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Component docs

Component Docs Index

Below is an index of the documentation for ADF. The User Guide section discusses particular techniques in depth. The other sections are references for the ADF libraries. Click the name of an item to see its documentation or click the source link to see its main source file. Note that ADF is developed continuously, so the source files for some items may be listed here before their documentation is available.

Components are sometimes marked with an icon to show their status. No icon indicates that the component is complete and suitable for normal use. The other status levels are:

  • Deprecated - The component is still available but is now obsolete and will probably be removed in a future version of ADF.
  • Experimental - The component is available for experimentation but not fully complete and tested for production code.
  • Internal - The component is available for internal test use but not meant to be used in production

There is also a set of ADF tutorials that describe how to accomplish tasks step-by-step. See the Tutorials index for the full list.

A few other pages of information are also available:

  • The Version Index has a list of components ordered by the ADF version where they were introduced.
  • The Release notes section has details of all the features introduced and bugs fixed with each release.
  • The Version compatibility page shows which versions of Alfresco backend services (ACS and APS) are compatible with each released version of ADF.
  • The License info section lists the third-party libraries used by ADF along with links to their Open Source licenses.
  • The Vulnerability section lists the third-party libraries known vulnerability. libraries used by ADF along with links to their Open Source licenses.
  • The Breaking changes section lists all breaking changes between major versions, such as removal of deprecated items.
  • The Upgrade guide explains how to upgrade your project from an earlier version of ADF to the current version.


User guide

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Core API

Contains a variety of components used throughout ADF. See the library's README file for more information about installing and using the source code.


A collection of Angular components for generic use.

Name Description
Avatar Displays user avatars.
Button A standard button component.
Progress A progress bar component.
Header A simple reusable application header component.


Name Description Source link
About Component Presentational component to display About information as a set of collapsible panels. Source
Card View component Displays a configurable property list renderer. Source
Comment list component Shows a list of comments. Source
Comments Component Displays comments from users involved in a specified environment and allows an involved user to add a comment to a environment. Source
Data Column Component Defines column properties for DataTable, Tasklist, Document List and other components. Source
DataTable component Displays data as a table with customizable columns and presentation. Source
Dynamic Chip List component This component shows dynamic list of chips which render depending on free space. Source
Empty Content Component Provides a generic "Empty Content" placeholder for components. Source
Empty list component Displays a message indicating that a list is empty. Source
Error Content Component Displays info about a specific error. Source
Form field component Represents a UI field in a form. Source
Form List Component Shows forms as a list. Source
Header component Reusable header for Alfresco applications. Source
Icon Component Provides a universal way of rendering registered and named icons. Source
Identity User Info component Shows user information for SSO mode. Source
Infinite Pagination component Adds "infinite" pagination to the component it is used with. Source
Info drawer layout component Displays a sidebar-style information panel. Source
Info Drawer Tab component Renders tabs in a Info drawer component. Source
Info Drawer component Displays a sidebar-style information panel with tabs. Source
Json Cell component Shows a JSON-formatted value inside a datatable component. Source
Language Menu component Displays all the languages that are present in "app.config.json" and the default (EN). Source
Login Dialog Panel component Shows and manages a login dialog. Source
Login Dialog component Allows a user to perform a login via a dialog. Source
Login component Authenticates to Alfresco Content Services and Alfresco Process Services. Source
Notification History component Experimental This component is in the current status just an experimental component. The main purpose of the Notification history component is list all the notification received in the current session. They will disappear from the list after the refresh. Source
Pagination Component Adds pagination to the component it is used with. Source
Search Text Input Component Displays a input text that supports autocompletion Source
Sidebar action menu component Displays a sidebar-action menu information panel. Source
Sidenav Layout component Displays the standard three-region ADF application layout. Source
Snackbar Content Component Custom content for Snackbar which allows use icon as action. Source
Sorting Picker Component Selects from a set of predefined sorting definitions and directions. Source
Start Form component Displays the Start Form for a process. Source
Text Mask directive Implements text field input masks. Source
Toolbar Divider Component Divides groups of elements in a Toolbar with a visual separator. Source
Toolbar Title Component Supplies custom HTML to be included in a Toolbar component title. Source
Toolbar Component Simple container for headers, titles, actions and breadcrumbs. Source
Viewer Render component Displays content from an ACS repository. Source
Viewer component Displays content from blob file or url file. Source


Name Description Source link
Clipboard directive Copies text to the clipboard. Source
Context Menu directive Deprecated Adds a context menu to a component. Source
Highlight directive Adds highlighting to selected sections of an HTML element's content. Source
Infinite Select Scroll directive Load more options to select component if API returns more items Source
Logout directive Logs the user out when the decorated element is clicked. Source
Node Download directive Allows folders and/or files to be downloaded, with multiple nodes packed as a '.ZIP' archive. Source
Upload Directive Uploads content in response to file drag and drop. Source


Name Description Source link
Confirm dialog component Requests a yes/no choice from the user. Source
Edit JSON Dialog Allows a user to preview or edit a JSON content in a dialog. Source
Unsaved Changes Dialog Dialog which informs about unsaved changes. Allows discard them and proceed or close dialog and stop proceeding. Source


Name Description Source link
Base Card View Update Interface Specifies required properties and methods for Card View Update service. Source
Card View Item interface Defines the implementation of an item in a Card View component. Source
Click Notification Interface Source
DataTableAdapter interface Defines how table data is supplied to DataTable and Tasklist components. Source
FormFieldValidator interface Defines how the input fields of Form and Task Details components are validated. Source
Search Configuration interface Provides fine control of parameters to a search. Source
Update Notification Interface Source


Name Description Source link
Ecm User model Contains information about a Content Services user. Source
Form Field model Contains the value and metadata for a field of a Form component. Source
Product Version model Contains version and license information classes for Alfresco products. Source


Name Description Source link
App Config Pipe Retrieves values from the application configuration file directly. Source
Decimal Number Pipe Transforms a number to have a certain amount of digits in its integer part and also in its decimal part. Source
File Size pipe Converts a number of bytes to the equivalent in KB, MB, etc. Source
Format Space pipe Replaces all the white space in a string with a supplied character. Source
Full name pipe Joins the first and last name properties from a UserLike object into a single string. Source
Localized Date pipe Converts a date to a given format and locale. Source
Multi Value Pipe Takes an array of strings and turns it into one string where items are separated by a separator. The default separator applied to the list is the comma , however, you can set your own separator in the params of the pipe. Source
Node Name Tooltip pipe Formats the tooltip for a Node. Source
Text Highlight pipe Adds highlighting to words or sections of text that match a search string. Source
Time Ago pipe Converts a recent past date into a number of days ago. Source
User Initial pipe Takes the name fields of a UserLike object and extracts and formats the initials. Source
Date Time pipe Converts a given input value into a Date object and adjusts it according to the specified format and timezone offset. Source


Name Description Source link
APS Alfresco Content Service Gets Alfresco Repository folder content based on a Repository account configured in Alfresco Process Services (APS). Source
Alfresco Api Service Provides access to an initialized AlfrescoJSApi instance. Source
App Config service Supports app configuration settings, stored server side. Source
Apps Process service Gets details of the Process Services apps that are deployed for the user. Source
Auth Guard Bpm service Adds authentication with Process Services to a route within the app. Source
Auth Guard Ecm service Adds authentication with Content Services to a route within the app. Source
Auth Guard SSO Role service Checks the user roles of a user. Source
Auth Guard service Adds authentication to a route within the app. Source
Authentication Service Provides authentication to ACS and APS. Source
Bpm User service Gets information about the current Process Services user. Source
Card Item Type service Maps type names to field component types for the Card View component. Source
Card View Update service Reports edits and clicks within fields of a Card View component. Implements BaseCardViewUpdate. Source
Clipboard service Copies text to the clipboard. Source
Comment Content service Adds and retrieves comments for nodes in Content Services. Source
Comment Process service Adds and retrieves comments for task and process instances in Process Services. Source
Content service Accesses app-generated data objects via URLs and file downloads. Source
Cookie service Stores key-value data items as browser cookies. Source
DataTable service If you need to update one row of your datatable you can use the DataTableService to update it. To update a single row you can use the rowUpdate subject. The model to update the DataTable require the ID of the row you want change and the new data Object of the row Source
Deleted Nodes Api service Gets a list of Content Services nodes currently in the trash. Source
Discovery Api service Gets version and license information for Process Services and Content Services. Source
Download zip service Creates and manages downloads. Source
Ecm User service Gets information about a Content Services user. Source
Favorites Api service Gets a list of items a user has marked as their favorites. Source
Form Rendering service Maps a form field type string onto the corresponding form widget component type. Source
Form service Implements Process Services form methods Source
Highlight Transform service Adds HTML to a string to highlight chosen sections. Source
Identity Group service Performs CRUD operations on identity groups. Source
Identity role service Provides APIs for working with the Roles in Identity Services. Source
Identity user service Gets OAuth2 personal details and roles for users and performs CRUD operations on identity users. Source
JWT helper service Decodes a JSON Web Token (JWT) to a JavaScript object. Source
Log Service Provides log functionality. Source
Login Dialog service Manages login dialogs. Source
Nodes Api service Accesses and manipulates ACS document nodes using their node IDs. Source
Notification Service Shows a notification message with optional feedback. Source
Page Title service Sets the page title. Source
People Content service Gets information about a Content Services user. Source
People Process service Gets information about Process Services users. Source
Process Content Service Manipulates content related to a Process Instance or Task Instance in APS. Source
Renditions service Manages prearranged conversions of content to different formats. Source
Search Configuration service Provides fine control of parameters to a search. Source
Search service Accesses the Content Services Search API. Source
Shared Links Api service Finds shared links to Content Services items. Source
Storage service Stores items in the form of key-value pairs. Source
Thumbnail service Retrieves an SVG thumbnail image to represent a document type. Source
Translation service Supports localisation. Source
Unsaved Changes guard This guard prevents deactivating route if page has any unsaved changes. User needs intentionally discard changes through displayed modal to leave actual route. Source
Upload Service Provides access to various APIs related to file upload features. Source
User access service Checks the global and application access of a user Source
User Preferences Service Stores preferences for the app and for individual components. Source


Name Description Source link
APS Content Component Shows the content preview. Source

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Content Services API

Contains components related to Content Services. See the library's README file for more information about installing and using the source code.


Name Description Source link
Add Permission Dialog Component Displays a dialog to search for people or groups to add to the current node permissions. Source
Add Permission Panel Component Searches for people or groups to add to the current node permissions. Source
Add Permission Component Searches for people or groups to add to the current node permissions. Source
Alfresco Viewer component Displays content from an ACS repository. Source
Aspect List Dialog component Allows a user to choose aspects for a node. Source
Aspect List component This component will show in an expandable row list with checkboxes all the aspect of a node, if a node id is given, or otherwise a complete list. Source
Breadcrumb Component Indicates the current position within a navigation hierarchy. Source
Content Action component Adds options to a Document List actions menu for a particular content type. Source
Content Metadata Card component Displays and edits metadata related to a node. Source
Content Node Selector Panel component Opens a Content Node Selector in its own dialog window. Source
Content Node Selector component Allows a user to select items from a Content Services repository. Source
Content Type Dialog component Confirm dialog when user changes content type of a node. Source
Document List component Displays the documents from a repository. Source
Dropdown Breadcrumb Component Indicates the current position within a navigation hierarchy using a dropdown menu. Source
File Uploading Dialog Component Shows a dialog listing all the files uploaded with the Upload Button or Drag Area components. Source
Node Comments Component Displays comments from users involved in a specified content and allows an involved user to add a comment to a content. Source
Permission List Component Shows node permissions as a table. Source
Search check list component Implements a checklist widget for the Search Filter component. Source
Search Chip Input Component Displays input for providing phrases display as "chips". Source
Search Chip Autocomplete Input component Displays an input with autocomplete options. Source
Search Chip List Component Displays search criteria as a set of "chips". Source
Search control component Displays a input text that shows find-as-you-type suggestions. Source
Search Date Range Component Displays a UI to configure different kinds of search criteria around date. Options are 'Anytime', 'In the last' and 'Between' Source
Search Date Range Tabbed component Implements a tabbed advanced search widget for the Search Date Range component. Source
Search datetime range component Implements a search widget for the Search Filter component. Source
Search Filter Autocomplete Chips component Implements a search widget for the Search Filter component. Source
Search Filter Chips component Represents a chip based container component for custom search and faceted search settings. Source
Search Filter component Represents a main container component for custom search and faceted search settings. Source
Search Filter Tabbed component Represents a container component for creating tabbed layout. Source
Search Form component Search Form screenshot Source
Search Logical Filter component Displays 3 chip inputs each representing different logical condition for search query. Source
Search Properties component Allows to search by file size and type. Source
Search number range component Implements a number range widget for the Search Filter component. Source
Search radio component Implements a radio button list widget for the Search Filter component. Source
Search slider component Implements a numeric slider widget for the Search Filter component. Source
Search Sorting Picker Component Provides an ability to select one of the predefined sorting definitions for search results: Source
Search text component Implements a text input widget for the Search Filter component. Source
Search component Searches items for supplied search terms. Source
Sites Dropdown component Displays a dropdown menu to show and interact with the sites of the current user. Source
Tag Node Actions List component Shows available actions for tags. Source
Tag List component Shows tags for an item. Source
Tag Node List component Shows tags for a node. Source
Tags Creator component Allows to create multiple tags. That component contains input and two lists. Top list is all created tags, bottom list is searched tags based on input's value. Source
Tree View component Shows the folder and subfolders of a node as a tree view. Source
Tree component Shows the nodes in tree structure, each node containing children is collapsible/expandable. Can be integrated with any datasource extending Tree service. Source
Upload Button Component Activates a file upload. Source
Upload Drag Area Component Adds a drag and drop area to upload files to ACS. Source
Upload Version Button Component (Workaround) Experimental Activates a file version upload. Source
Version Comparison Component Displays the side by side comparison between the current target node (type, name, icon) and the new file that should update it's version. Source
Version List component Experimental Displays the version history of a node in a Version Manager component. Source
Version Manager Component Experimental Displays the version history of a node with the ability to upload a new version. Source
Version Upload component Experimental Displays the new version's minor/major changes and the optional comment of a node in a Version Manager component. Source


Name Description Source link
Auto Focus directive Automatically focuses HTML element after content is initialized. Source
Check Allowable Operation directive Selectively disables an HTML element or Angular component. Source
Node Public File Share Directive Creates and manages public shared links for files. Source
File Draggable directive Provides drag-and-drop features for an element such as a div. Source
Inherit Permission directive Update the current node by adding/removing the inherited permissions. Source
Node Counter directive Appends a counter to an element. Source
Node Delete directive Deletes multiple files and folders. Source
Node Favorite directive Selectively toggles nodes as favorites. Source
Node Lock directive Locks or unlocks a node. Source
Node Restore directive Restores deleted nodes to their original location. Source
Toggle Icon directive Toggle icon on mouse or keyboard event for a selectable element. Source
Version Compatibility Directive Enables/disables components based on ACS version in use. Source


Name Description Source link
Dialog component Dialog styled wrapper. Source
Library dialog component Creates a new Content Services document library/site. Source


Name Description Source link
Base Card View Content Update interface Specifies required properties and methods for Card View Content Update service. Extends from BaseCardViewUpdate. Source
Search widget interface Specifies required properties for Search filter component widgets. Source
Content Metadata Custom Panel interface Specifies required properties for metadata custom panel. Source


Name Description Source link
Image Resolver Model Defines the Image Resolver function used by the Document List Component. Source
Permission Style model Sets custom CSS styles for rows of a Document List according to the item's permissions. Source
Row Filter Model Defines the Row Filter function used by the Document List Component. Source


Name Description Source link
File upload error pipe Converts an upload error code to an error message. Source


Name Description Source link
Agent Service Manages agents in Content Services. Source
Audit Service Manages Audit apps and entries. Source
Card View Content Update Service Manages Card View properties in the content services environment. Implements BaseCardViewContentUpdate. Source
Category tree datasource service Datasource service for category tree. Source
Category service Manages categories in Content Services. Source
Content Comment List Service Gets user image for comments in Content Services. Source
Content Node Dialog service Displays and manages dialogs for selecting content to open, copy or upload. Source
Custom Resources service Manages Document List information that is specific to a user. Source
Document Actions service Implements the document menu actions for the Document List component. Source
Document List service Implements node operations used by the Document List component. Source
Folder Actions service Implements the folder menu actions for the Document List component. Source
Group Service Manages groups. Source
New Version Uploader service Display a dialog that allows to upload new file version or to manage the current node versions. Source
Node Comments Service Adds and retrieves comments for nodes in Content Services. Source
Node permission dialog service Displays dialogs to let the user set node permissions. Source
Node Permission service Manages role permissions for content nodes. Source
Search Ai Service Manages search AI in Content Services. Source
Search filter service Registers widgets for use with the Search Filter component. Source
Search Query Builder service Stores information from all the custom search and faceted search widgets, compiles and runs the final search query. Source
Security Controls service Manages security groups & marks in Content Services. Source
Sites service Accesses and manipulates sites from a Content Services repository. Source
Tag service Manages tags in Content Services. Source
Task Comments service Adds and retrieves comments for task and process instances in Process Services. Source

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Process Services API

Contains components related to Process Services. See the library's README file for more information about installing and using the source code.


Name Description Source link
Apps List Component Shows all available apps. Source
Attach Form component This component can be used when there is no form attached to a task and you want to add one. Source
Checklist Component Shows the checklist task functionality. Source
Create Process Attachment component Displays an Upload Component (Drag and Click) to upload the attachment to a specified process instance. Source
Create Task Attachment Component Displays an Upload Component (Drag and Click) to upload the attachment to a specified task. Source
Form custom outcomes component Supplies custom outcome buttons to be included in Form component. Source
Form component Shows a Form from APS Source
People list component Shows a list of users (people). Source
People Search component Searches users/people. Source
People Component Displays users involved with a specified task Source
Process Attachment List component Displays documents attached to a specified process instance. Source
Process Instance Comments component Displays comments associated with a particular process instance and allows the user to add new comments. Source
Process Filters Component Collection of criteria used to filter process instances, which may be customized by users. Source
Process Details component Displays detailed information about a specified process instance Source
Process Instance Details Header component Sub-component of the process details component, which renders some general information about the selected process. Source
Process Instance Tasks component Lists both the active and completed tasks associated with a particular process instance Source
Process Instance List Renders a list containing all the process instances matched by the parameters specified. Source
Select App Component Shows all available apps and returns the selected app. Source
Start Process component Starts a process. Source
Start Task Component Creates/Starts a new task for the specified app. Source
Task Attachment List Component Displays documents attached to a specified task. Source
Task Comments Component Displays comments from users involved in a specified task and allows an involved user to add a comment to a task. Source
Task Details component Shows the details of the task ID passed in as input. Source
Task Filters component Shows all available filters. Source
Task Form component Shows a form for a task. Source
Task Header component Shows all the information related to a task. Source
Task List component Renders a list containing all the tasks matched by the parameters specified. Source
Task Standalone component This component can be used when the task doesn't belong to any processes. Source


Name Description Source link
Claim Task Directive Experimental Claims a task Source
Process Audit Directive Fetches the Process Audit information in PDF or JSON format. Source
Task Audit Directive Fetches the Task Audit information in PDF or JSON format. Source
Unclaim Task Directive Experimental Unclaims a task Source


Name Description Source link
Process Filter Service Manage Process Filters, which are pre-configured Process Instance queries. Source
Process Service Manages process instances, process variables, and process audit Log. Source
Task Filter Service Manage Task Filters, which are pre-configured Task Instance queries. Source
Tasklist Service Manages Task Instances. Source

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Process Services Cloud API

Contains components related to Process Services Cloud. See the library's README file for more information about installing and using the source code.


Name Description Source link
App List Cloud Component Experimental Shows all deployed cloud application instances. Source
Edit Process Filter Cloud component Experimental Shows/edits process filter details. Source
Edit Task Filter Cloud component Experimental Edits task filter details. Source
Form cloud custom outcomes component Supplies custom outcome buttons to be included in Form cloud component. Source
Form cloud component Shows a form from Process Services. Source
Form Definition Selector Cloud Allows one form to be selected from a dropdown list. For forms to be displayed in this component they will need to be compatible with standAlone tasks. Source
Group Cloud component Experimental Searches Groups. Source
Title: People Cloud Component

Added: v3.0.0 Status: Experimental | Source | | Process Filters Cloud Component Experimental | Lists all available process filters and allows to select a filter. | Source | | Process Header Cloud Component Experimental | Shows all the information related to a process instance. | Source | | Process Instance List Cloud component Experimental | Renders a list containing all the process instances matched by the parameters specified. | Source | | Start Process Cloud Component Experimental | Starts a process. | Source | | Start Task Cloud Component Experimental | Creates/starts a new task for the specified app. | Source | | Task Filters Cloud component Experimental | Shows all available filters. | Source | | Form cloud component | Shows a form for a task. | Source | | Task Header Cloud Component Experimental | Shows all the information related to a task. | Source | | Task List Cloud component Experimental | Renders a list containing all the tasks matched by the parameters specified. | Source |


Name Description Source link
Cancel Process Directive Experimental Cancels a process Source
Claim Task Cloud Directive Experimental Claims a task Source
Complete Task Directive Experimental Completes a task. Source
Unclaim Task Cloud Directive Experimental Unclaims a task Source


Name Description Source link
Group initial pipe Extracts the initial character from a group name. Source
Process name cloud pipe When an identifier is specified, the input will be transformed replacing the identifiers with the values of the selected process definition provided. Source


Name Description Source link
Apps Process Cloud Service Experimental Gets details of deployed apps for the current user. Source
Form cloud service Implements Process Services form methods Source
Group Cloud Service Experimental Searches and gets information for groups. Source
Local Preference Cloud Service Experimental Manages Local Storage preferences. Source
Process Cloud Service Experimental Manages cloud process instances. Source
Process Filter Cloud Service Experimental Manage Process Filters, which are pre-configured Process Instance queries. Source
Process List Cloud Service Experimental Searches processes. Source
Start Process Cloud Service Experimental Gets process definitions and starts processes. Source
Start Task Cloud Service Experimental Starts standalone tasks. Source
Task Cloud Service Experimental Manages task cloud. Source
Task Filter Cloud Service Experimental Manages task filters. Source
Task List Cloud Service Experimental Searches tasks. Source
User Preference Cloud Service Experimental Manages user preferences. Source


Name Description Source link
APA Properties Viewer Widget It makes use of the content-metadata-card to display the properties of the selected file in an attach widget in a form. Source


Name Description Source link
APA Properties Viewer Widget Display the metadata of the file selected in the linked attach widget. Source

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Extensions API

Contains components related to the Extensions functionality. See the library's README file for more information about installing and using the source code.


Name Description Source link
Dynamic Component Experimental Displays dynamically-loaded extension components. Source
Preview Extension Component Experimental Supports dynamically-loaded viewer preview extensions. Source


Name Description Source link
Extension Service Experimental Manages and runs basic extension functionality. Source

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Insights API

Contains components for Process Services analytics and diagrams. See the library README for more details.


Name Description
Analytics Generator Component Generates and shows charts
APS Analytics List Component Shows a list of all available reports
APS Analytics Component Shows the charts related to the reportId passed as input
Diagram Component Displays process diagrams.
Widget component Base class for standard and custom widget classes.

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ESLint Angular API

Contains all custom rules used by ESLint.


Name Description Source link
Use none component view encapsulation Enforces using ViewEncapsulation.None for components. Source

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