controller/helm/retina/ --namespace kube-system

  3. Uncordon the Windows and nodes.

  4. Apply nodeSelector patch to prometheus-node-exporter

    kubectl patch ds/retina-prometheus-node-exporter -n kube-system --patch "$(cat ./windows/manifests/node-selector-patch.yaml)"
    kubectl patch deployment/retina-kube-prometheus-sta-operator -n kube-system --patch "$(cat ./windows/manifests/node-selector-patch.yaml)"
    kubectl patch deployment/retina-kube-state-metrics -n kube-system --patch "$(cat ./windows/manifests/node-selector-patch.yaml)"
    kubectl patch statefulset/prometheus-retina-kube-prometheus-sta-prometheus -n kube-system --patch "$(cat ./windows/manifests/node-selector-patch.yaml)"
    kubectl patch statefulset/alertmanager-retina-kube-prometheus-sta-alertmanager -n kube-system --patch "$(cat ./windows/manifests/node-selector-patch.yaml)"
  5. Build (and push) the Retina windows image. (Don't forget to az acr login)

    make retina-image-win-push

  6. Modify ./windows/manifests/windows.yaml with the image tag you just pushed

  7. Apply the Windows manifest

    k apply -f ./windows/manifests/windows.yaml