- Update dependency azure-cli-diff-tool to 0.1.0.
- azdev extension cal-next-version: Adjust minor or patch update for previous preview versioning pattern.
- azdev generated-breaking-change-report: Support multi-line upcoming breaking change announcement
- azdev verify: Fix executable inconsistence in subprocess
- az verify history: Mitigate the usage of "distutils" by inline
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Add --include-whl-extensions to support extensions installed through wheel.
- azdev command-change tree-export: Add --include-whl-extensions to support extensions installed through wheel.
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Support collecting Breaking Change items from CLI core.
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Support trim the last newline in output with --no-tail.
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Add --no-head and --no-tail to support trim header and tail in markdown report.
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Extracts upcoming breaking changes in extensions, regardless of the target version set
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Fix collecting announcement starting with az
- azdev command-change meta-export: Enable meta exporting for extension installed using .whl package by include_whl_extensions
- azdev linter: Fix None path for added files in git diff for missing_command_example rule
- azdev linter: Add missing_command_example rule
- azdev linter: Set disallowed_html_tags and broken_site_link detection in high severity to block future format issues
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Update report report template.
- azdev cmdcov: Fix incorrect detection of code changes as new commands
- azdev scan/mask: Add --continue-on-failure support
- azdev cmdcov: Fix incorrect detection of code changes as new commands
- azdev linter: Fix repo path failed when detect_new_command.
- azdev linter: Add close html tags into whitelist of disallowed_html_tags
- azdev setup: Setup the upstream and enable .githooks for azure-cli and azure-cli-extensions repos
- azdev linter: Add disallowed_html_tags and broken_site_link detection in linter rule and set them as Medium for unblock CI pipeline temporarily
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Fix azdev -h error caused by global importing azure.cli.core in breaking-change.py module.
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: Fix azdev.operations.breaking_change not included in setup.py.
- azdev generate-breaking-change-report: New command to collect upcoming breaking changes from codebase.
- azdev scan/mask: Add --confidence-level to support secret pattern levels
- azdev cmdcov: Support both extension short name and long name
- azdev cmdcov: Fix sorting issues
- azdev test: Fix executable inconsistence in subprocess of windows platform
- Fix profile options
- Mitigate shell injection risk from user input.
- azdev extension cal-next-version: Fix pre_num when tagged preview version with major, minor, patch.
- azdev extension cal-next-version: Fix preview to stable version case.
- azdev scan/mask: Add --include-pattern and --exclude-pattern to support filtering files within directory
- azdev scan/mask: New commands for scanning and masking secrets for files or string
- azdev command-change meta-export: Add has_completer to denote whether completer is configed in arg
- azdev command-change meta-export: Extracting arg help and example for loaded HelpFiles
- Bump pylint to 3
- azdev extension show: Show detailed extension info that installed in your development environment.
- azdev extension cal-next-version: Fix last stable version parser from index.json.
- Fix cmdcov issue(#455): remove tested_command.txt reference.
- azdev command-change tree-export: Add command help message.
- azdev command-change tree-export: Add new command to support export command tree of CLI modules.
- azdev extension cal-next-version: Justify preview/exp tag operation based on last version's tag and next version's stable/preview tag.
- azdev style: Use azdev config files when .flake8 and pylintrc are not found in azure cli/ext repo.
- azdev command-change meta-diff: Add diff support for deprecate_info in subgroup, cmd, parameters and options.
- azdev extension cal-next-version: Fix module name when querying extension modules from index.
- azdev: Update required version for azure-cli-diff-tool.
- azdev extension cal-next-version: New command to calculate valid version for next extension module release.
- azdev test: Add some examples.
- azdev style: Modify the execution order of the _update_table function.
- azdev linter: Bug fixes for _detected_tested_command, strictly limited to starting with test and ending with .py or .yaml
- azdev statistics list-command-table: Handle exceptions when source code cannot be retrieved
- azdev command-change meta-export: Normalize basic cmd types: str, bool, int, float
- Fix cmdcov issue(#417): Any name of a parameter has been tested, the parameter should be considered as passing the parameter test coverage.
- azdev command-change meta-diff: Remove duplicated meta-diff code and use azure-cli-diff-tool
- Fix cmdcov issue(#410): Get config from github when get_cli_repo_path failed
- azdev command-change meta-diff: Fix data/meta_change_whitelist.txt pkg building
- azdev command-change meta-export/meta-diff: Add cmd type extraction, fix false positive in cmdPropUpdate and add whitelist in certain meta-changes (#401)
- azdev command-change meta-export: Add rule link (#402)
- Fix cmdcov issue(#396): Fix the regex which to get the command group
- Fix cmdcov issue(#391): Add violation message to cmdcov linter rule and fix related issues
- Fix cmdcov issue(#385): Add cmdcov to package data
- Add Command Coverage Report for CLI modules (#323)
- Add Linter rule missing_command_coverage and missing_parameter_coverage (#323)
- Add Command Coverage Report for CLI extensions (#383)
- azdev command-change meta-export: Add option deprecation info and ignore cmd arg (#381)
- azdev command-change meta-export: Load parameter from module loader (#378)
- azdev command-change meta-diff: Add subgroups change detect (#374)
- azdev command-change meta-diff: Refine no meta diff output (#372)
- azdev command-change meta-export: Fix object dump failure (#370)
- azdev statistics list-command-table: Fix unexpected indent (#368)
- azdev command-change meta-export/meta-diff: Generate cli cmd meta data and the diffs between two meta data (#362)
- azdev statistics list-command-table: Support stats of nested function (#363)
- Fix pytest issues (#347)
- Fix package issues (#345)
- azdev statistics list-command-table: List Command table for CLI modules (#342)
- azdev statistics diff-command-tables: Diff the command table change (#343)
- azdev verify license: Support license for CodeGen V2 (#334)
- azdev test: Revert integrate pytest-cov (#327)
- Remove colorama reference (#321)
- Support Python 3.10 (#319)
- Replace master branch by main branch (#315)
- Drop mock library (#313)
- Add extension repo missing error (#309)
- azdev linter: support to detect commmand groups which are missing in command_group_table (#308)
- Bump pylint to 2.8.2 and move --ignore to pylintrc file (#301)
- Bump pylint to 2.8.0 (#295)
- azdev style: Fix pylint by pinning astroid to 2.4.2 (#294)
- Fix _copy_vendored_sdk for Track 2 SDK (#293)
- Change azure-storage-blob dependency (#290)
- azdev linter: Remove the prefix dashes in option length calculation (#284)
- azdev setup: Show error if pip command fails (#281)
- Support Python 3.9 (#280)
- [Linter] Fix minor display issue in azdev linter.
- [Linter] "Show" command should use show_command or custom_show_command.
- Support PEP420 package
- azdev test: new parameter --mark
- Update the way invoking pytest
- azdev perf benchmark: refine output
- Support PEP420 package
- [Linter] Argument must have an option whose length is less than 22.
- [Linter] Argument cannot contain "_".
- [Linter] Only violation of high severity rule would exit with 1.
- Minimal pytest version requires at least 5.0.0.
- Hornor the configuration of pylint and flake8 in Azure/azure-cli and Azure/azure-cli-extensions.
- Rename test folder to make place for unittest of other commands.
- Enable test result coverage.
- Fix isort package version to 4.3.21.
- azdev perf benchmark: support new command to calculate each command execution time.
- azdev setup: Fix missing dependencies of azure-cli-testsdk
- Downgrade parameter_should_not_end_in_resource_group's severity to medium.
- Fix bug that azdev test could not work on Windows with Chinese system language.
Linter Rule Severity: Rules now have an associated severity level. Only high severity rules should be run in CI. All previous rules are annotated as HIGH severity.
- Note: HIGH severity rules are egregious and should generally be fixed, not excluded. LOW severity rules tend to be informational, and might raise false positives. Exclude them via linter_exclusions.yml in the CLI.
azdev linter: Expose --min-severity to support idea of rule severity. New HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW severity rules have also been added.
- azdev setup: Add option --deps-from to allow resolving dependencies from requirements.txt or setup.py. The default changes to requirements.txt.
- azdev test: Add option --no-exit-first to disable pytest exit once failure is detected
- sys.exit(0) when no tests need to run instead of raising CLIError
- Refine the logic of testing against different profiles with ProfileContext
- pytest version limit change to pytest>=4.4.0
- Use AzureDevOpsContext to apply incremental test strategy
- Refine the main flow of azdev test to be more compact and clean
- azdev verify license: fix bug that license verification will omit files while checking extensions
- azdev extension publish: fix issue when --yes if not provided
- azdev verify license: support CodeGen generated License
- Drop Python 2 and Python 3.5 support
- azdev extension build: remove --universal to respect setup.cfg
- relax version limit of microsoft/Knack
- azdev extension publish: add --storage-account-key and remove --storage-subscription
- azdev extension update-index: remove unnecessary warning that will fail this command
- CI: use pip install -e instead in ADO to fix fix import bug
- fix: azdev test cannot be used in python 3.8.1 or later
- fix: azdev test cannot find core tests
- Fix bug: azdev==0.1.5 help commands' error
- azdev extension add/remove:
- Add ability to supply wildcard (*) to install all available dev extensions.
- Add ability to remove all installed dev extensions.
- azdev setup:
- Add ability to install all extensions using --ext/-e *.
- Add ability to install CLI edge build with --cli/-c EDGE.
- azdev style/test/linter:
- Add special names CLI and EXT to allow running on just CLI modules or just extensions. extensions which have changed based on a git diff.
- azdev linter:
- Added --include-whl-extensions flag to permit running the linter on extensions installed using the az extension add command.
- azdev verify license:
- Command will not check any dev-installed CLI and extension repos. Previously, it only checked the CLI repo.
- New Command:
- azdev cli/extension generate-docs to generate sphinx documentation.
- azdev linter: Fix issue with help example rule.
- azdev style: Omit namespace packages from core modules.
- azdev verify document-map: Updates to work correctly on Linux.
- azdev linter: Fix issue where certain installations would fail on ci_exclusions.yml not found.
- azdev setup: Fix regression where azure.cli could not be run after installation.
- azdev cli/extension create: Fix issue where supporting files were not included. Adjust generation logic.
- Update for compatability with azure-cli 2.0.68's new package structure.
- BREAKING CHANGE: Removed azdev cli update-setup. Package changes to azure-cli no longer require this.
- BREAKING CHANGE: azdev verify history and azdev cli check-versions no longer accept any arguments. Since there are now far fewer modules, these were deemed unnecessary.
- Added new commands azdev cli create and azdev extension create to scaffold new modules/extensions.
- azdev setup: Tweaks to interactive experience.
- azdev test: Fix issue where using --profile did not use the correct index.
- Changed the behavior to switch back to the original profile upon completion of tests.
- Fix issue where azdev cli check-versions did not accept the short form of a module name.
- Update azdev cli check-versions to allow modules as a positional argument, consistent with other azdev commands.
- Fix issue where azdev test --discover could result in a stack trace when a virtual environment exists within an extensions repo.
- Fix critical bug in azdev setup.
- Adds new commands azdev extension build and azdev extension publish to simplify extension publishing.
- Updates default exclusions for azdev linter when used on extensions.
- Adds a --ci-exclusions flag to azdev linter to emulate CI mode when run locally.
- Fix issue where azdev test --discover could result in a stack trace when a virtual environment exists within a cloned repo.
- Tweaks thresholds for azdev per load-times.
- Changes the behavior of azdev test to, by default, run tests on everything to be consistent with commands like azdev style and azdev linter.
- Removes azdev verify version and splits into two commands azdev cli check-versions and azdev cli update-setup.
- Various modifications to play nicely with azure-cli's CI build system.
- Revamps azdev perf load-times to reduce spurious failures.
- Initial release