- Registering as student or teacher.
- Viewing monthly calender.
- Motivational message display.
The features available to teacher are as follows :
- Creating and viewing classrooms, with dynamic card generation.
- Auto generating unique classroom codes.
- Posting class comments.
- Viewing all students and teachers who joined a particular classroom.
- Creating classwork with due-dates, topic and marks.
- Uploading assignment (within size limit) material with classwork.
- Viewing all posted assignments.
- Accessing all student submissions for a particular posted classwork.
- Downloading (within size limit) student submissions.
- Grading each student submission for a given classwork.
- Displaying all student with marks for all posted classworks collectively along with their percentage.
- Viewing vaccination status of students in a class.
- Creating weekly time-tables.
- Creating staff rooms and joining them using unique group code.
- Updating profile.
- Adding profile pic.
The features available to student are as follows :
- Joining classrooms using unique, valid classroom code.
- Viewing all joined classroom cards dynamically.
- Posting class comments.
- Viewing all students and teachers who joined a particular classroom.
- Viewing all posted assignments for given classroom.
- Viewing and downloading classwork material uploaded by teacher.
- Uploading classwork-submission file (within size limit) for each classwork.
- Viewing vaccination status of all your classmates.
- Creating weekly time-tables.
- Creating discussion or study groups and joining them using unique group code.
- Updating profile.
- Adding profile pic.