- View Product
- Import BOM
- For each item in BOM
- Add Manufacturer
- Add Part
- Save Product, immutable except for a Description
- Support
- KiCad CSV saves (MF and Manufacturer, MPN)
- Boms in JLCPCB format
- Columns of significance (case-insensitive)
- MF, Manufacturer
- "LCSC"
- contains "Digi-Key", "Digikey"
- "Mouser", "Mouser_PN"
- "Farnell", "Element14"
- "RS", "RSonline", "RS-online"
- Save all other columns
- For each item in BOM
- "Produce"
- Select a product and ask for "quantity"
- Create "Job"
Suppliers probably needs to be supported programmatically, at least initially.
- Digi-Key
- Mouser
- RS-online
- Farnell
Action to fetch prices for all Parts from all Suppliers
- For each Supplier
- Fetch Availability, Price
- Fetch all part parameters, and merge into Part.
- For each Supplier
Create Parts Orders
- Select one or more Jobs
- Compute total number of parts needed
- Subtract inventory at hand, not reserved
- From each Supplier
- Check Reel sizes
- Compute "Best Value" from ordering more than needed.
- Add a column for purchasing price
- Add a column for for surplus value
- Select Supplier based on price
- Present Order and let user change supplier
- Mark parts needed as reserved
Edit Parts Order
- Add more numbers to each product
- Add more products
- Change supplier for each Part
- Upgrade Part item to more units, such as a full reel.
Send Orders
Merge Orders
- Select two or more Orders and merge into a new one
- Old ones are marked "Merged" and not part of "active" list.