All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Note: Some version numbers may be skipped to align feature set with the Node.js version.
- java.sql.Timestamp data type added to SimpleMapper
- simple type matching feature is extended with a new string 'concat' method
LocalDate and LocalTime data type added to SimpleMapper
Update actuator output data structures to be consistent with Composable Node.js implementation
Use different route names for various actuator services to avoid hardcode of URLs
Actuator REST endpoints are now configurable in rest.yaml
The feature to shutdown, suspend and resume of an application instance is retired
Update actuator services to serve REST requests directly
- Use ServerCookieEncoder.STRICT.encode() method to detect invalid cookie value
- Update vertx to 4.5.13 and Netty to 4.1.118.Final to address security vulnerabilities
Support of Spring active profiles using JVM parameter "" or environment variable "SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE"
Developer Guide's Appendix-I updated for the Spring active profile feature
- PoJo class hint and custom serializer in FluxConsumer
- Optional custom serializer in FluxPublisher
- WorkerHandler and WorkerQueue classes for FluxConsumer
- Developer Guide's Chapter 2
- Flow diagrams for sample app in Developer Guide
- uuid generation feature in Event Script's simple type matching
- inputPoJoClass parameter in PreLoad annotation
For feature completeness, the system now supports list of pojo as one type of event input for sending event programmatically.
However, Event Script's input data mapping is configuration driven and thus list of pojo is not permitted.
In this release, we have improved EventEnvelope and Trace Annotation features and tested interoperability with applications written in version 2 and 3.
Support text, map and list in trace annotation
The "extra" and "end-of-route" fields in EventEnvelope are retired
Updated EventEnvelope data structure for direct support of tags and annotations
redundant and inconsistent log4j2.xml config files from subprojects
- getBodyAsListOfPoJo method in EventEnvelope updated
- endFlow method of TaskExecutor sends event to distributed trace instead of logging
Observability bugfix to set execution time.
In earlier iteration, input events to the PostOffice are set to be immutable. However, the execution time in a reply event was missing in the cloned event.
Add 3-part syntax for Event Script's data mapping processing.
Supports the following data mapping syntax:
- LHS -> RHS
- LHS -> model.variable -> RHS
- Make input event immutable to PostOffice's send and request API
- Consistent temporary stream folder name for Java and Node.js under /tmp/composable
Temporary Inbox handler for optimization of request-response event processing
FastRPC API removed from the Kotlin subsystem since Kotlin can use Mono/Flux for reactive programming
- Developer guide updated accordingly
- Essential services are started as the first "BeforeApplication" using sequence 0
- Event Script runs as the second "BeforeApplication" using sequence 2
- BeforeApplication sequence 1 is reserved to handle rare use case that a module must run before event script
Support of negate operator of a model value in event script added to the "simple type matching" feature
- Use virtual thread to decouple JSON logging to optimize application performance.
- Updated the following OSS versions
- Spring Boot version 3.4.2
- Reactor-bom 2024.0.2
- Vertx-core 4.5.12
- MsgPack 0.9.9
Simplify JSON logging using the parameter formatter {}
with a map parameter.
The map will be printed as JSON when log.format=json is set in
This also slightly improves logging performance.
reconfigure logger to json or compact format early when app starts
This is a milestone release for consistent features and behaviors between Java and Node.js versions
Composable methodology in developer guide
URI path from errorPage.html
Notice in Javadoc to identify system reserved classes
log.format parameter changed to be case insensitive
Limit stack trace transport to a max of 10 lines for transport efficiency because the original stack trace can be retrieved with the getException() method
Flow tests for composable-example application
- Update composable-example to be consistent with Node.js version
- Change distributed trace to log as pretty print JSON
- Clean up log4j XML configuration templates in platform-core to be used as examples
Support 3 logging formats using the log.format parameter in
text - default to text string output
compact - json output without linefeed for redirection to log analytics system
json - pretty print for human readers
Custom Map/List deserializers
Apply ToNumberPolicy.LONG_OR_DOUBLE to GSON serialization of untyped numbers in hash map.
- Task list included in "end of flow" logging
- Pipeline-while-loop unit tests
- EventScriptMock helper class to override a function route for a flow task
Removed the "threshold" feature in variable HTTP payload in REST automation for consistent syntax with Node.js Composable version
- Update the setException method in EventEnvelope to handle non-serializable exception
- Improved event script's pipeline for-loop-continue feature
- Normalize dataset when loading new configuration using ConfigReader
- Improved configuration management and refactored AppConfigReader, ConfigReader and MultiLevelMap classes
- Input to MultiLevelMap is now immutable
- Simplified event script's pipeline condition syntax
- Consistent exception transport for Java and Node.js composable applications
- Bugfix to handle untyped map inside a PoJo
- OSS updates as follows.
Spring Boot parent version 3.4.1
Kotlin version 2.1.0
Spring Project Reactor version 3.7.1 (BOM version 2024.0.1)
Google Guava version 33.4.0-jre
JUnit version 5.11.4
Unit test in event-script-engine to validate that the config management system can merge parameters in application.yml and
- "map" constant type in input data mapping
- AppConfigReader will resolve key-values from system properties and environment variables at startup
Updated Chapter-4 for the new "map" constant feature.
This milestone version achieves ideal event choreography by removing additional event routing to and from the Event Manager. This would boost internal event routing performance by 50 percent.
Performance optimization for Event Script
The platform-core module uses virtual threads to execute event.script.manager and task.executor directly to eliminate additional serialization overheads since the two functions are event routers themselves.
Support of custom content types in application.yml
- Improved websocket housekeeping logic
- Use bench.add to replace bench.offer API
- For completeness, added Boolean AND and OR operations for simple type matching.
- Added traceId as metadata for a flow instance
- Update Chapter-4 for the new AND/OR type matching feature
- Consistent custom HTTP headers for event over http protocol and streaming content
- The "keep.original" key is renamed as "keep-original" to comply with convention.
- Continue processing if some preload override config files are missing.
Implemented unique task naming feature for event flow configuration.
- The "keep_original" key is renamed as "keep.original" in preload override
- Chapter-4 of developer guide updated with the new task alias feature
Added integer, long, float, double and boolean type matching for state machine.
- Support for simple data type matching processing (text, substring, binary and b64)
- Optional external state machine
Removed "http.input." and "http.output." aliases from event script. Instead, use the generic "input." and "output." namespaces.
- Bugfix for AsyncHttpClient to allow missing HTTP request body in POST, PUT or PATCH request
- Mono reactive flow control
- Support for Mono/Flux return type for KotlinLambdaFunction
- Implemented Websocket handshake handler to adjust to API changes in vertx 4.5.11
Remove pom.xml version override for netty and spring framework because Spring Boot 3.4.0 fetches the correct versions of netty and spring framework.
Earlier override was done to avoid security vulnerabilities of older versions of netty and spring framework.
- Handle the case that Mono will not return payload if the payload is null
- OSS update: Classgraph 4.8.179, Vertx 4.5.11, Spring Boot 3.4.0, Kafka Client 3.9.0
Support more than one REST configuration files.
When a duplicated REST entry is detected, the system will abort REST endpoint rendering and print out an error message in application log.
If you have unit tests to cover the REST endpoints, the unit tests will fail accordingly.
Improved environment variable parsing in config reader. System will skip entries with invalid environment variable reference syntax.
Bugfix for an edge case in config reader to handle control character of brackets inside an environment variable reference.
e.g. some.key=${ENV_VAR:something/{test1}/{test2}}
ObjectStreamWriter and AsyncObjectStreamReader are removed
- Replace ObjectStreamWriter with FluxPublisher
- Replace AsyncObjectStreamReader with FluxConsumer
- Bugfix for FluxConsumer expiry - change type from "data" to "exception".
FluxPublisher and FluxConsumer for integration with Flux reactive response object
- Unit tests in event streaming and post office to support Flux integration
- Select reactor-core version 3.7.0 using dependency management (reactor-bom version 2024.0.0)
Support for user function to return a Mono reactive response object
- Update netty to version 4.1.115.Final to address security vulnerability in 4.1.114
- Move reactor-core library from rest-spring-3 to platform-core
For ease of configuration, added "" to the base packages so that user applications do not need to include it to use the event-script-engine module.
if-then-else pipeline feature in event-script
- Update Event Script syntax for consistency
- Fix error in counting number of compiled flows
Generate unique flow instance ID as reference during flow execution.
Save the original correlation-ID from the calling party in a flow instance and return this value to the calling party at the end of flow execution.
renamed StartFlow to FlowExecutor
- Health check function can return either a text string or a Map
- StartFlow API updates
Added helper class "StartFlow" to start a flow, including internal flows without HTTP or Kafka.
- Bugfix for empty YAML file to avoid null pointer exception
- Sort event scripts for orderly logging in the CompileFlows validation process
New feature to support resolution of more than one environment variable for a parameter using the ConfigReader
Update OSS modules
- classgraph version 4.8.177
- kotlin version 2.0.21
- guava version 33.3.1-jre
- jUnit version 5 jupiter
Adjusted all unit tests to use jUnit 5
New features to support:
- multiple preload override config file
- multiple flow list config files
- unused class "UnauthorizedObj" in platform-core
- commons-io dependency in Kafka-Standalone subproject
- Unit test for the preload override feature
- JavaDoc for the MainApplication
- OSS update - Spring Boot 3.3.5
- Security patch for CR/LF exploit for HTTP cookie
Added Kafka Raft for the Kafka-standalone app.
Removed zookeeper from Kafka-standalone app.
Update spring framework verison 6.1.14 to avoid vulnerability in webflux
- Partial support of Active Profile using the "" parameter
- Hierarchy of flows
A generic "no-op" function for use in event scripts.
Feature to ping a function without payload and headers.
Simplified api-playground application
- HTTP request Cookie value filtering using RFC-6265 strict syntax
- Automatic index page redirection filter for Spring Boot
- Upgrade SHA-1 to SHA-512 algorithm in CryptoAPI utility
- Fix security vulnerability associated with HTTP request header and cookie manipulation
- Feature for automatic PoJo transport in EventEnvelope and MsgPack
- Feature for deserialization
- Benchmark-server is no longer required
- Update OSS versions - vertx 4.5.10, kotlin 2.0.20, spring boot 3.3.4
New feature for AsyncHttpClient to render small streaming HTTP response (i.e. chunked binary data) as byte array.
For details, Please refer to Appendix III, Developer Guide
Bugfix for parsing default value of environment variable in ConfigReader. This resolves an issue when the special character colon (":") is used more than once in the default value.
The "preload override" feature is added. This allows overriding a reusable composable library with a set of new route names that are unique for use in an event flow configuration script.
For details, Please refer to Chapter 4, Developer Guide
- New "classpath" namespace for input data mapping
- Support for input data mapping to handle subset of input request body as a Map or PoJo
- Remove the class "type" variable from AsyncHttpRequest
- Improve the "removeElement" method in MultiLevelMap
- Make HTTP input request header labels key-insensitive
- Update Spring Boot to version 3.3.3
new File read/write feature in Event Script's I/O data mapping
- Update Spring Boot to version 3.3.2
- Update Guava to version 33.3.0-jre
- Update Vertx to version 4.5.9
- Update Kotlin to version 2.0.10
- Change "upstream" to "dependency" in the "/health" endpoint
This version merges Event Script into the Mercury Composable repository.
- Update Spring Boot to version 3.3.1
- Update Guava to version 33.2.1-jre
- Update Vertx to version 4.5.8
- Update Kotlin to version 2.0.0
- Update classgraph to version 4.8.174
- Optional reply event for a flow configuration
Kafka-standalone is still using Spring Boot 3.2.5 due to compatibility issue
This version supercedes 3.1.4 due to updated data structure for static content handling.
- Added optional in rest.yaml
- AsyncHttpClientLoader
- Updated data structure for static-content section in rest.yaml
- Fixed bug for setting multiple HTTP cookies
- Unified configuration file prefix "yaml."
Added optional static content HTTP-GET request filter in rest.yaml
Updated syntax for static-content-filter
Enhanced OptionalService annotation.
Added "app-config-reader.yml" file in the resources folder so that you can override the default application configuration files.
- Open sources library update (Spring Boot 3.2.5, Vertx 4.5.7)
- Improve AppConfigReader and ConfigReader to use the app-config-reader.yml file.
- Enhanced OptionalService annotation.
- AutoStart to run application as Spring Boot if the rest-spring-3 library is packaged in app
- Configurable "Event over HTTP" - automatic forward events over HTTP using a configuration
- Support user defined serializer with PreLoad annotation and platform API
- Bugfix: removed websocket client connection timeout that causes the first connection to drop after one minute
- Open sources library update (Spring Boot 3.2.2, Vertx 4.5.3 and MsgPack 0.9.8)
- Rename application parameter "event.worker.pool" to "kernel.thread.pool"
- Full integration with Java 21 Virtual Thread
- Default execution mode is set to "virtual thread"
- KernelThreadRunner annotation added to provide optional support of kernel threads
- Retired Spring Boot version 2
- Hazelcast and ActiveMQ network connectors
platform-core engine updated with virtual thread
Print out basic JVM information before startup for verification of base container image.
Removed Maven Shade packager
Updated open sources libraries to address security vulnerabilities
- Spring Boot 2/3 to version 2.7.18 and 3.2.1 respectively
- Tomcat 9.0.84
- Vertx 4.5.1
- Classgraph 4.8.165
- Netty 4.1.104.Final
- slf4j API 2.0.9
- log4j2 2.22.0
- Kotlin 1.9.22
- Artemis 2.31.2
- Hazelcast 5.3.6
- Guava 33.0.0-jre
Enhanced Benchmark tool to support "Event over HTTP" protocol to evaluate performance efficiency for commmunication between application containers using HTTP.
Updated open sources libraries
- Spring Boot 2/3 to version 2.7.17 and 3.1.5 respectively
- Kafka-client 3.6.0
Support two executable JAR packaging system:
- Maven Shade packager
- Spring Boot packager
Starting from version 3.0.5, we have replaced Spring Boot packager with Maven Shade. This avoids a classpath edge case for Spring Boot packager when running kafka-client under Java 11 or higher.
Maven Shade also results in smaller executable JAR size.
Updated open sources libraries
- Spring-Boot 2.7.16 / 3.1.4
- classgraph 4.8.163
- snakeyaml 2.2
- kotlin 1.9.10
- vertx 4.4.6
- guava 32.1.3-jre
- msgpack 0.9.6
- slj4j 2.0.9
- zookeeper 3.7.2
The "/info/lib" admin endpoint has been enhanced to list library dependencies for executable JAR generated by either Maven Shade or Spring Boot Packager.
Improved ConfigReader to recognize both ".yml" and ".yaml" extensions and their uses are interchangeable.
Updated open sources libraries
- Spring-Boot 2.7.14 / 3.1.2
- Kafka-client 3.5.1
- classgraph 4.8.161
- guava 32.1.2-jre
- msgpack 0.9.5
- File extension to MIME type mapping for static HTML file handling
- Open sources library update - Kotlin version 1.9.0
- Consistent exception handling for Event API endpoint
- Open sources lib update - Vertx 4.4.4, Spring Boot 2.7.13, Spring Boot 3.1.1, classgraph 4.8.160, guava 32.0.1-jre
In this release, we have replace Google HTTP Client with vertx non-blocking WebClient. We also tested compatibility up to OpenJDK version 20 and maven 3.9.2.
When "x-raw-xml" HTTP request header is set to "true", the AsyncHttpClient will skip the built-in XML serialization so that your application can retrieve the original XML text.
Retire Google HTTP client
Upgrade maven plugin versions.
This is a major release with some breaking changes. Please refer to Chapter-10 (Migration guide) for details. This version brings the best of preemptive and cooperating multitasking to Java (version 1.8 to 19) before Java 19 virtual thread feature becomes officially available.
- Function execution engine supporting kernel thread pool, Kotlin coroutine and suspend function
- "Event over HTTP" service for inter-container communication
- Support for Spring Boot version 3 and WebFlux
- Sample code for a pre-configured Spring Boot 3 application
- Remove blocking APIs from platform-core
- Retire PM2 process manager sample script due to compatibility issue
- Refactor "async.http.request" to use vertx web client for non-blocking operation
- Update log4j2 version 2.20.0 and slf4j version 2.0.7 in platform-core
- Update JBoss RestEasy JAX_RS to version 3.15.6.Final in rest-spring
- Update vertx to 4.4.2
- Update Spring Boot parent pom to 2.7.12 and 3.1.0 for spring boot 2 and 3 respectively
- Remove com.fasterxml.classmate dependency from rest-spring
- Improved load balancing in cloud-connector
- Filter URI to avoid XSS attack
- Upgrade to SnakeYaml 2.0 and patch Spring Boot 2.6.8 for compatibility with it
- Upgrade to Vertx 4.4.0, classgraph 4.8.157, tomcat 9.0.73
- standalone benchmark report app
- client and server benchmark apps
- add timeout tag to RPC events
- Updated open sources dependencies
- Netty 4.1.86.Final
- Tomcat 9.0.69
- Vertx 4.3.6
- classgraph 4.8.152
- google-http-client 1.42.3
- Improved unit tests to use assertThrows to evaluate exception
- Enhanced AsyncHttpRequest serialization
In this version, REST automation code is moved to platform-core such that REST and Websocket service can share the same port.
- AsyncObjectStreamReader is added for non-blocking read operation from an object stream.
- Support of LocalDateTime in SimpleMapper
- Add "removeElement" method to MultiLevelMap
- Automatically convert a map to a PoJo when the sender does not specify class in event body
- REST automation becomes part of platform-core and it can co-exist with Spring Web in the rest-spring module
- Enforce Spring Boot lifecycle management such that user apps will start after Spring Boot has loaded all components
- Update netty to version 4.1.84.Final
In this version, websocket notification example code has been removed from the REST automation system. If your application uses this feature, please recover the code from version 2.5.0 and refactor it as a separate library.
Simplify REST automation system by removing websocket notification example in REST automation.
- Replace Tomcat websocket server with Vertx non-blocking websocket server library
- Update netty to version 4.1.79.Final
- Update kafka client to version 2.8.2
- Update snake yaml to version 1.33
- Update gson to version 2.9.1
New Preload annotation class to automate pre-registration of LambdaFunction.
Removed Spring framework and Tomcat dependencies from platform-core so that the core library can be applied to legacy J2EE application without library conflict.
- Bugfix for proper housekeeping of future events.
- Make Gson and MsgPack handling of integer/long consistent
Updated open sources libraries.
- Eclipse vertx-core version 4.3.4
- MsgPack version 0.9.3
- Google httpclient version 1.42.2
- SnakeYaml version 1.31
Support more than one event stream cluster. User application can share the same event stream cluster for pub/sub or connect to an alternative cluster for pub/sub use cases.
Cloud connector libraries update to Hazelcast 5.1.2
Add tagging feature to handle language connector's routing and exception handling
Remove language pack's pub/sub broadcast feature
- Update Spring Boot parent to version 2.6.8 to fetch Netty 4.1.77 and Spring Framework 5.3.20
- Streamlined language connector transport protocol for compatibility with both Python and Node.js
- Remove swagger-ui distribution from api-playground such that developer can clone the latest version
- Update (from spring.resources.static-locations to spring.web.resources.static-locations)
- Update log4j, Tomcat and netty library version using Spring parent 2.6.6
Enhanced AsyncRequest to handle non-blocking fork-n-join
Upgrade Spring Boot from 2.6.3 to 2.6.6
Add support of queue API in native pub/sub module for improved ESB compatibility
- Update Vertx to version 4.2.4
- Update Tomcat to version 5.0.58
- Use Tomcat websocket server for presence monitors
- Bugfix - Simple Scheduler's leader election searches peers correctly
- Update copyright notice
- Update Vertx to version 4.2.3
- Bugfix - RSA key generator supporting key length from 1024 to 4096 bits
- CryptoAPI - support different AES algorithms and custom IV
- Update Spring Boot to version 2.6.3
- Transaction journaling
- Add parameter
in such that trace aggregation may be disabled.
- Update JBoss RestEasy library to 3.15.3.Final
- Improved to scan local and remote service registries. Added "remoteOnly" selection.
- Fix bug in releasing presence monitor topic for specific closed user group
- Update Apache log4j to version 2.17.1
- Update Spring Boot parent to version 2.6.1
- Update Netty to version 4.1.72.Final
- Update Vertx to version 4.2.2
- Convenient class "UserNotification" for backend service to publish events to the UI when REST automation is deployed
- User defined API authentication functions can be selected using custom HTTP request header
- "Exception chaining" feature in EventEnvelope
- New "deferred.commit.log" parameter for backward compatibility with older PowerMock in unit tests
- Improved and streamlined SimpleXmlParser to handle arrays
- Bugfix for file upload in Service Gateway (REST automation library)
- Update Tomcat library from 9.0.50 to 9.0.54
- Update Spring Boot library to 2.5.6
- Update GSON library to 2.8.9
Callback function can implement ServiceExceptionHandler to catch exception. It adds the onError() method.
Open sources library update - Vert.x 4.1.3, Netty 4.1.68-Final
- User defined PoJo and Generics mapping
- Standardized serializers for default case, snake_case and camelCase
- Support of EventEnvelope as input parameter in TypedLambdaFunction so application function can inspect event's metadata
- Application can subscribe to life cycle events of other application instances
- Replace Tomcat websocket server engine with Vertx in presence monitor for higher performance
- Bugfix for MsgPack transport of integer, long, BigInteger and BigDecimal
- Multicast - application can define a multicast.yaml config to relay events to more than one target service.
- StreamFunction - function that allows the application to control back-pressure
"" route is removed from platform-core
- Elastic Queue - Refactored using Oracle Berkeley DB
- Object stream I/O - simplified design using the new StreamFunction feature
- Open sources library update - Spring Boot 2.5.2, Tomcat 9.0.50, Vert.x 4.1.1, Netty 4.1.66-Final
Vert.x is introduced as the in-memory event bus
- ActiveMQ and Tibco connectors
- Admin endpoints to stop, suspend and resume an application instance
- Handle edge case to detect stalled application instances
- Add "isStreamingPubSub" method to the PubSub interface
- Event Node event stream emulator has been retired. You may use standalone Kafka server as a replacement for development and testing in your laptop.
- Multi-tenancy namespace configuration has been retired. It is replaced by the "closed user group" feature.
- Refactored Kafka and Hazelcast connectors to support virtual topics and closed user groups.
- Updated ConfigReader to be consistent with Spring value substitution logic for application properties
- Replace Akka actor system with Vert.x event bus
- Common code for various cloud connectors consolidated into cloud core libraries
Version 1.13.0 is the last version that uses Akka as the in-memory event system.
- A simple websocket notification service is integrated into the REST automation system
- Seamless migration feature is added to the REST automation system
Legacy websocket notification example application
- "kafka.pubsub" is added as a cloud service
- File download example in the lambda-example project
- "trace.log.header" added to - when tracing is enabled, this inserts the trace-ID of the transaction in the log context. For more details, please refer to the Developer Guide
- Add API to pub/sub engine to support creation of topic with partitions
- TypedLambdaFunction is added so that developer can predefine input and output classes in a service without casting
- Decouple Kafka pub/sub from kafka connector so that native pub/sub can be used when application is running in standalone mode
- Rename "relay" to "targetHost" in AsyncHttpRequest data model
- Enhanced routing table distribution by sending a complete list of route tables, thus reducing network admin traffic.
If predictable topic is set, application instances will report their predictable topics as "instance ID" to the presence monitor. This improves visibility when a developer tests their application in "hybrid" mode. i.e. running the app locally and connect to the cloud remotely for event streams and cloud resources.
Improved Kafka producer and consumer pairing
New presence monitor's admin endpoint for the operator to force routing table synchronization ("/api/ping/now")
Improved routing table integrity check
Event stream systems like Kafka assume topic to be used long term. This version adds support to reuse the same topic when an application instance restarts.
You can create a predictable topic using unique application name and instance ID. For example, with Kubernetes, you can use the POD name as the unique application instance topic.
Automate trace for fork-n-join use case
Improved distributed trace - set the "from" address in EventEnvelope automatically.
Application life-cycle management - User provided main application(s) will be started after Spring Boot declares web application ready. This ensures correct Spring autowiring or dependencies are available.
Bugfix for locale - String.format(float) returns comma as decimal point that breaks number parser. Replace with BigDecimal decimal point scaling.
Bugfix for Tomcat 9.0.35 - Change Async servlet default timeout from 30 seconds to -1 so the system can handle the whole life-cycle directly.
- new "search" method in Post Office to return a list of application instances for a service
- simple "cron" job scheduler as an extension project
- add "sequence" to MainApplication annotation for orderly execution when more than one MainApplication is available
- support "Optional" object in EventEnvelope so a LambdaFunction can read and return Optional
- The rest-spring library has been updated to support both JAR and WAR deployment
- All pom.xml files updated accordingly
- PersistentWsClient will back off for 10 seconds when disconnected by remote host
Payload segmentation
For large payload in an event, the payload is automatically segmented into 64 KB segments. When there are more than one target application instances, the system ensures that the segments of the same event is delivered to exactly the same target.
PersistentWsClient added - generalized persistent websocket client for Event Node, Kafka reporter and Hazelcast reporter.
- Code cleaning to improve consistency
- Upgraded to hibernate-validator to v6.1.5.Final and Hazelcast version 4.0.1
- REST automation is provided as a library and an application to handle different use cases
For security reason, upgrade log4j to version 2.13.2
Use RestEasy JAX-RS library
For security reason, removed Jersey JAX-RS library
- Updated RestLoader to initialize RestEasy servlet dispatcher
- Support nested arrays in MultiLevelMap
For simplicity, retire route-substitution admin endpoint. Route substitution uses a simple static table in route-substitution.yaml.
SimpleRBAC class is retired
- Improved ConfigReader and AppConfigReader with automatic key-value normalization for YAML and JSON files
- Improved pub/sub module in kafka-connector
Retired proprietary config manager since we can use the "BeforeApplication" approach to load config from Kubernetes configMap or other systems of config record.
- Added "isZero" method to the SimpleMapper class
- Convert BigDecimal to string without scientific notation (i.e. toPlainString instead of toString)
- Corresponding unit tests added to verify behavior
Kafka-connector will shutdown application instance when the EventProducer cannot send event to Kafka. This would allow the infrastructure to restart application instance automatically.
- Kafka-connector now supports external service provider for Kafka properties and credentials. If your application implements a function with route name "" before connecting to cloud, the kafka-connector will retrieve kafka credentials on demand. This addresses case when kafka credentials change after application start-up.
- Interceptors are designed to forward requests and thus they do not generate replies. However, if you implement a function as an EventInterceptor, your function can throw exception just like a regular function and the exception will be returned to the calling function. This makes it easier to write interceptors.
- Expose "async.http.request" as a PUBLIC function ("HttpClient as a service")
- Improved Hazelcast client connection stability
- Improved Kafka native pub/sub
- Rest-automation will transport X-Trace-Id from/to Http request/response, therefore extending distributed trace across systems that support the X-Trace-Id HTTP header.
- Added endpoint and service to shutdown application instance.
- Updated SimpleXmlParser with XML External Entity (XXE) injection prevention.
- Bug fix for hazelcast recovery logic - when a hazelcast node is down, the app instance will restart the hazelcast client and reset routing table correctly.
- HSTS header insertion is optional so that we can disable it to avoid duplicated header when API gateway is doing it.
Feature to disable PoJo deserialization so that caller can decide if the result set should be in PoJo or a Map.
- Simplified key management for Event Node
- AsyncHttpRequest case insensitivity for headers, cookies, path parameters and session key-values
- Make built-in configuration management optional
Added HTTP relay feature in rest-automation project
- Improved hazelcast retry and peer discovery logic
- Refactored rest-automation's service gateway module to use AsyncHttpRequest
- Info endpoint to show routing table of a peer
- Simple configuration management is added to event-node, hazelcast-presence and kafka-presence monitors
- Added
annotation - this allows user application to execute some setup logic before the main application starts. e.g. modifying parameters in - Added API playground as a convenient standalone application to render OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 yaml and json files
- Added argument parser in rest-automation helper app to use a static HTML folder in the local file system if
-html file_path
is given when starting the JAR file.
- Kafka publisher timeout value changed from 10 to 20 seconds
- Log a warning when Kafka takes more than 5 seconds to send an event
- getRoute() method is added to PostOffice to facilitate RBAC
- The route name of the current service is added to an outgoing event when the "from" field is not present
- Simple RBAC using YAML configuration instead of code
Updated Spring Boot to v2.2.1
Multi-tenancy support for event streams (Hazelcast and Kafka). This allows the use of a single event stream cluster for multiple non-prod environments. For production, it must use a separate event stream cluster for security reason.
- logging framework changed from logback to log4j2 (version 2.12.1)
- Use JSR-356 websocket annotated ClientEndpoint
- Improved websocket reconnection logic
- Distributed tracing implemented in platform-core and rest-automation
- Improved HTTP header transformation for rest-automation
language pack API key obtained from environment variable
rest-core subproject has been merged with rest-spring
- Periodic routing table integrity check (15 minutes)
- Set kafka read pointer to the beginning for new application instances except presence monitor
- REST automation helper application in the "extensions" project
- Support service discovery of multiple routes in the updated PostOffice's exists() method
- logback to set log level based on environment variable LOG_LEVEL (default is INFO)
Minor refactoring of kafka-connector and hazelcast-connector to ensure that they can coexist if you want to include both of these dependencies in your project.
This is for convenience of dev and testing. In production, please select only one cloud connector library to reduce memory footprint.
Add inactivity expiry timer to ObjectStreamIO so that house-keeper can clean up resources that are idle
- Disable HTML encape sequence for GSON serializer
- Bug fix for GSON serialization optimization
- Bug fix for Object Stream housekeeper
By default, GSON serializer converts all numbers to double, resulting in unwanted decimal point for integer and long. To handle custom map serialization for correct representation of numbers, an unintended side effect was introduced in earlier releases.
List of inner PoJo would be incorrectly serialized as map, resulting in casting exception. This release resolves this issue.
- Store-n-forward pub/sub API will be automatically enabled if the underlying cloud connector supports it. e.g. kafka
- ObjectStreamIO, a convenient wrapper class, to provide event stream I/O API.
- Object stream feature is now a standard feature instead of optional.
- Deferred delivery added to language connector.
- Route substitution for simple versioning use case
- Add "Strict Transport Security" header if HTTPS (
- Event stream connector for Kafka
- Distributed housekeeper feature for Hazelcast connector
System log service
Refactoring of Hazelcast event stream connector library to sync up with the new Kafka connector.
Language-support service application for Python, Node.js and Go, etc. Python language pack project is available at
- replace Jackson serialization engine with Gson (
project) - replace Apache HttpClient with Google Http Client (
) - remove Jackson dependencies from Spring Boot (
) - interceptor improvement
- Move validation rules from EventEnvelope to SimpleMapper
- Apache fluent HTTP client downgraded to version 4.5.6 because the pom file in 4.5.7 is invalid
Added retry logic in persistent queue when OS cannot update local file metadata in real-time for Windows based machine.
pom.xml changes - update with latest 3rd party open sources dependencies.
- Support for long running functions so that any long queries will not block the rest of the system.
- "" is available as an option in the This is an additional security measure to protect against Jackson deserialization vulnerability. See example below:
# additional security to protect against model injection
# comma separated list of model packages that are considered safe to be used for object deserialization
"/env" endpoint is added. See sample below:
# environment and system properties to be exposed to the "/env" admin endpoint
show.env.variables=USER, TEST, cloud.connector
Use Java Future and an elastic cached thread pool for executing user functions.
Hazelcast support is added. This includes two projects (hazelcast-connector and hazelcast-presence).
Hazelcast-connector is a cloud connector library. Hazelcast-presence is the "Presence Monitor" for monitoring the presence status of each application instance.
The "fixed resource manager" feature is removed because the same outcome can be achieved at the application level. e.g. The application can broadcast requests to multiple application instances with the same route name and use a callback function to receive response asynchronously. The services can provide resource metrics so that the caller can decide which is the most available instance to contact.
For simplicity, resources management is better left to the cloud platform or the application itself.