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bba2267 · Mar 2, 2022




Provisioning Service Client Sample for Individual Enrollment


This is a quick tutorial with the steps to create, update, get, and delete an Individual Enrollment on the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service using the C SDK.


Source Code

How to run the sample on Linux or Windows

  1. Clone the C SDK repository
  2. Compile the C SDK as shown here, using the -Duse_prov_client=ON flag.
  3. Edit provisioning_individual_enrollment_sample.c to add your provisioning service information:
    1. Replace the [Connection String] with the Provisioning Connection String copied from your Device Provisiong Service on the Portal.

      const char* connectionString = "[Connection String]";
    2. For a TPM Attestation (as shown in the sample):

      1. From the device that you have, you must copy the Registration ID and Endorsement Key. If you do not have a physical device with a TPM, you can create a Registration ID yourself, and use the following endorsement key for testing purposes:


      2. Replace the [Registration Id] with the Reigstration ID, and [Endorsement Key] with the Endorsement Key.

        const char* registrationId = "[Registration Id]";
        const char* endorsementKey = "[Endorsement Key]";
      3. Optionally, Replace the [Device Id] with a Device ID.

        const char* deviceId = "[Device Id]";
    3. For a X509 Attestation (not shown in this sample):

      1. From the device that you have, you must copy the Registration ID and the Client Certificate. You can use a physical device with DICE, or use a certificate you generate yourself. One possible way to do this is to use the included CA Certificates Tool.

      2. Replace the [Registration Id] with the Registration ID, and define a variable clientCertificate containing your Client Certificate

        const char* registrationId = "[Registration Id]";
        const char* clientCertificate = "[Client Certificate]";

        Note that a certificate format can be just the Base 64 encoding, or can include the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- tags, either works.

      3. Replace the TPM Attestation Mechanism in the sample with an X509 Attestation Mechanism.


        if ((am_handle = attestationMechanism_createWithTpm(endorsementKey)) == NULL)
            printf("Failed calling attestationMechanism_createWithTpm\n");
            result = MU_FAILURE;


        if ((am_handle = attestationMechanism_createWithX509ClientCert(clientCertificate, NULL)) == NULL)
            printf("Failed calling attestationMechanism_createWithX509ClientCert\n");
            result = MU_FAILURE;
  4. Build as shown here and run the sample.