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856 lines (517 loc) · 17.3 KB


0004 - Median Of Two Sorted Arrays

  • Division and conquer

0005 - Longest palindromic substring

  • DP: F(i, j) = F(i + 1, j - 1) && s[i] == s[j]. When j - i < 2, F(i, j) = s[i] == s[j]
  • [Golang] Create Two-dimensional array via make([]int, m * n)
  • TODO: Manacher's algorithm

0007 - Reverse interger

  • [Python3] Transfer int to str.
  • [Python3] Use list[::-1] to get reverse.
  • [Golang] Modulus operation % preserves symbols

0008 - String to integer atoi

  • Detect a + b out of the range via comparing a and INT_MAX - b
  • Detect a * b out of the range via comparing a and INT_MAX / b
  • Integer string startswith +, - or neither

0009 - Palindrome number

  • [Python3] Numbers less than zero are not palindrome.
  • [Python3] Use list[::-1] get reversal.
  • [Golang] Use modulus to get reversal.
  • [Golang] Numbers endswith zero are not palidrome.
  • [Golang] Reverse half.

0010 - Regular Expression Matching

  • Division and conquer
  • $f(x,y)$ is result of matching p[:x] and s[:y]
    • $f(0,0)$ is True
    • $f(x,y)$ can be calculated from $f(x-1, y-1)$
      • When $p_{x-1}$ in alphabet, $f(x,y) = f(x-1,y-1) \land p_{x-1} = s_{y-1}$
      • When $p_{x-1}$ is ., $f(x,y) = f(x-1,y-1)$
      • When $p_{x-1}$ is *
        • When $p_{x-2}$ is ., $f(x,y) =\prod_{i=0}^y f(x-2, y-i)$
        • When $p_{x-2}$ is alphabet, $f(x,y) = \prod_{i=0}^y f(x-2, y-i) \land g(s, y, i, p_{x-2})$
          • $g(s, y, i, p_{x-2})$ String s, from y-i to y, whether it contains only the letter $p_{x-2}$

0011 - Container with most water

  • Two points
  • Update height every times

0012 - Integer to roman

  • Linear

0013 - Roman to integer

  • [Python3] Compare next, add or minus

0014 - Longest common prefix

  • [Golang] Compare the string and the last of sorted strings?

0015 - 3Sum

  • Sort array
  • Two points
  • [Goalng] Define 2D array via var result [][]int

0016 - 3Sum closet

  • Two points
  • [Golang] Sort array via sort.Ints

0017 - Letter combinations of a phone number

  • Strings contain '1' return []

0018 - 4Sum

  • Two points
  • $O(N^3)$

0019 - Remove nth node from end of list

  • Two points a and b. Point a is n steps further than point b.
  • If point a is None, it means the length of list is n. Remove the first node, that is, return
  • Move two points to next util a reach end ( is None).
  • Remove point when point a is None.

0020 - Valid parentheses

  • [Python3] Use list as stack
  • [Golang] Create map: map[type]type
  • [Golang] Traversing list via for index, element := range list
  • [Golang] Difference between byte and runc
  • [Golang] Append element to list via append()

0021 - Merge two sorted lists

  • [Python3] If one list is empty, then reset is the other
  • [Golang] Create point: var head *ListNode, head := &ListNode{}

0022 - Generate parentheses

  • DFS

0023 - Merge k Sorted Lists

  • Division and conquer

0024 - Swap nodes in pairs

  • Return if head is not null
  • First's next is third if fourth does not exist

0025 - Reverse Nodes in k-Group

  • Related to 0092 - Reverse Linked List II
  • Revert link list several times
  • Function reverse(head, tail *ListNode) *ListNode
    • Link list: r -> 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> n
    • revert(0, 2) reverse from 0, before 2, return r -> 1 -> 0 -> 2 -> ...
    • revert(2, 4) reverse from 2, before 3, return r -> 3 -> 2 -> 4 -> ...
    • revert(head, nil) reverse all of the link list, return r -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0 -> n

0026 - Remove duplicates from sorted array

  • [Pytnon3] Two points.

0027 - Remove element

  • [Python3] Two points, one from head, the other from tail.
  • [Python3] No need to exchange variables.

0028 - Implement strstr

  • [Python3] $O(m * (m - n))$
  • [Golang] TODO: KMP

0029 - Divide Two Integers

  • Bit operation

0030 - Substring with Concatenation of All Words

  • Binary

0031 - Next permutation

  1. Found first element not increase from tail
  2. Swap element if found
  3. Sort elements after it

0032 - Longest Valid Parentheses

  • Dymatic programming
    • s[x] is ( $f(x) = 0$
    • s[x] is )
      • $s_{x-1} = ($
        • $x \in [0, 2): f(x) = 2$
        • $x \in [2, \infty]: f(x) = f(x - 2) + 2$

0033 - Search in rotated sorted array

  • Get rotate pivot via binary-search
  • Binary-search in two parts

0034 - Find first and last position of element in sorted array

  • Binary search twice

0035 - Search Insert Position

  • Binary Search

0036 - Valid Sudoku

  • Check rows, columns, blocks separately

0037 - Sudoku Solver

  • NOTICE: Get candidate from block $board[x/33+i/3,y/33+y\mod3]$
  • TODO: next() returns the grid with the least possible

0038 - Count and say

  • [Golang] Use bytes.Buffer save temp string.

0039 - Combination sum

  • DFS, branchs = candidates
  • [Golang] Copy slice via copy(dst, src)

0040 - Combination sum II

  • DFS

0041 - First Missing Positive

  • Sequences of length N can have up to N positive integers
  • When all positive integers from 1 to N appear, the solution is the maximum value, N+1
  • The range of solutions is 1 to N + 1
  • Modify the sequence $nums$ so that $nums_i$ represents whether the number $i+1$ has appeared
  • Check the sequence nums to find the first number that does not appear
  • If all appear, the solution is $N + 1$

0042 - Trapping Rain Water

  • Save height of pool

0044 - Wildcard Matching

  • Dynatic Programming
  • TODO: 2D matrix -> 1D matrix

0043 - Multiply Strings

  • Multiply bit by bit and add

0045 - Jump Game II

  • Greedy algorithm

0046 - Permutations

  • DFS
  • [Golang]: Not use append() in params, why?

0047 - Permutations II

  • DFS
  • Skip on branches

0048 - Rotate image

  • Split 4 parts

0049 - Group anagrams

  • Quick sort
  • Transform string to number, sort and base-26 to base-10

0050 - Submissions

  • Division and conquer

$$Pow({x}, {n})=Pow\left({x}^2, \dfrac{n}{2}\right) * Pow\left(x, n \mod 2\right)$$

0051 - N-Queens

  • Deep First Search

0052 - N-Queens II

  • Deep First Search

0053 - Maximum subarray

  • DP: F(n): The maximum value of the subarray ending in the nth element.

0054 - Spiral matrix

  • Circle by circle

0055 - Jump game

  • DP

0056 - Merge intervals

  • Quicksort with customized compare function

0057 - Insert Interval

  • Binary Search
    • Find first L greater than or equal to newInternal[0] from intervals[n][1]
    • Find first R greater than newInternal[1] from intervals[n][0]
    • Insert from L before R
    • If L less than R, newInternal will merge element

0058 - Length of last word

  • Trailing space

0059 - Spiral matrix II

  • Linary

0060 - Permutation sequence

  • Transform index 1...k to 0...K
  • result[n] is candidates[K // factorial(len(candidates) - 1)]
  • $K_{n+1} = K_n \mod {factorial\left[len\left(candidates\right) - 1\right]}$

0061 - Rotate List

  • Circle and break
  • Mod length of list

0062 - Unique paths

  • Combination(n, k)
  • Calculating factorial may overflow
  • Multiply then divide to avoid overflow
  • Divided from small to large to ensure divisible

0063 - Unique paths II

  • Dynamic programming

0064 - Minimum Path Sum

  • Dynamic programming

0065 - Valid Number

0066 - Plus one

  • Reverse array
  • [Golang] func reverse(input []int) []int

0067 - Add binary

  • No reverse
  • Full adder

0068 - Text Justification

  • [Golang] bytes.Buffer.Len and bytes.Bufer.WriteString

0069 - Sqrtx

  • Binary search
  • Heron's formula

0070 - Climbing stairs

  • DP: F(n) = F(n - 1) - F(n - 2)
  • TODO: Binet's formula

0071 - Simplyfy path

  • TODO: base on string

0072 - Edit Distance

  • Dynatic programming

0073 - Set matrix zeros

  • Store x, y to be zeros

0074 - Search a 2D matrix

  • Binary search, twice
  • Transform 2D to 1D, binary search once

0075 - Sort colors

  • nums[:a] are red, nums[a:b] are white, nums[c:] are blue
  • nums[b:c] are unknown

0076 - Minimum Window Substring

  • Two points
  • Slice window
  • Use queue record target character

0077 - Combinations

  • DFS

0078 - Subsets

  • Use make and copy instead of append

0079 - Word search

  • DFS
  • Record footprint

0080 - Remove duplicates from sorted array II

0081 - Search in rotated sorted array II

  • Search pivot

0082 - Remove duplicates from sorted list II

  • Skip duplicates
  • Move to next node if not skip

0083 - Remove duplicates from sorted list

  • Skip multi nodes

0084 - Largest Rectangle in Histogram

  • Recursion
  • Scan one time

0085 - Maximal Rectangle

  • Transform to histogram
  • Monotonic stack

0086 - Parition list

  • Two lists contains low and high
  • Combine two lists

0087 - Scramble String

  • Recursion
  • Pruning

0088 - Merge sorted array

  • Insert element from tail

0089 - Gray Code

  • Bit operation
  • $O(N)$

0090 - Subsets II

0091 - Decode ways

  • Dynamic programming

0092 - Reverse Linked List II

  • Define root point to head
  • func reverse(head *ListNode, tail *ListNode) *ListNode revert list[head:tail]

0093 - Restore IP Addresses

  • Deep First Search
  • Not remove number 0: 010010 -> [,]
  • [Golang]: strconv.ParseUint, strconv.FormatUint

0094 - Binary tree inorder traversal

  • Deep First Search
  • Recursion
  • Stack and loops

0095 - Uniqute Binary Search Tree II

  • Dynamic programming
  • $Cache(x, y)$ means BST with length y starting at x
  • $Cache(x, 0)$ is ${ nil }$

0096 - Unique Binary Search Trees

  • Dynamic programming
  • $F_{n+1}=\sum_{i=0}^{n} F_i \times F_{n-i}$

0097 - Interleaving String

  • Recursion

0098 - Validate Binary Search Tree

  • Recursion

0099 - Recover Binary Search Tree

  • Scan twice: from head, from tail

0100 - Same Tree

  • Recursion

0101 - Symmetric Tree

  • Recursion

0102 - Binary Tree Level Order Traversal

  • Recursion

0103 - Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

  • Recursion
  • Orientation

0104 - Maximum Depth of Binary Tree

  • Recursion

0105 - Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

  • Recursion
  • preorder[0] is root
  • Find the root in array inorder, inorder[:root] is left tree, inorder[root+1:] is right tree

0106 - Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal

  • Recursion
  • postorder[len(postorder)-1] is root
  • Find the root in array inorder, inorder[:root] is left tree, inorder[root+1:] is right tree

0107 - Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II

  • Recursion

0108 - Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree

  • Recursion

0109 - Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree

  • Recursion

0110 - Balanced Binary Tree

  • Recursion

0111 - Minimum Depth of Binary Tree

  • Recursion
  • NOTICE: Tree with null is not 1

0112 - Path Sum

  • Recursion

0113 - Path Sum II

  • Deep First Search

0114 - Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

  • Recursion

0115 - Distinct Subsequences

  • Dynamic Programming

0116 - Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node

  • Recursion
  • Connect right of left subtree to the left of right subtree
  • Continue recursivly to left and right subtree, util tree is nil

0117 - Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II

  • Recursion
  • Calculate subtrees
  • Get the rightest point from root.Left via .Next

0118 - Pascal's Triangle

  • Nothing

0119 - Pascal's Triangle II

  • Nothing

0120 - Triangle

  • Dynamic Programming

0121 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

  • Dynamtic Programing
  • $f_i$ means the minimum in the frist i days

0122 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

  • Linearity

0123 - Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

  • Define two slice
    • $F_i$: Maximum profit when selling on day i
      • $F_0 = 0$
      • $F_i = \max(P_i - P_{i-1} + F_{i-1}, 0)$
    • $B_i$: Maximum profit when buying on day i
      • $B_{len(P) - 1} = 0$
      • $B_i = \max(P_{i+1} + F_{i+1} - P_i, 0)$
  • Change two slice
    • $F_i$: The maximum profit of transactions in the previous i days
      • $F_i = \max(F_{i-1}, F_i), i &gt; 0$
    • $B_i$: The maximum profit of transactions in the next i days
      • $B_i = \max(B_{i+1}, B_i), i &lt; len(P) - 1$
  • Max profit: $\max \limits_{i=0}^{len(P)-1} F_i + B_i$

0124 - Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

  • Recursion
  • Update Node.Val to the maximum path starting from Node
  • maxPathSum(Node) is the maximum of:
    • maxPathSum(Node.Left)
    • maxPathSum(Node.Right)
    • Node.Val
    • Node.Val + Node.Left.Val
    • Node.Val + Node.Right.Val
    • Node.Val + Node.Left.Val + Node.Right.Val

0125 - Valid Palindrome

  • Two Points

0127 - Word Ladder

  • Breadth First Search

0128 - Longest Consecutive Sequence

  • Use map to store endpoint and phase to the other endpoint

0129 - Sum Root to Leaf Numbers

  • Recursion

0130 - Surrounded Regions

  • Deep First Search
  • Mark 'O' from bounds
  • Change unmarked 'O' to 'X'

0131 - Palindrome Partitioning

  • Deep First Search

0133 - Clone Graph

  • Breadth First Search
  • Use Squeue store nodes to be copied
  • Use Map to store old node to new node

0134 - Gas Station

  • Generate array R, $R_i$ means relative gas in tank when the car arrive next gas station
  • R[i] = R[i] + R[i - 1], means the i th gas station is last, relative gas in tank against starting.

0135 - Candy

  • Traversal once
  • Two points, traversal equal, increase and decrease then loop
  • The peek is the max of increase and decrease parts

0136 - Single Number

  • Exclusive Or
  • Twice = nothing
  • It is not necessary to record what numbers not single

0137 - Single Number II

  • Use 2 bit record the number of occurrences of 1: 00, 01, 10
  • Use Karnaugh map to facilitate the simplification of Boolean algebra

0138 - Copy List with Random Pointer

  • Use Map to store old node to new node

0139 - Word Break

  • Dynamic Programming

0140 - Word Break II

  • Dynamic Programming
  • Store cache

0141 - Linked List Cycle

  • Two points: slow and fast

0142 - Linked List Cycle II

  • Three points: x1, x2, x3 speed
  • When x2 == x3, The distance x1 travelsal is equal to the length of the cycle
  • Create another point st from head, move st and x1 until st == x1

0143 - Reorder List

  • Traversal once
  • Use Stack record second half

0144 - Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

  • Recursion

0145 - Binary Tree Postorder Traversal

  • Use stack save status

0146 - LRU Cache

  • Double Linked List

0147 - Insertion Sort List

  • Use point cur.Next traversal list
  • if cur.Val less than or equal to cur.Next.Val, move cur to next.
  • If cur.Next.Val is less than or equal to head.Val, move cur.Next to the head of list.
  • Use point pos.Next traversal list until cur.Next
  • if pos.Next.Val is less than cur.Next.Val, move pos to next, else insert cur.Next after pos.

0148 - Sort List

  • Quick sort

0149 - Max Points on a Line

  • Compare lines between two points
  • Use 2 int number instead 1 float to store slope
  • Two differ 180 degree are same
  • Calculate same points

0150 - Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

  • Use slice as stack

0151 - Reverse Words in a String

  • Use slice store words
  • Use bytes.Buffer store string
  • [Golang]: strings.Fields, strings.Join

0152 - Maximum Product Subarray

  • Dynamic Programming
  • Record maximum and minimum

0153 - Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array

  • Binary Search: pivot

0154 - Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

  • Binary Search: pivot
  • Head is equal to tail

0155 - Min Stack

  • Use sorted list store elements

0160 - Intersection of Two Linked Lists

  • Use stack storage node

0162 - Find Peak Element

  • Divide And Conquer

0164 - Maximum Gap

  • Bucket Sort
  • Bucket size

0165 - Compare Version Numbers

  • Split with .
  • 1.0 = 1

0166 - Fraction to Recurring Decimal

  • Integer
  • Finite decimal
  • Recurring decimal
  • Nagtive

0167 - Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

  • Map

0168 - Excel Sheet Column Title

  • Base 26

0169 - Majority Element

  • Map
  • TODO: Boyer Moore

0171 - Excel Sheet Column Number

  • Linary

0172 - Factorial Trailing Zeroes

  • Count factor 2 & 5

0173 - Binary Search Tree Iterator

  • Use stack store

0174 - Dungeon Game

  • Dynamic Programming
  • Check health point is over 0 all the time

0179 - Largest Number

  • Sort numbers
    • Generate two numbers ab and ba from a and b
    • Compare ab and ba
    • If ab is less than or equal to ba, a less b
  • Revers numbers
  • Combine numbers to string
  • If string only contains 0, return 0

0187 - Repeated DNA Sequences

  • Use map to store sequence status
    • 0: not exists
    • 1: unique
    • 2: duplicated
  • Hash function, string -> uint32
    • 'A': 0
    • 'C': 1
    • 'G': 2
    • 'T': 3
  • Rotate hash function, caluate hash of s[i+1:i+11] from s[i:i+10]

0189 - Rotate Array

  • Rotate k elements, one time

0190 - Reverse Bits

  • Linary

0191 - Number of 1 Bits

  • Count every bit

0198 - House Robber

  • Dynamic Programming
  • $F(x) = max(F(x-2) + nums_x, F(x-1))$

0199 - Binary Tree Right Side View

  • Search every level

0200 - Number of Islands

  • Deep First Search

0415 - Add strings

  • Full adder
  • [Golang] Create array via make([]int, n)
  • [Golang] Combine bytes to string via types.Buffer
    • Buffer.WriteByte: Write byte to end
    • Buffer.String: Get as string